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my son has a rash(small bumps) on his face around the eye area, cheek area, and forehead. Does anyone have any suggestions on what would be safe to make these bumps go away. I have changed his sheet already. What else. They dont itch either. Just uncomfortable at scholl. they just showed up 2 days ago. Please help if you can.

2007-12-17 13:04:18 · 2 answers · asked by TINKSTER 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

2 answers

Self-Care for Treat Facial Rash Tips

1. Stay in a cool, dry area.

2. Put corn starch in body creases (inside elbows, etc).

3. Take a bath in cool water, without soap, every couple of hours.

4. Don't use ointments and creams that can block the sweat gland pores.

5. Apply calamine (not Caladryl) lotion to the very itchy spots.
6. Apply cool or lukewarm compresses to itchy or sore areas.

7. Keep your skin well-moisturized throughout the day.

Article Source: http://blogs2u.net

2007-12-17 13:23:44 · answer #1 · answered by karisob 3 · 0 0

Hydrocortisone cream is safe for the face, just don't get it in the eyes. If you think it's bacterial, you can mix with neosporine 50/50 and see how that works.

2007-12-17 13:11:59 · answer #2 · answered by jimmymae2000 7 · 0 0