Yes, Yahweh, God & Allah are One & the Same.
Should you happen to read the Good Books, you will notice that God's Commandments have not changed with the prophets bringing His Message at different times.
No doubt, Christians have been very creative in developing Trinity concept - but it has fired back since Jewish & Muslims stood steadfast to Oneness of God All-mighty & both do not consider Jesus more than a prophet of God.
Most of the time Jewish & Christians pretend that they don't know & apparently assume that there is a separate God of Muslims, but it's just pretending - in actuality they know very well that God that Muslims worship is the same God that they do worship.
2007-12-17 10:51:16
answer #1
answered by Habib 6
Scotty Said: Can't we all worship in our own way and have peace? Bill Said: How can Two men walk together if they do not agree? Islam God Allah Kills you if you do not submit. Jews reject their own God Christ and are now ineffective i.e. blind ! by the way Jews and Christians agree to disagree having the God of Abraham in common. Christians say that there is only one God and Savior of the world Jesus Christ the Messiah. And if you do not find him you are lost. God does not want you to say that He did not warn you. Scotty Said: If we're all worshipping the same God, then why are there all these wars, murders, deaths, etc. over religion? Bill Said: God wants us to worship him in spirit and in Truth. Jesus is Truth, Life and the only Way. ANY God will do is a lie ! ONLY One God Jesus gives you the power to become a child of God. “Mere Christianity”, C. S. Lewis makes the following observation: "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a mad man or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us." In other words, either He was the most sane person who ever lived and walked the face of this planet, Or he was absolutely out of his mind with his claims. But, since "actions speak louder than words", you need to look at what he did. He healed the sick, made the blind to see, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the dumb to talk. He healed lepers, forgave sins, and even raised the dead. When he commanded the storm to stop, it obeyed; and when he commanded demons to leave, they obeyed his authority and left individuals alone whom they had been tormenting. An insane person could never manage these things. All these things He did in 3 years. What we offer is free .... it is wrong to think God is begging you to take his gift like so many .... portray Jesus. He is a Man's Man .... The Lion of The Tribe of Judah! Maranatha
2016-05-24 09:58:02
answer #2
answered by ? 3
And the odd one out is Islam! The OT mentions a messiah, the NT declares jeshua bin joseph etc all the way back to David as messiah but the koran denies his divinity or even his death on the cross. It's make ur mind up time..u gonna go for Judaism, Christianity or Islam..2 L82 'phone a friend..your immortal soul me be at stake if you choose wrong! No pressure there then!
Er..kibye..would that be the same G B Hinckley who predicted the end of the world on two occasions this year..last one 15th Dec?..nuff sed!
Hey guys we got a major schism here! The christians are denying the authority of momo, while the muslims are denying the divinity of jesus. You guys ain't gonna settle this by polite gonna have to fight it out..I may stay an' see this! Ding! Ding!.. Seconds out!
2007-12-17 09:54:15
answer #3
answered by azteccameron1 4
No they are not when you get down to the most basic and fundamental level. The god of Islam, Allah has no son therefore could not be the God worshiped by Christians. Christians believe in the triune nature of God, which is a concept that is rejected by Judaism. Judaism also rejects the deity of Jesus Christ which of course is the cornerstone of the Christian faith.
2007-12-17 10:48:16
answer #4
answered by Jouvert 5
It depends on the perspective that you're looking from. If you are a Christian who sincerely believes what the Bible says, then you cannot possibly allow that the God of Islam is the same--the tenets of Islam simply don't line up with those of Christianity. From that same perspective, the God of Judaism is the same, but we don't believe that the Jews have recognized their own God when He appeared in the flesh as Jesus.
Muslims believe, as I understand it, that the Christian and Jewish scriptures have been altered from their original forms. They call us "The People of the Book", and believe (like Christians do of the Jews) that we've missed out on God's latest revelations.
2007-12-17 09:51:36
answer #5
answered by Your Friendly Neighborhood Skip 3
Christians: God is revealed in the Scritures as Father, Son,and Holy Spirit -- the trinity [ Matthew 3:13-17; 28:19;
Islam: There is no God but Allah----- the God.
Judaism: " Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one"
[ Deuteronomy 6:4. ]
2007-12-17 10:15:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Islam vs christianity & judaism
Islam may claim that Allah is the same God of Abraham and have other people/prophets from the Bible mentioned at their sacred scriptures, including Jesus. However, further descriptions about God, considering their main prophet higher than Jesus, not believeing that Jesus is God, plan of God for humanity, etc. tells me that Islam's Allah is not of the same God that is Yahve.
christianity vs judaism
We christians believe that our God is the same God the judaism believes, as a matter of fact we believe that Jesus is God, known by the jews as Yahve. But as you must already know the jews does not believe that Yahve is Jesus.
2007-12-17 10:03:38
answer #7
answered by Darth Eugene Vader 7
The Muslims worship a different god, Allah is actually the moon god from ancient Babylon, it's even in their symbol. Christians worship the God of the Jews, the only true God.
IT is not the same god at all, salvation is of the JEWS only. The promise was to Isaac not Ishmael. There was no Islam until around 630 AD, Think about that.
2007-12-17 09:49:13
answer #8
answered by Dave G 3
they are 1
2007-12-17 09:54:05
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Nope. Neither Islam nor Judaism accept the divinity of Jesus.
Otherwise, The Father = G-d = Allah.
2007-12-17 09:47:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous