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What is the area of the racetrack where horses are prepped before they race? For example, if I were walking through the property and saw one of the contenders being checked by a vet just before the race, what would that area of the facility be called? This could be either in the US or the UK -- if the terms are different please specify. Thank you.

2007-12-16 08:44:08 · 8 answers · asked by ? 4 in Sports Horse Racing

8 answers

In the US it is called the Paddock. Where the horses are saddled and checked over for last minute problems and than they are led out of the stalls in the Paddock area and mounted by the jockeys assigned to them for the race.

2007-12-16 14:42:38 · answer #1 · answered by bill r 2 · 0 0

Here in GB we have two different enclosures: the paddock (or sometimes called the Parade Ring) is where the horses are walked after they have been saddled. so that the public can see them.

Before they go into the paddock they are walked in the pre-parade ring which is attached to the saddling boxes. This is where they are saddled and, if necessary, the vet will check them. At most courses the public can watch at this enclosure too, but only the "real" racing folk tend to make the effort.

2007-12-16 18:52:46 · answer #2 · answered by PNewmarket 6 · 0 1

The paddock is right before the race. They are walking in circles and getting saddled. The other area is the stables. The Recieving barn is where they are if they are shipped in just for a race.

2007-12-18 09:27:01 · answer #3 · answered by SJR Camouflaged Rebel 4 · 0 0

all horses come into a receiving barn.
where they are checked for true identity
and also a state and track vet will look for
soundness of each horse, that happens
around 1 hour before post time,
around 30 mins to post they are taken
over to the race track paddock where
they will have their saddles put on....
then they go over to the walking ring
where the jockey will be given his riding
instructions, and his leg up(mounted)
and off to the track they go.....to get ready
to race.

2007-12-16 15:40:46 · answer #4 · answered by bwj1963 5 · 1 0



1. a small, usually enclosed field near a stable or barn for pasturing or exercising animals.
2. the enclosure in which horses are saddled and mounted before a race.
3. Australian. any enclosed field or pasture.
–verb (used with object)
4. to confine or enclose in or as in a paddock

2007-12-16 08:56:03 · answer #5 · answered by Ken 7 · 2 0

Sorry can't help you with the term in the UK... but here in the States it is referred to as the paddock, walking or saddling ring.

2007-12-16 08:57:21 · answer #6 · answered by go4gin1994 4 · 2 0

coach of the horse will supply the warmth up of the horses. oftentimes two times before the horse is to take the race. See source for extra information for preliminary walking and later how the warmth is secure by using sweatsheet.. VR

2016-10-11 10:17:40 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

the paddock

2007-12-16 14:04:03 · answer #8 · answered by FLOYD050507 4 · 0 0