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My dad thinks this way, I do not. I'm just wondering if there is anyone else who does anymore. Thanks.

2007-12-14 21:42:40 · 23 answers · asked by LivingDeadKat 4 in Travel Italy Bologna

23 answers

Speaking out for those of us who have lived with mental illness (I have been diagnosed with Depression, General Anxiety Disorder, & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), that is a bunch of crap. Most physicians will tell you that these are genuine illnesses caused by physical problems-usually a chemical imbalance in the brain. I also have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology & can attest that we study brain anatomy/ chemistry & it's effects on our physical & psychological well-being.
Many people, like myself, are genetically predisposed towards it. My dad has doesn't think that these people are possessed, but that we should just "get over it", which frustrates the hell out of me. If I could just "get over it", I would have done it a loooooong time ago. My dad was raised in a time when there were many misconceptions about mental illness. If you had a relative who had some type of mental illness, it was never talked about. It was something shameful that you didn't want anyone to find out about. Even when I was a child (the 1970s), there was a stigma attached to seeing a psychiatrist & it is still around in one way or another. I was sexually abused when I was 11 years old (1980) by a school employee but never received any counseling although I really could have benefited by it a great deal. I struggled with depression throughout my 20's & even contemplated suicide. I finally sought treatment through medication when I was 28 years old, & it has helped a lot. The 2 or 3 times that I tried to wean myself off the medication sent me into a deep depression. I have come to accept the fact that since I am genetically predisposed to this, it is in my best interest to not play games with my medication. I was diagnosed with GAD shortly after 9/11, but suspect I had had it for much longer. I never sought counseling until I was 37 due to some horrific events surrounding the birth of my little girl (she's fine now) & a life-threatening infection in my cesarean incision. At that time I was diagnosed with PTSD. I attended counseling for 6 months & continue with my medications. I'm doing much better now, but every once in a while, something will trigger the memory of the trauma I experienced & I will usually have an anxiety attack. It's something that never goes away completely.

As a Christian, it is believed that Satan is responsible for disease and illness, including mental illness (not God for those of you who like to blame him for all the ills of the world). About 4 months after I began the counseling for PTSD, I realized that Satan was mounting an attack on my faith, my mind, my marriage, & my bonding experience with my little girl. That was a turning point in my recovery. I become determined that Satan (also known as Lucifer-which is translated into "liar") was NOT going to take away from me the things that mattered the most in my life. That day, I told Satan he could back-off and kiss my a-s-s! In regards, to demonic possession-that's crap. But I do believe that Satan tries to manipulate those afflicted with mental illness into distancing themselves from God.

2007-12-15 04:57:01 · answer #1 · answered by Emily & her mommy love Da Bears! 6 · 0 1

Most are absolutly possessed or running from there own sin. Most issues starts with A spirit of rejection. this has occurred to everyone at one point or another. There are some actual mental illnesses that are engendered by tumors, down-syndrome, damaged brain tissue and what-not. Spirit are very real, they are very powerful to the unregenerated soul. Without the Power of Jesus Christ, one cannot overcome the evil that is within us. Only God can purify the Mind, Soul, and Body. As an earlier Answeree quoted from the Bible, when people had unclean spirits cast out of them, they were healed.
The reason that the percentage of people getting any help at all in mental institutions, is slim to none is that they approach this issue as something that is spawned from the physical, fleshly realm. The Truth is that (Eph 6:12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
If we fight Spiritual Battles with Physical means, nothing is accomplished. When we realize that the truth is that this world is more spiritual than physical, then mental illness can be handle with much greater results, because the mentally ill are in bondage, and as it says in Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

2007-12-14 22:11:02 · answer #2 · answered by Nathan P 1 · 1 1

I don't agree with your dad. I do know that mental illness occurs for various natural reasons.

But the corollary of your question is very intriguing: how many think that there is absolutely NOTHING as demon-possession? And some of the respondents to this question have picked up on it, denying that there is any such thing. The truth may actually lie somewhere in between : there is mental illness AND there is demon possession.

2007-12-14 22:03:20 · answer #3 · answered by flandargo 5 · 0 0

Mental illness is a broad comman term, it may be due to Anatomical aberrations or due to Psychological aberrations.
Anatomical or Pathological aberrations may be due to disturbances in the way the fetus develops in the womb ,that's birth accidents or brain gets damaged in a violence intentional or accidental.
There is much we do not know. Spiritual leaders feel all this abnormal status in a human being is due to the activity of the Devil and his agents. So one can safely say these people are unfortunately possessed and violated by the evil spirits

2007-12-14 22:11:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To say that is true for every single case is being legalistic about the issue. First and foremost, realize that Christians cannot be demon-possessed. Christians have the Holy Spirit, which is God, so no evil spirit/demon can possess a human. Also note that demons can tempt Christians to sin, but all demons are under God's leash, so to speak. God is in control, and God will only let demons do as much to someone as He wills. If we remember that we will never be tested with more than we can handle, then we should be able to get through every struggle without fear.

But getting back to the main point, it can be difficult to determine if someone is demon-possessed. It's not really a calling of a Christian to go around and try to determine that. Frankly, very few people are actually demon possessed, I think. But we are called to witness to the world of the Good News of Jesus. If we keep God as our focus in life, we really shouldn't have to worry about whether the person we're talking to is demon-possessed.

Again, that's a very big generalization. If someone has a mild case of OCD, it's a rather blanket statement to say that they are possessed. I would simply pray to God about any concerns at all, whether it be life or someone who is mentally ill. Lift them up to God, and he'll take care of them.

2007-12-14 22:06:11 · answer #5 · answered by Thardus 5 · 1 1

No, that is the silliest thing I have ever heard. Tell your dad there is tons of scientific evidence and case studies involving mental illness and its causes and treatments. Your dad is quite silly, and it's relieving to know you do not feel this way. Mental illness is a very sad thing, and it effects everyone involved, not just the patient.

2007-12-14 22:46:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have my sympathy but you can't choose your relatives. There is no such thing as possesion and a belief in it leads to horrific murders often of children. It is a very dangerous and nasty belief and may be a sign of serious mental illness in itself.
By the way I know the Bible talks about it but it is still dangerous nonsense.

2007-12-14 22:01:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't agree with your dad exactly, but what IS funny is I've seen "exorcisms" that did people just as much good as therapy or pills would.

A good exorcism is like hypnotherapy, it gets the person to think they are free of whatever was making them nuts, and sometimes that's all it takes for a person to STOP being nuts.

So your dad isn't right, but he's not quite wrong either IMHO

2007-12-15 00:38:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't think that. Many people struggle with mental illnesses because of choices their parents made before they were even born. Or because of their ill attempt at parenting when the child was young

2007-12-14 21:47:48 · answer #9 · answered by gtahvfaith 5 · 3 0

Not every mentally ill person is possessed by a demon or demons but unfortunately for some that is the case and no psychologist or medical doctor knows how to treat them successfully.

2007-12-14 21:59:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1