The same reasons as why you believes there's a Pontius Pilate or a Julia Caesar . History and eye witnesses who saw His manifested Glory before their very own eyes. Some even lives walks,talks and works with Him. some of them wrote their experiences down called the Gospel of Mark, Luke, Matthews and John.
They saw Him being tortured; hang on the Cross; buried in the Grave; saw Him walk through the wall and revealed to them His resurrected body and even touches Him and ate with Him before they saw Him being received up to Heaven with a Cloud of witnesses. As for How do you believe in something that may or may not have happened years ago?- You have to ask the one who set the question to re-examine his head. Hope it answered your Question
2007-12-13 19:41:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have no doctorate or PhD.
My view is strictly subjective which is ironic because I am known to be process-oriented.
Presentable hard-core evidence is something not available to me.
Aside from all that's been discussed over the centuries, my belief stems from personal occurrences that are sometimes hard to articulate. Suffice to say I've learned that everyone's relationship with Jesus is a personal one.
Now, I see Jesus/God in everything, everywhere and in everyone. The Light permeates everything but sometimes there are circumstances that prevent it from being seen. The absence of Light has a cascading effect so it is important to have faith during the darkest times.
Faith allows you to seek and find the Light in the grimest circumstance. When you find the Light, if you have the courage and conviction, you can bring it to those who need it more than you, even if it means losing it temporarily... You'll always find it again.
After a while, you get a sense of who and what Jesus was and is... it would be a cop-out to quote scripture but the book of Corinthians come close.
My path, for now, is just to improve my circumstance while helping others if I can. Whatever my needs are I try to petition the Father and Son but I'm not perfect and in the past, I've been quite stubborn.
Sorry there is not more to say for your paper.
2007-12-13 20:27:43
answer #2
answered by asgodintended 5
If people really bealieved in Jesus they would sell all that they have and live like he did when he walked the earth. It is pretty ovious that he did not live in multy million doller homes and cruse in 200,000.00 limos and condim the poor,and those that may disagree with him like those questionable so called follers that we see today. you know the types. look around you and you just might see. And one more thing if they did have their way we would agin be burned at the steak and almost every war since he left the world has been fought over christiananity in one way or another. I didn't make this up, its a mater of Historical fact.
We are now fighting two wars and pushing that good old realigion on them to. I know the bible quite well, I studied it for 20 years, that is why I left the faith and become a wiccan because I really do not see real Christianaty being pacticed in the world today. If they had their way the world would have ended yesterday, If it was not so they would not preach it you know Armagedon.
2007-12-13 20:03:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
That is an extremely good question. One that everyone should answer at least for their own self. There are many reasons why I believe he existed. 1. One is that he makes sense. He brought the truth to everyone and everyone rejected him. That happens all of the time. We always beat up on the honest person or the person who brings something revolutionary to our attention (e.g. Gallileo, Martin Luther King Jr., Buddha etc.). 2. His arrival was foretold in the Old Testament. Isiaiah is a good book for this. Look in Leviticus and Deuteronomy when the Passover rituals are commanded. They talk about the sacrificial lamb being sent in the future. 3. His influence is so strong that churches had to acknowledge him after his death otherwise they would've lost all followers. Not even Zeus stood against the test of time. 4. Josephus spoke of him and claimed to have met him. Josephus is considered by many archeologists to be a very reliable source of historical information and Josephus himself is named in the New Testament. 5. The apostles followed him and so many others risked their lives because they believed in him after his death and resurrection. Many people didn't follow him until he was resurrected. When this miracle was seen many dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus's teachings. They gained no financial profit from this. All of the apostles died (except John) because they followed Christ. Nowadays if someone claims to be Christ they usually kill themselves along with their followers. Nowadays it seems like all churches are about money, not about unselfish giving and caring.
There's much more that can be said but I'll need a library and way more free time to get website information.
2007-12-13 20:00:32
answer #4
answered by Buddy_Lee_Hombre_de_accion 7
First, I wanted to believe- I had the desire but when I look at what people said about Jesus I had doubts. So then I had to understand what the definition of Faith meant- believing in what you can not see or have proof of. I trusted in God's word, which was 'if you believe in me that i will manifest into your life'. Then I looked at life in with different eyes, an opened eyes. I realized that I was blessed even though I didn't deserve it. Then I stopped doing all the bad things that God said not to do. Then I felt more bless and found peace in my life even though I had a regular life (boyfriend, going to school, had both my parents, and I had a good life). I cut off all the things that got in the way of me and God: My boyfriend, stopped hanging out at parties, smoking, drinking, cursing, having sex, masterbating, lieing, stealing, and other things. some things I am still working on. Then it was so clear once I learned who God is, that before i accepted Him that i wasn't happy before- I was empty of His love and full of sin. But then i didn't see that i was unhappy, I just thought that's how life was suppose to be but the truth is that God has so much love for us and so many promises. But it is not until we open our eyes and acknowledge Him that we find happiness. I learn that the proof only comes after you believe, after you pass the test of believing. The proof is the reward but it doesn't end there. Knowing that I will be in heaven is the ultimate reward. I know because I choose to believe. But people think it is the other way, that you need proof to believe. But ask yourself, 'what is fate then?'
Hopefully this helped you.
2007-12-13 19:57:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Why do I believe in Jesus? Because My parent in Jesus,and I inherit. However,I realised my belief is really true in my youthhood.And He lead me the right way in my life.And I am really rejoice because of Him.
How do you believe in something that may or may not have happend years ago? I believe in everything describe in the Bible must happen. To say the least,it is not necessary for us to believe the fact of President Bush existed on 2006.
2007-12-13 19:49:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes I think that believing that Jesus is God is an essential truth of the Christian faith. Yes someone can call themselves Christian and not believe Jesus is God. This is a personal matter between each individual and God. It is good when the mouth heart and mind speak act and think in accordance with one another. When this trinity is 'aligned' there is a powerful surge of stamina, zeal, wisdom, clarity, compassion, grace, joy and love beyond words. Another important point of Christian faith is to be fore-giving, to be compassionate towards one another. To love those who appear difficult to love. That's probably the hardest. To practice reconciliation with one another. Reconciliation beyond fore-giveness, beyond justice, beyond sensory perceptions. These God attributes so beautifully shown us by God in the flesh as Jesus, only begotton of Mary the virgin betrothed to Joseph out of the city of Bethlehem in the lineage of David. While believing that Jesus is God is an essential truth of the Christian faith, it is also true that there are those calling themselves Christian who have not yet reached that awareness. This does not make them any less Christian, it may make them somewhat less aware, but not any less Christian. (Just my opinion here, folks). It's a beautiful day :)
2016-05-23 21:55:40
answer #7
answered by sean 3
My story is a bit unique....
I started as a Christian, but "fell away" due to attending what to me was a stagnant church. So, I tried the other side of the coin and dug deeply into the Occult.
I found out first-hand that what the Bible says about God and Satan is 100% correct. After 5 years, I asked God to get me out of the Occult, and He was faithful to do so.
But Satan never forgives nor forgets, and he never forgives or forgets those who he labels as traitors, namely those who turn from him to Jesus Christ. Many people laugh at the idea of demons, but believe me, they are real.
After I came to Jesus, I was on a number of occasions attacked by demons who took on physical form, and I was only able to defeat them in the name and power of Jesus Christ.
And for those who may scoff or mock, I wasn't the only one who saw them. Some of them appeared in different rooms than the one I was in, frightening people so badly, they became Christians also, based on what they saw. One appeared when I was sleeping, scaring my barracks room mate quite badly.
So, that is why I believe, and how I know that Jesus is not only real, but is who He said He is, namely the Son of God.
2007-12-13 20:12:51
answer #8
answered by Foxfire 4
The reason why I believe in Christ is because of the Tradition that has been carried down for 2000 years. Since I am a Catholic, I place a lot emphasis on tradition. The lineage of the Pope goes all the way back to St. Peter, an apostle, who walked with Jesus. In Egypt, the Coptic Church exists which has a lineage going all the way back to St. Mark. In Iraq the Chaldean Christians exist. Who I believe has a lineage going back to St. Thomas. All of these Saints at one time in history walked with Jesus. They were apart of Jesus' life and Jesus was in theirs. Over time there have been successors to these past saints. Pope Benedict is the Successor of Pope John Paul the second who succeded Pope John Paul the first, which goes all the way back to Saint Peter. Other Churches that are not a part of the Roman Catholic Church have the similar lineages with different Saints. Saint Mark taught his successor that there was a man named Jesus who is God, Saint Marks successor then told his successor and so on. Since there are different Churches that were founded by different Saints and Each Church has almost identical Liturgy as well as almost identical theology, one has to say at least that Jesus existed on this Earth. I believe in Jesus not just because the accounts of the Roman Catholic Church, but also because of the accounts by the different ancient Churches who attest to the same stories such as the Chaldean Christians, The Coptic Christians, The Orthodox Christians, etc.
I do not believe in the Jesus depicted by the protestant Mega Churches. Those Churches are very quick to forget that Jesus was Human as well as being God.
2007-12-13 19:47:31
answer #9
answered by Indy Indy Indy!!!! 4
"Why do you believe in Jesus?"
Because God's Spirit made me capable of understanding Him.
"What proof is there for you?"
God keeps the proof through His Spirit. He only gives it to those who He wants. He chooses who, I didn't choose anything except to respond to Him when I had the chance.
"How do you believe in something that may or may not have happend years ago?"
God proves His word. The Bible is the truth in word, while the Spirit testifies as to the truth of it.
If you want details, please read my testimony on my blog.
2007-12-13 20:01:49
answer #10
answered by Christian Sinner 7