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Do they celebrate Christmas? Do they celebrate birthdays?

2007-12-14 07:18:44 · 29 answers · asked by mbaskin22 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Im getting great feedback guys, thank you!

2007-12-14 07:32:50 · update #1

29 answers

What the Mormon Missionaries Won't Tell You

Most of us have had a Mormon Missionary knock at our door. If you have ever invited them in and listened to a presentation of their beliefs, you probably found most but not all of what they said very similar to those beliefs held by Christians. However, while trying to convince you that your Church is wrong and the Mormon Church is right, there are several points they intentionally leave out. Below is a list of Mormon beliefs the missionaries will be reluctant to tell you about:

They will be reluctant to tell you that the God they worship was not always God.
"We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pg. 345)

They will be reluctant to tell you that they believe Jesus Christ is the spirit brother of Satan:
"The appointment of Jesus to be the Savior of the world was contested by one of the other sons of God. He was called Lucifer, son of the morning. Haughty, ambitious, and covetous of power and glory, this spirit-brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the Savior of mankind." (Milton R. Hunter, Gospel Through the Ages, pg.15)

They will be reluctant to tell you that, according to Mormonism, Jesus Christ was a polygamist.
"I discover that some of the Eastern papers represent me as a great blasphemer, because I said, in my lecture on Marriage, at our last Conference, that Jesus Christ was married at Cana of Galilee, that Mary, Martha, and others were his wives, and that he begat children." (Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses 2:210)

The grand reason of the burst of public sentiment in anathemas upon Christ and his disciples, causing his crucifixion, was evidently based upon polygamy, according to the testimony of the philosophers who rose in that age. A belief in the doctrine of a plurality of wives caused the persecution of Jesus and his followers. We might almost think they were 'Mormons'" (Jedediah M. Grant, Journal of Discourses, 1:346)

They will be reluctant to tell you that for at least half a century church leaders were teaching that Adam was really God and the only God with whom we have to do.
"Now hear it, O inhabitants of the earth, Jew and Gentile, Saint and sinner! When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him. He helped to make and organize this world. He is Michael, the Archangel, the Ancient of Days! about whom holy men have written and spoken--He is our Father, and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do." (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 1:50)

"I have learned by experience that there is but one God that pertains to this people and he is the god that pertains to this earth--The first man. That first man sent his own son to redeem the world..."(Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses 4:1)

They will be reluctant to tell you that Brigham Young, who held the office of President of the Mormon church longer than any other man, taught that men must practice polygamy in order to become Gods.
"The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy." (Journal of Discourses 11:269)

They will be reluctant to tell you that the book of Mormon fails to contain any Mormon doctrine
Many portions of this Mormon Scripture even contradicts Mormon theology.

They will be reluctant to tell you about their secret temple ceremonies which, until April 1990, portrayed Christian ministers as hirelings of Satan. Nor will they tell you about the sacred underwear they are wearing which, they believe, actually protects them.

They will be reluctant to tell you that Mormon leaders have taught that Jesus was conceived by way of a sexual relationship between God and Mary.
"..how are children begotten? I answer just as Jesus Christ was begotten of his father. The difference between Jesus Christ and other men is this: Our fathers in the flesh are mortal men, who are subject unto death: but the Father of Jesus Christ in the flesh is the god of Heaven" (Joseph F. Smith, Family Home Evening Manual, 1972, pg. 125)

They will be reluctant to tell you that they believe the bible has been corrupted throughout the centuries and cannot be trusted fully by itself.
"I believe the Bible as it read when it came from the pen of the original writers. Ignorant translators, careless transcribers, or designing and corrupt priests have committed many errors." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph smith, pg.327)
"But the Bible has been robbed of its plainness; many sacred books having been lost, others rejected by the Romish Church, and what few we have left, were copied and recopied so many times, that it is admitted that almost every verse has been corrupted and mutilated to that degree that any two of them read alike." (Orson Pratt, The Seer, pg.213)

They will be reluctant to tell you that the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, which they claim to be both sacred and without error, contradict each other many times.
For example, in the Book of Mormon, God called David and Solomon's act of polygamy an abomination, whereas in the Doctrine and Covenants He claims to justify it. Jacob 2:24 in the Book of Mormon says, "Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord." Section 132:1 in the Doctrine and Covenants, however, states: "Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Joseph, that inasmuch as you have inquired of my hand to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, justified my servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as also Moses, David and Solomon, my servants, as touching the principle and doctrine of their having many wives and concubines."

They will be reluctant to tell you that they use Christian terms with Mormon meanings.
For example, a Mormon would probably agree with you that a person must be born again. To the Mormon, however, "born again" is a process which begins with water baptism. Another example are the words "salvation" and exaltation," which are synonymous in the Christian's mind. However, general salvation to the Mormon merely means the resurrection which everyone in the world will receive at death. Exaltation, or individual salvation, is the reward earned by the Mormon by following the laws of the Mormon church. "Eternal Life" to the Mormon means Godhood. Regarding the word "scriptures," the Christian thinks of the Holy Bible while the Mormon could be thinking of not only the Bible but the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price as well.

They won't want to tell you that in order to gain entrance into the highest form of Mormon heaven, the Celestial kingdom, you must accept Joseph Smith, Jr. as a prophet of god. Faith in Jesus alone, Mormonism teaches, will force you to spend eternity in a lower form of heaven.

Tenth LDS President Joseph Fielding Smith stated in his book, doctrines of Salvation, that there is "No salvation without accepting Joseph Smith. The word "salvation," used in this context, must really mean "exaltation" because former Mormon apostle Bruce R. McConkie stated in his book Mormon Doctrine that general salvation is given to everyone regardless of belief. Personal salvation or exaltation to the highest form of Mormon heaven comes only by accepting Joseph Smith as a prophet of god and by following the laws of the LDS church.

They will be reluctant to tell you that their founder, Joseph Smith, Jr., made many false prophecies which, according to the Bible, would classify him as a false prophet rather than a true prophet of God.

For instance, in 1835 Smith claimed that the Lord would again come in just 56 years. We would gather from this "prophecy" that Jesus Christ would again come to earth on or before 1891; no doubt Joseph Smith was incorrect (History of the church 2:182). In 1832 Joseph Smith claimed he had a revelation concerning the building of a temple in Independence, Missouri. According to section 84, verses 4 and 5, of the Doctrine and Covenants, he stated this "temple shall be reared in this generation. For verily this generation shall not pass away until an house shall be built unto the Lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it..." to this day the spot consecrated by Smith fails to be the sight of a great temple, but instead is covered with a well-kept lawn. In fact, the Mormon church does not even own the land.

2007-12-14 07:27:07 · answer #1 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 7 16

Depends on who you ask. However, I dug deeper into Mormonism and this is what they believe that they wont tell you up front:

*Jesus is the brother of the devil
*Jesus visited the Americas after he was resurrected
* God had real PHYSICAL sex with Mary on earth (contradicts the "Immaculate Conception" held by christians)
* Native Americans are really Israelites (tho modern science has proven they are related to Asians)
* When you die, you will have your wife and you will have sex numerous times and inhabit your own planet and become a god (in essence, you will become equal with God)
* You will be judged by God, Jesus, and the Prophet Joseph Smith
* You have to wear certain undergarments in order to be "pure"
* Those who are 19 or older MUST serve a "mission" (Go out on your own trying to convert people. You also MUST pay your travely and living expenses out of your OWN pocket)
* No caffeine (coffee, tea, soda, etc), drugs, or tobacco
* They believe in baptism of the dead (Which would, in my opinion, contradict the "Final Judgement" by God)

If you ask a Mormon, they will tell you that they are the "one true church on the face of the earth" founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 after publishing the "Book of Mormon".

You will have to decide up front if you want to base your beliefs on faith or reason. Other Christians will dismiss the Mormon faith, as the Book of Mormon contradicts many parts of the bible. So if you want to base your beliefs on reason, then you will have a very difficult time the Mormon faith with other "mainstream christians".

If, on the other hand, you believe faith is stronger, then you probably would be a good member of the mormon church

2007-12-17 12:46:35 · answer #2 · answered by clarix 3 · 0 0

Our country is at war now and we need a true leader to guide us through the perilous times ahead. Mitt Romney is exactly the kind of person we need to run this country. Before any of us were born, we all lived together in Heaven with Heavenly Father. Some of us rebelled and started a war with those who were faithful . This event was called "The War in Heaven". Eventually the bad guys lost and became demons . the good guys won and were born with white skin here on Earth. Those who did not fight very hard or were indifferent were born on Earth with dark skin. The bravest of the brave leaders of the Lords Army were born here on Earth with White skin to good Mormon families.
During the war, Romney must have been one of the top Commanding Generals. Just look at his awe inspiring persona and strong Mormon family. Amerika needs General Romney to help us win the war on terror and bring Salvation to the world. Vote Romney in '08.

For more info , see your nearest Mormon

2007-12-16 12:57:22 · answer #3 · answered by sean h 1 · 0 1

Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and Savior of the world. Christ is our Redeemer. Mormons believe in the same church organization that has existed throughout the Bible, that is in having prophets, apostles and ministers.
Accordingly, Mormons have a prophet that leads the church. Mormons do not worship the prophet but follow the prophets teachings as he receives direct revelation from God.
Mormons believe that Christ demonstrated the way that we should live, by his teachings, by his behavior and by his godhood. Because of that, Mormons believe that we should obtain ordinances like baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, etc. (Jesus received these things, and Mormons follow Jesus).

Mormons believe that God is not silent, but reveals his will to men on earth in this day and age as he did in Biblical times. Mormons believe that God loves us, and wants us to be successful, and loves all of his children no matter where they live, no matter their station in life, no matter their race, creed or color.
Mormons believe that family is the most important unit in society and Mormons believe that families can be together as family units beyond the grave.

For more info, see lds.org. for the most accurate info, Other non-Mormon sites may be biased and discriminatory.

For the most accurate in

2007-12-14 21:30:36 · answer #4 · answered by Kerry 7 · 2 0

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism) is a beautiful Christian religion. Because Mormons believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ and consider Him to be the way to salvation, they are clearly a Christian denomination. It is true that they are not an orthodox denomination (they are neither Protestant, Catholic, nor Eastern Orthodox), because they don't accept the post-New Testament creeds, but their Christ-centered theology clearly qualifies them for the Christian label.

You should be extremely careful when trying to learn about Mormons from others. There are many who hate the Mormons and spread lies, distortions, and conspiracy theories about them. Others think they understand Mormon doctrine because of "what they've heard," but are actually misinformed.

Because Mormons are Christian, we believe in most of the things that Christians believe, including:

1) Christ is divine and salvation comes only through Him.
2) The Bible is the word of God.
3) Men ought to love one another.

Mormons are a unique branch of Christianity, however. We are neither Catholic nor Protestant, so naturally we have some different beliefs. Most of the differences are minor. One significant difference has to do with the authority to act in God's name. Mormons believe that soon after the death of Christ and His apostles, the early Christian Church was greatly influenced by Greek and Roman philosophies and political pressures. Despite the efforts of many good men and women, the true Church of Christ was eventually lost because of these outside pressures and internal, man-made changes. Mormons believe that God reestablished the original Church of Christ in 1820 through a man named Joseph Smith.

To learn more about Mormons, visit my site at http://www.allaboutmormons.com !

Hope this helps! Mormon Christianity has changed my life by helping me better follow Jesus Christ.

2007-12-15 04:14:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Mormons are generally good folks, patriotic, and they celebrate the typical Christian holidays, but they are absolutely NOT Christian.
Mormons believe that God was once a man, and that now he lives on a planet. All faithful Mormon men hope to one day be gods themselves on their own planets. They believe in many gods, rather than the one and only. They believe that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers, and they have this whole make believe history of Jesus coming to America.
Joseph Smith was a snake oil salesman who fabricated translations of documents that had nothing to do with the Bible, and he was killed by a mob. His death made him a martyr for the cult, and so it has grown exponentially. It is so contrary to the Biblical faith that it is truly laughable, and they used to say they were the big restoration of Christianity, as if Christianity could ever be fully lost. Today they try to look more mainstream and they go around knocking on doors like the Jehovah's Witnesses, but while the JW's retranslated the Bible to promote their own false doctrines, the Mormons have their own additional "bible" called the Book of Mormon. It's as phony as a 3-dollar bill, but they won't listen, they believe this other gospel, which is no gospel at all. Run when you see them coming, or do yourself a favor and learn about them so that you can intelligently defend biblical Christianity and perhaps save some of them from Hell. That is the most loving thing you could do.

2007-12-14 16:24:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5


We have two Christmas trees at our house this year. That is actually a first. We usually just have one ( ha ha ).
We just celebrated my dad's birthday a month ago with a pizza party. We would have done cake and ice cream but he's on a moderately strict diet following a stroke two years ago.
Have a happy day, and I send you a gummy bear.

2007-12-14 22:33:22 · answer #7 · answered by Cookie777 6 · 1 0

Mormons do celebrate Christmas and Birthdays.
Some other good posters said what I would have said.

Ignore the anti Mormons who have a biased opinion of the church. To clarify some answers to their questions.
Books written by Church authorities and Journal of Discourses are the opinions of the speaker or author and do not constitute Mormon Doctrine. Mormon Doctrine is in our standard works The Bible, The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.
We believe in any new revelation to our prophet after it is sustained by the general assembly at General Conference.

We believe Joseph Smith received revelations and visions from Heavenly beings telling them they were plates of gold of ancient writings of Christians in the Americas which contained a visit by Jesus Christ which has been translated and published into The Book of Mormon.

Joseph Smith recieved continueing revelation which is in the Doctrine and Covenants. The Church has been persecuted and harassed since its inception. Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon were tarred and feathered in Hiram, Ohio in 1832.
The saints were burned out of their houses in Independence, Missouri in 1833. The Saints were kicked out of Ohio after they built a temple to the Lord in 1838. They were arrested, killed and an order for their extermination was made in 1838
which climaxed with Joseph Smith and his friends prisoned for six months in the cold Liberty Jail and the Saints kicked out of Missiouri and immigrated to Illinois. They prospered for five years but were harrased by people who hated the Mormons because at the time Nauvoo at the highest population in Illinois 1844 more than Chicago at the time.
The Mormons were Whigs and most of the other population were Democrats. A paper was written in early June 1844 called The Nauvoo Expositor in 1844 which was like the National Enquierer at the time vemonously attacking Joseph Smith and Mormon Doctrine. The Nauvoo City Council and the Mayor Joseph Smith passed a law to destroy the press for disturbing the peace and creating an uproar in the city.
The press was destroyed, and the people in other places in Illinois wanted Joe Smith to be arrested. He was put in trial twice in Nauvoo...found innocent but that satisfy the people outside of Nauvoo...Joseph Smith went to prison in Carthage, Illinois and charged with Treason but before they can any trial, a mob of couple hundred people dressed in black and faces painted black broke in the jail and shot Joseph and his brother Hyrum Smith to death.

A few months later The Church decided on Brigham Young to lead the church and within a year they moved to Utah reaching Salt Lake City in 1847. They have been there since.

2007-12-14 16:24:54 · answer #8 · answered by Elder Dalton 2 · 3 1

You seem to be getting a lot of answer from anti-Mormons as well. They are poorly educated and tend to twist the truth. I will just confirm what some of the others have said and tell you that you can go to one of our official sites to find out anything you want about us. And Christmas and birthdays are kind of a big deal in our church.


2007-12-14 15:45:45 · answer #9 · answered by plastik punk -Bottom Contributor 6 · 8 1

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hope is the desire of all faithful people, to gain eternal Salvation in the kingdom of God hereafter.

Charity: Above all the attributes of godliness and perfection, charity is the one most devoutly to be desired

Read Moroni chapter 7: 41-48

2007-12-14 15:44:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Others have given you the link to mormon.org which explains our basic beliefs. Another good site is the official church homepage at www.lds.org

In short, the Mormon church's official name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." As the name implies, our church believes in and follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. Many of our core beliefs are similar to other Christian churches, though there are some differences. See the websites for more details there.

As to your questions, yes we do celebrate Christmas and birthdays! (The Jehovah's Witnesses are the ones who don't celebrate holidays or birthdays - you may have been thinking of them?)

2007-12-14 15:26:48 · answer #11 · answered by Open Heart Searchery 7 · 12 3

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