i believe the current creation on earth is that old ... carbon dating and fossils leave ALOT open to interpretation of the data ... and neanderthal and other prehistoric humanlike creatures i think were largly hoaxes put together from bone fragments ..
2007-12-14 13:08:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The dates you perceive as truth are simply interpretations of observations made by people in the last century or two. They are not based in experimentation or history.
If I claim a layer of rock is a trillion years old, how can you prove me right or wrong? You can't, the limit to the accuracy of our dating capabilities lies in the oldest materials found of which we can also historically date, like Sumerian artifacts because we know Sumer was a civilization around 3000BC.
Fossils on the other hand are something which we have no idea when the creature actually lived because we have no accounts of it. Also, fossils can not be accurately carbon-dated because they are not biological remains, they are rocks that have filled the spaces where bones once were they are dated based on the strata of rock they were found in and a lot of speculation and assumption. Some actual bone or bone fragments have been found in dinosaur fossils proving they are much younger than expected.
If you do research on the subject you will find that most of the dating methods are primarily based on the decay rates of a few specimens found near the surface around the world and then that data is transferred into geological assessment.
One of the biggest assumptions is that the world is 4.5 billion years old, this is based on the assumption that certain rock material in space was pure uranium 235 when it was created by natural or supernatural means; however, if the rock had been created consisting of a certain percentage of uranium 238 the entire estimate is inaccurate.
IN THE END, why does it matter? Whether dinosaurs roamed around 65 hundred or million years ago does not affect us in anyway.
2007-12-14 13:21:53
answer #2
answered by Holy Holly 5
Yes I do believe the Earth is about 6000 years old.
Carbon dating can only be used on things that were once alive. Radiometric dating is used on certain types of other rocks. How do you know these are accurate? What do you compare the results of this test to to prove that you have come up with the correct answer, especially since they have both been known to be way off when tested with objects of a known age. (For example, in 1986 Mount St. Helens erupted, forming new rocks. Some of these rocks were tested in 1997 and the results showed they were as much as 3 million years old. How did these rocks age 3 million years in only 11 years of actual time?)
What about the fossils that show the earth is young? For example, in March of 2005, scientists found "soft tissue" in the bones of a T-rex. How did soft tissue survive 60 million years?
Neanderthals? Neanderthals were human - nothing less. Piltdown Man was a hoax. Nebraska man was formed from a pig's tooth. etc.
Not a lie, unless you know the truth and continue to tell it. Just a mistake. But many "science books" still contain examples that are known to be wrong, but they are still used. That would be a lie.
See the articles at the links below.
2007-12-14 14:36:55
answer #3
answered by JoeBama 7
I am a Christian and I believe the earth is every day of 6000 years old. I believe the carbon dating is very close to normal, though it has been proved it can be fooled by the hoax about the missing link that was fake linking man and ape.
The fossils are what they are, remnants from living organisms. There could still be more pitdown man instances since one was proved to be a hoax.
It is NOT all lies to me. God did not create all these lies to make the earth look older and expect me to believe the Word He has preserved. The earth IS that old because God does not lie.
We have no idea how long Adam and Eve lived before they left the garden approximately 6000 years ago nor do we have any idea how many of their children left before that time.
I assure you I am a Christian and read my Bible every day. I not only read it, I study it.
EDIT: forgot to give my link, sorry
There are more than the one estimates of the age of the earth by Bible believing humans, not just the one everyone yaps about. None of them were there before the Bible was put together. Everything like that has come about by human calculations much later and some were added into the Bibles as though they were a part of it, but they WERE NOT.
2007-12-14 13:23:50
answer #4
answered by mesquiteskeetr 6
If you deny the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent aspects of God, then how could you possibly understand the answer to this question.
If you accept this about God, as only God could be any of those things, let alone all of them, then it is really very simple.
If I am an artist, then the materials I use, the media I use to make the artwork is under my control, but without that media, I could do nothing, because without the media, an artist is simply a dreamer.
If I am a "creator" where my mind literally gives birth, so to speak, to the media, then the only limitation to what and how and how fast I create something is my imagination, and the media I use is as boundless and is completely subject to my will. The end result of this becomes something so far above and beyond what the mere limited physical media would allow an artist to do.
God is so much more than I could even begin to describe with this poor illustration.
But if God's only limitation is subject to His all knowing, all powerful, and ever present nature, along with absolute Goodness, with no evil in Him, then it doesn't take much effort to believe just as the Bible says, that all things are possible with God.
The question is, will you, knowing that humanity knows not even 1% of all knowledge in the Universe, take the word of man over the Word of Almighty God, just because a very small percentage of humans say He doesn't exist? Or will you give God the benefit of the doubt, and suspend your disbelief for a moment to suppose that God can do exactly what He says He can, in exactly the manner it describes creation in the Bible?
Science asks you to believe that life formed from chaos...from an explosion of matter...explosions do not create order...look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
God lets us know that He is in control...order begets order.
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day.
Take Care and God Bless.
2007-12-14 13:38:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
particularly some the years = days idiots + interpret sayings -- That disputes the holy YHWH --- because of the fact all this required interpretation makes for confusion-- And YHWH no longer posta be da god o confyssion............It does placed Adam and Eve at 6000 years in the past... So now Christis truthful climate followers say OG Despense all time sessions -- He maky stuff ---------- then Adam & believe--------------- The church of superstition pronounced earth became into flat some years--- Astronomers Dumb ??? this is the story of the Grand Canyon------- The water from Noahs flood created the grand canyon---- without notice -- 5500 years in the past---- they say there have been no mountains ( This explains how much less water is mandatory to hide the earth ) --- ( it additionally on no account rained till now noahs flood -- So pastors instruct -- Making Noah certainly one of super faith ) --- Now the water stress creates mountains making the water run to decrease tiers --And growth GRAND CANYON---------it is additionally why sea shells are atop the Himalayas -- All Christics do is placed the motor vehicle in opposite and attempt to discover the excellent street --- they could be the actual misplaced sheep
2016-11-03 07:42:22
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Some do but they are usually fundamentalists.
The average christian isn't nearly as stupid as to claim such obviously ridiculous foolishness as a 6700 year old world. I changed your math to at least give the good Bishop of Usher some little credit for his math.
The good Bishop used biblical numbers to calculate the age of the earth and it's obvious that his education did not include reading the Greek Scholars. But it's fair to say that few religious potentates spent much time actually learning anything use-full.
History is both fascinating, informative and fraught with error, misconceptions and outright lies!
We still must study it and make an attempt to discover the best information we can.
2007-12-14 13:22:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I believe the earth is just a little over 6000 years old.
As for carbon dating, it is inaccurate when testing on materials that were of the pre-flood era. For the earth then was chemically different then the one of today.
The earth prior to the flood was not saturated by the massive amounts of radiation as is the world we live in today.
For prior to the flood, there was a barrier of water above the atmosphere and below outer space. This protected life on earth from the toxic radiation of the sun allowing man and all life to live much longer then life of today. If you examine scripture, you discover that not long after the flood, man dramatically decreased in lifespan, going from close to 1000 years to 120.
2007-12-14 13:12:17
answer #8
answered by heiscomingintheclouds 5
Not all Christians take that stand. For example as a Christian I'm an evolutionary creationist. True that Adam was created about 4100 bc. But that was long into human evolution. And Adam and many of his descendants lived an unprecedent amount of time compared to the rest of the human population.
For more see http://www.bcbsr.com/survey/genint.html
2007-12-14 14:40:31
answer #9
answered by Steve Amato 6
It is not exactly 6000 it is a little older but yes I do believe it is just over 6000 years old.
2007-12-14 14:28:05
answer #10
answered by Belgrademitch 5
The validity of a young earth vs the validity of an old earth depends on where you look, and HOW you look. The old earth view is based totally in the physical realm of time and space and science is at peace with it since science can only accept as theory that which it can prove.
Most physical sciences are based on one presupposition. That is, that all physical evidence is a constant. That is, over the years they have never changed. There is much evidence (that many scientists will poo poo) that entropy and decay effects everything that is of matter and even energy. So what is your constant? On what can you base your math? There really is too many variants to be dogmatic in any of the sciences.
God is eternal and cannot be subject to testing and scrutiny. God designed it to be that way for the purpose of free will choice. To see which you desire to cling to for your personal doctrine of origin. The problem is, upon death you go from the physical to the eternal, and there, all that you concluded regarding science, will be of no value. Remember Esau and do not trade your destiny for a bowl of beans.
Science has no hope for what occurs after life ceases. It has nothing on which to observe or test. Once a person dies, and is dead for a day or two--science, in all its knowledge, cannot bring them back for discovery for what lies beyond.
Jesus was dead for three days, and proved that He had the keys to death and the grave by raising Himself from the dead. He made clear what to expect in the afterlife. He provides free access to eternal life if you would just believe His report.
It seems as if science today is more concerned with discrediting the given evidence in order to hold on to its own lack of knowledge. And thus, those who hold to science for their religion, choose the dangerous road of "taking ones chances that the Bible is false" regarding the afterlife. A dangerous gamble indeed seeing eternity is in the balance.
Science is limited to the physical. Your soul is eternal. The Bible deals with what is eternal where science cannot venture. The physical realm will pass away, and science will pass away with it. What you want to do is latch onto that which will last forever, and that is the Word of God.
2007-12-14 13:10:20
answer #11
answered by Anonymous