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My PC will not boot up, I'm getting a blue screen, critical error advising me to start in safe mode. OK that would be fine except it wont start in safe mode. i am pressing f8 and selecting all the right options but it just tries to reboot normally I'm going round in circles!!
Tried to boot from disk and it doesnt want to know either!!
I am running out of ideas now, any IT experts out there who can tell what to try next??

2007-12-15 02:10:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Software

15 answers

First Note the error, post it. Then when you boot up, press F8, Select the option to disable the automatic restart. You will get another error. Note that also.

Then finally, if you have a windows xp installation cd around, insert it, when booting select Boot Menu, select CD/DVD, press enter, you will get xp installation running once you get a blue screen with instruction to select, press r.

You will then only need to enter chkdsk /r.

It will check and fix errors, if it doesn't work post your errors, with your computer specification.

2007-12-15 02:18:08 · answer #1 · answered by KiNG 1 · 0 0

Hi Fanny J from Current Events.
Try starting the PC again but try F10 which I think will give you the Hard Disk options.
Then 'tell' the PC to reboot from CD or drive D -- AFTER YOU HAVE PUT THE XP Operating System in the D: drive.
look through all the options and you will find "BOOT FROM CD" or possibly "BOOT FROM D":

Then it is a question of you re-installing the XP operating system again.

That is what I do. I have McAfee Internet Suite and very little in the way of viruses gets through but the ones that still manage to I do this:
(1) I bought and installed a larger hard disk where I put absolutely everything (I have a 250 Mb HDD)
(2) In the original smaller HDD I put the operating system.

That way, if a virus does get in the contents of Drive F: the 250 Mb are safe -- or have been up to now at least.

2007-12-15 02:36:39 · answer #2 · answered by RED-CHROME 6 · 0 0

Well you cant buy XP installation disk's anymore to sort out the problem for this is what you will need to do to reinstall the Operating System,
people say you can on eBay buy XP but then are they the genuine thing, so your only option is to buy a new PC,
around £400 should get you a decent model, this will have Vista as the operating system so you will need a compatible printer as well, if you shop at PC World they might if you speak to them very nice throw in a printer or at worst reduce the price of one for you. good luck

2007-12-15 02:36:50 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

switch off pc.
upnlug power cord
uplug internet
take of cover
take out battery(small round silver thing )
wait 30/40 seconds &put back in.
put cover back on
boot pc as is(whit no net)
hold finger on f8 untill pc boots in safe mode
when it dose ,run what ever virus programs you have &as many as you have.reboot,if all is well switch off pc,plug in net &boot.good luck.

2007-12-15 08:09:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not a expert IT but it looks like your computer may have crashed. If you're able to get to your 'System Restore' and turn that on, select a date when your computer was working fine, then it should be able to fix the problem.

2007-12-15 02:15:14 · answer #5 · answered by ooo 4 · 0 0

Could be a hard drive problem or a memory problem, it would be easier to try swapping out the memory chips and replacing with good memory, or even taking out the original memory and re-seating them back in see if it that they have been disturbed slightly, if your not comfortable doing any of this then hand it over to a techie who will do it for you

2007-12-15 02:23:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you need the windows disk that is installed in your pc XP,2000,VISTA etc. then start your pc and when the screen reads " PUSH ANY KEY TO START FROM DISK" push a key , as it progresses you will see a screen that asks you if you want to REPAIR push R
After that just follow on screen comands
takes about 50 minutes but you don't lose any personal info

2007-12-15 02:18:02 · answer #7 · answered by lloydsills 2 · 1 0

Your PC is infected. you need to reboot liek your trying to. It could be a handfull of problems and different pc's reboost in different ways the only thing you can do it ring pc world or the place you bought it from.

2007-12-15 02:13:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Poor Fanny.I'm having major connection problems at the moment too.I'm typing away furiously whenever I get a window of opportunity.Hope someone can help you,fingers crossed.

2007-12-15 06:24:20 · answer #9 · answered by Misty Blue 7 · 1 0

Sounds horribly like your hard disk is fried - is the machine still under warranty by any chance?? Do you have a service number for it?

2007-12-15 02:13:30 · answer #10 · answered by Sal*UK 7 · 0 0

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