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I am 16 years old, and i'm a sophomore in highschool
i do 3 sports, football,wrestling, and cross country
i dont have that much acne on my face but i have
it really bad on my uper back, (Shoulders)

i use proactive but it does'nt really help.

i have 4 questions,

1. is it bad to pop pimples and but proactive on it later.?
2. and its it true to use warm water to open pours and cold to close them.?
3. does sugar and sweets like candy/chocolate make more pimples.?
4. How many times should i clean my face a day?

i know this is really asking for alot, but any help i can get would be really use full thank you so much,!

2007-12-15 12:43:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

4 answers

my son has been using pine tar soap for a over three months now. it has really helped clear it up. he had it really bad. huge sores on his face, back and some on his arms and chest. you can get it thru your pharmacy. it costs about $4 a bar and a bar can last 3-4 wks. His skin is 100 percent clearer now

2007-12-15 13:24:57 · answer #1 · answered by JEN 7 · 0 0

you can irritate your face by cleaning it too often - once in the morning, and once at bedtime should do the trick. otherwise you are going to dry your face out and trick your body into producing more OIL!! like you need that!
now... what to do for acne... two of my children have had severe acne (face, back...) - do a google search for vitamin B5 for acne. another name for B5 is Pantothenic Acid. you have to take it in large quantities and i have found the least expensive place on the web is www.swansonvitamins.com (it's on sale right now). pantothenic acid is like a natural accutane - without the toxic effect. it has done miracles for my daughter, who i thought would be severely scarred, but isn't. my son takes it also and hasn't had acne as severe as my daughter. i have another daughter that was getting acne on her back, she uses it occasionally - as needed. the secret to it working is taking enough of it and being consistent. within a month you should see a huge difference. if you have other questions, just email me. i have tried to give you a link where they aren't selling anything - although you can still find good information about B5 on those sites - just remember that all you need is a good B5 supplement and nothing fancy.

2007-12-15 13:22:50 · answer #2 · answered by carol p 1 · 0 0

ARBONNE to the rescue, Arbonne is a pure swiss botanical and safe product that does not use acholo, perfumes, dyes, by products, lanoline or anything else that doens't belong on your body. Arbonne is made by the top skin care chemist in the world and if you click on my profile you will see where you can get this amazing product that has proven results and stands behind all 300 of our products 100% you have everything to gain and nothing to loose but bad skin using arbonne skin care. I would for your age take you off the p a stuff which will cause more skin problems down the road and put you on the intellegence line and the intellegences wash or the re9 nutimin c body wash that cure;s acne. we address ageing fine lines eyes and skin from age's 0-100 and we work using the top of the line ingredients that is the only health and wellness company that can and will penatrate your skin to open the pores and cleans them from deep down under your skins top layer. Our nutrimin c re9 deep pore cleansing mask will pull out dirt and oils out of your pores and help minimize them to leave your skin's pores smooth and soft. Arbonne is the number one skin care and proud of it and I am very glad i use and help people have the best skin they can ever achieve. e-mail me if you would love to know more and i would be more than happy to help you and your welcome for the best advise you can and will ever get

2007-12-15 13:26:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to to your doctor and if its really bad like how i had it on my back you should get accutance it the best stuff out there after 1 month it will dry it all up and your skin will look better all over take care bro and dont pop your pimples it will cause scars
don't wash your face too much but its good to wash up like a work out.

2007-12-15 12:56:02 · answer #4 · answered by Firefly1986 2 · 0 0

Well, I would recommend using Acne Free
its 17 dollars, and you can buy it at Target.

You should wash your face twice a day.

2007-12-15 12:56:50 · answer #5 · answered by maria 3 · 0 0