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claim it

2007-12-16 19:19:44 · 7 answers · asked by oin r 2 in Travel Ireland Other - Ireland

citizen that sounds true

2007-12-16 19:34:01 · update #1

>>> giselle
your an idoit, im not british, im not from the north and i ont support the english,
read the question

2007-12-17 04:39:20 · update #2

7 answers

Theres something going on that the dogs on the street don't know about. Who'd thought you'd see Paisley And McGuinness chuckling away together on the Stormont steps. Why is Bertie throwing money at Ulster left right and center? I wonder if the writings on the wall? Watch this space. P.S. Just checked in to check progress on this one. Who rattled Giselles cage? Anyone mention us wanting to do anything about a full republic? Orla........... no ;o)) ........only joking.

2007-12-16 19:31:28 · answer #1 · answered by citizen_belfast 2 · 0 0

Never mind the British. What do the majority of the people in the North of Ireland want?

2007-12-16 19:29:13 · answer #2 · answered by Barbara Doll to you 7 · 2 0

Dont forget there is 3 Counties in Ulster that is in the Republic of Ireland. Or do these not count?

2007-12-17 01:35:50 · answer #3 · answered by 15/04/89 JTL96/YNWA 4 · 2 0

I have lost my respect for paisley he sold the Ulster protestants out something he swore he would never do,But i have no problem with Irish fellas and lassies down south i find yaz very friendly people and you do respect us northies alough some off yaz can be twats but thats expected,To be honest if a united Ireland ever comes it will come in peace maybe one or two riots even deaths but we will all be united one day as Irish men and women Protestant and Catholic,Just tell the catholics up north from the hardcore republican areas to leave us prods alone and we will leave them alone

2007-12-16 23:19:51 · answer #4 · answered by Ulsterlad 2 · 2 1

Northern Ireland I believe would be similar to French colonies abroad, Martinique in the Caribean, The tiny islands off the coast of Newfoundland called Miquelon & St Pierre who ,believe it or not ,spend EUROS in North America, and have the same voting rights as mainland Frenchmen.
The provence of Ceuta in the coast of North Africa bordering Morocco belongs to the Spanish, and enjoys the same privilages as mainland Spaniards, and there again they spend EUROS in the African continent.
I remember listening to a professor from Dublin who said that if the IRA had not started a campaign of violence, we would have slid into a united Ireland with the consent of most people, Food for thought. !!

2007-12-16 19:37:03 · answer #5 · answered by xenon 6 · 1 2

no f*ckin way!!!!
one day i think ireland will become a full republic and you wont be able to do a thing
see the thing is, our spirits just as strong as it ever was, but now we actually have economic strength to match it
if you honestly think that youd ever just be able to "claim it" youre pretty disallusioned
because i know no irish person whos gonna let that happen

2007-12-16 23:08:45 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 2 0

What about Ulster women? Don't they count?

2007-12-16 20:07:37 · answer #7 · answered by Orla C 7 · 1 0

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