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2007-12-15 12:23:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

19 answers

I have had good results with Vitamin E capsules. Pierce the capsule, squeeze out the gel and rub it in the scar twice a day. Be sure to get the capsules, the Vitamin E gel in bottles doesn't seem to work really. Best of luck.

2007-12-15 12:37:34 · answer #1 · answered by Mother Amethyst 7 · 0 0

Try using vitamin E capsules and breaking them directly on the scar. Also, there are scar removing bandaids that work very similar to sandpaper (seriously) and are supposed to be effective. Really deep scars can't be removed through these methods, but you can make them look a little better.

2007-12-15 12:27:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well theres a few ways.
I had a few scars because when i was younger i got cancer so i had to like gets operations a couple and such

1)wait until they fade in about a year if the scar isnt big they fade away to practically nothing

2)lasered off..if you really need it off then this is the best way to go

3)take away the appearence of scars with makeup

2007-12-15 12:27:42 · answer #3 · answered by cbabysnugglebunny 3 · 0 0

If it's a raised scar, there is cream that will lighten it up so it's not as noticeable. If it's not raised, use Palmer's brand cocoa butter everyday, and it will go away. There are creams at the store that are specifically used to minimize the appearance of scars.

2007-12-15 12:28:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What kind of scars?? Thick heliod (sp?), burn scars, stretch marks?? If the scar is thick and raised a plastic surgeon might be able to excise it and using teeny tiny sutures make it much smaller and less noticeable. If they are burn scars over large areas see a burn specialist. If they are stretch marks, they might fade somewhat over time, or you can try a plastic surgeon who uses lasers that might be able to help fade them.

Best case they can be faded or excised (cut out) to repair the wound with a smaller thinner scar. But I've yet to hear of a method that completely removes them...someone will make a lot of money when they figure out how to do that!

Good luck to you!

2007-12-15 12:33:03 · answer #5 · answered by ~Just 1 good egg~ 5 · 0 1

Mederma... google it. Also, Vitamin E gel caps... don't take them, poke them with a needle and rub the vitimin E on the scar. I was in a car wreck when i was 7, and went through a windshield. No one notices the scars on my chin and forehead unless I point them out.

2007-12-15 12:27:47 · answer #6 · answered by Jamie 5 · 1 0

There is a cream sold in drug stores called Mederma. If it is an old scar, you have to apply it every day for three months or so before you start to see results. It works.

2007-12-15 12:27:16 · answer #7 · answered by The Oracle of Omigod 7 · 1 0

Laser for deep deep scars, but for minor scars, it heals by itself naturally, Power of vitamins will do the wonder!! This is no joke, people have no idea about the healing process by consuming the right food.

2007-12-15 12:29:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Most scars will fade over time but rubbing lotion with high amounts of vitamin e helps the healing process.

2007-12-15 12:26:52 · answer #9 · answered by cat lady 5 · 2 0

The best thing is to see a dermatologist. They can give you some of the best options based on examination.

Otherwise there are many over the counter items such as creams that claim to help.

Good luck!!

2007-12-15 12:27:53 · answer #10 · answered by Google Rules! 4 · 0 0