My Pastor is black, most of the congregation is black about 20% of us are white. We have white deacon's & ministers as well as black we have more that 500 members. You can look around at any time and see a white woman holding a black baby in her arms or on her lap or a black woman holding a white baby. One of my best friends is black and when my granddaughter was smaller and more hyper my friend would sit my Granddaughter on her lap and I have heald my friends granddaughter while her Mommy sang in the chior and her Daddy is one of the many ministers was standing at the alter, for alter call. so racism is not an issue in my Church! I love my Church. I see people that is all just people!
2007-12-17 02:45:47
answer #1
answered by Pamela V 7
Do Whites see racism differently than Blacks ?
Answer:Probably. How would either know for sure?
It is a touchy subject.
Answer Yes. With all races.
But I think that because of the lack of communication, especially in the US, is the reason
why we see so much racial tension.
Answer: Our history books are being filled with lies to be "politically correct." Telling people they are descended from kings and queens when they were a defeated tribe of blacks by another black tribe and enslaved or eaten. The surplus were traded to white merchant ship captains for trinkets and liquor.
I always thought that the church should be the group that brings the community together.
But often at times, we have done more damage than good.
Sunday the most segregated day, of the week.
So they say. It is shame, when we can't even serve
God, in the same room.
Which says a lot about why we see all the racial hoop la, in modern times.
But back to my question. We realize that people tend to say well if Abe Lincoln freed the slaves,
Conservatives are for people of color.
Or if the president hires, Blacks and Hispanics, then he must not be a racist.
Even if there are racist overtones, from the so called Christian Right.
So do Whites see race in a different light, than Blacks ?
Interesting view points. Skeptic.
And Endora.
2007-12-14 09:42:20
answer #2
answered by deacon 6
Obviously I, being white, could never understand what it is like to any other colour and to suffer racism - being white and living in a country (UK) where the majority are white and the people in power are also predominantly white. I know that racism is a part of our society and that ethinc minorities do experience this in the UK, and I feel regretful that this is the case. I welcome some of the initiatives the government and others have created to give better chances to ethinic minorities in some employment sectors, as they are under-represented.
I think that a major reason why a lot of people in the UK are rascist towards ethnic minorities is not necessarily because of their colour but because with all the initiatives introduced to help ethnic minorities and the more favourable treatment they are sometimes given, that the white british now feel they have less chances and they themselves are second-class citizens. This may not make much sense, but take the example that when I went to pursue a career as a solicitor two years ago I, nor any of those I studied at university with,could not for love nor money even get one foot on the ladder, it was impossible.But at the same time there were a number of schemes that were exclusively for ethnic minorities that allowed them to get ahead to the best jobs.That made me angry and I didn't think it was fair.
Both white people and black people can be racist - I have heard and seen plenty of white people be racist, but it is also racist when black people call whites 'crackers' or make jokes at their expense, but it seems this is more acceptable, which I don't agree with.
2007-12-14 05:49:28
answer #3
answered by Robin 4
I have had a few issues with racism in my life. I have had the times of me being the white and being treated rudely by a black person even to the point of being shoved and told that I owed them something. I look at race as just a color. I dont feel like I personally owe anyone anything. I did nothing wrong. I cant help what happened 100 yrs ago to any ones ancestors....I wasn't born then and niether were they. I have respect for them though, just as I have respect for anyone else.
I am a white/ Indian. The indians were treated just as badly if not worse than the blacks. I dont run around blaming anyone today for brutally murdereing my ancestors and taking their land from them. I hold no ill will towards anyone. I treat everyone fairly.
I do think that it is looked at differently among different races and I wish it wasn't. I cant understand how someone can hold a grudge for something that happened before they were born.
2007-12-14 05:48:46
answer #4
answered by k-baby 4
I think the Don Imus story from earlier this year could end up being a social turning point, for better or for worse.
There have been numerous news stories in my lifetime in which race was a direct or an indirect factor. More often than not, whites would express their true feelings "behind closed doors", for fear of being labeled as a racist. When Don Imus was fired earlier this year, white people were angry. VERY angry. They were angry, and they made no attempt whatsoever to disguise it this time. Imus was fired for saying something that the majority of black rappers say on every album they release. For the first time, whites were pushing back publicly.
I believe that at least two generations of blacks have been conditioned to think that their skin tone is a free ride through life. The backlash thrown towards blacks such as Bill Cosby and John McWhorter support that comment, when shysters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are embraced by the lowest common denominator. In essence, the race card has jumped the shark. I'm not saying racism doesn't exist, because clearly it does. I'm saying that too many people use their skin color as a built-in excuse every time they fail at something.
Nobody is saying that blacks shouldn't have a leader or a voice; what people are saying is that we can't understand why the black community can't seem to see about themselves what other races see about blacks.
2007-12-14 05:40:13
answer #5
answered by Deke 7
I am of mixed race so I can't speak for either one but I think discrimination whether its white or black is discrimination. It is not about the color of the person but the person themselves. There are racist white people and racist black people as well as nonracist white and blacks. I'm sure people will tend to see discrimation when it is against their own race more than when it is against others. That's how people usually are. And besides how do you expect white people to answer this question when they don't know HOW black people view racism anyway? Because they're not black themselves. It doesn't really make sense.
2007-12-14 05:37:30
answer #6
answered by deejay 3
Sometimes I think we do. I believe that Dr. King was a great man, and what he did was a benefit for man kind, but what I see today is that minorities are given preference in many cases instead of being considered equal, and I feel that is wrong. I feel that we should be judged, as Dr. King said, by the content of out constrictor and not by the color of our skin.
I love to listen to a black choir, and I will worship with you in the same room any day of the week.
Sidney Poitier had a great line in Guess Whose Coming to Dinner. When Spencer Tracy asked him to what he attributed his great success, he answered that it was because so many people tried to prove so hard to him that they weren't prejudice. People will do that. You just need to get out of Georgia. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean this in a mean way, but I hear so many blacks still talking like the white man has them down. I say, You've got an ace up your sleeve. Play it. I may not think it's right, but I'd rather see them play their hand that complain about it as if it's worse than it is, and that is because I don't want to see anybody downtrodden.
I also agree with imasis2. We all tend to think that our situation is worse than it is, both black and white. I think it's part of the sin nature. When something doesn't go right we tend to think that someone is picking on us.
I mentioned Georgia because of a story a friend of mine told me. I live in California and my friend went to Georgia to visit relatives. My friend is black. She told me that she walked into a store and because she did not say "Ma'am" to the white clerk, she (the clerk) said, "Your not from around here are you. Around here people are raised right..." Now, I'm thinking, This is being raised right? To consider one race better than another? To hear my friend's story, I guess that's the way it is in Georgia. I'd don't know. I've never been, and I'm not black.
My pastor and his wife went to South Carolina also to visit relatives. Jean is our worship leader. She is very good, and she can also sound very black. About ten years ago she made a recording of a gospel song to the tune of Stony Monday. They were introduced to a black lady who worked at a gospel radio station, and that recording made it on the air, but what's more, they were invited to an AME church to preform. They were told that to the best of anyone's knowledge that they were the first white people who have ever walked into that building.
It's sad that people are that way.
2007-12-14 05:41:27
answer #7
answered by Caveman 5
Racism is racism. Now, certain people have their preferred style of worship, and that's fine. I live on campus and go to local church on campus. There are Hispanics, Blacks, Arabs and Asians that attend church as well. Race should not divide, and I agree with you on that. I dont care what color you are. I have plently of good black friends. My wrestling partner is black. I hate when 'reverends' like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton use their influence to cause more racial divides, this sickens me. If we are Christians, then we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Now as far as church services go, old white people and young black people tend to listen to different kinds of music, that's just culture, I dont think racism has anything to do with that. We are all equal, regardless of what certain people think or say.
As far as dating, you can be as prejudiced as you like. If you are black and dont want to date a white, than is fine. If you are short and dont want to date a taller person, thats fine. You can be picky in dating and marriage and not be a racist or whatever.
2007-12-14 05:43:52
answer #8
answered by Daniel 6
i would say most do yes. And this answer will be reported as a violation, but oh well.
I cant say this is true for white people, because im only one person. I personally feel:
as a white person , i am unable to ask questions regarding race, use descriptive terms that relate to race. I feel quite restricted. But i believe in order to eliminate racism, you have to eliminate differences and special allowances for any race or group. Ebony magazine perpetuates racism, BET perpetuates racism, anything that seperates one single group, with the exclusion of other groups, perpetuates racim.
I think black people look at racism as anything that points them out. If i use a descriptive term its racist. even tho its true, and i wasnt saying anything bad about her, i was racist. But in my opinion, its no different than saying "that girl has red hair". I also feel african americans look for ways to cry racism and unfair treatment, instead of stepping out, and making life happen. Jena 6 is a joke . Its hard to express my opinion.
2007-12-14 05:41:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
of course. majority of white people think black people need to chill out and get over it because it's hard to say anything these days to or about anyone who isn't white with out SOMEONE thinking your racist just because you are white. For example, I was leaving the library the other day and as I walked out I didnt hold the door for the guy behind me (honestly I didn't even know there was anyone behind me) well the girl in front of me looked back and said 'wow that was really racist', because the guy was black! and of course she was asian. lol. It's kinda funny, but after a while stuff like that starts to get soooo annoying that you're like **** these people are so ignorant and immature!
and since you asked.... it's not just black/white it's every other race besides white trying to say that white people are racist, and it is blowing my mind. I really think people need to chill out because REALLY most white people ARE NOT racist BUT if you keep pushing us I believe we are on the verge of a serious race war here in america!
2007-12-16 02:33:00
answer #10
answered by cuteness 4