Yes, I do believe that. Well, good acts don't get us to heaven. Even if they are atheists, secular, or Buddhist, they won't get into heaven because of what they do. You could, but you shouldn't. You shouldn't do something by justifying what you do by saying "I'll just ask for forgiveness." We should learn from what we do, not keep on doing it. It's kinda like walking into a window when you thought there wasn't one. You shouldn't keep walking and keep bumping your nose and stubbing your toe, you should look for a door or a way around it.
It's okay to be curious. Stereotypical too.
2007-12-13 16:39:11
answer #1
answered by Muse 3
it's utterly rhetorical for us Christians to express an opinion (instead of a truth as far as Bible-reading is concerned) based on our beliefs because we can't answer your questions the way you expect it to be answered. i'm sorry.
this may surprise you, but even Christians who are kind, generous, and good can go to hell too (for those Christians who don't believe it, check out Matthew 24:13 and read the chapter)... for most Christians, heaven became a one-time decision based on the fear of hell in the afterlife instead of a lifetime commitment to represent The One who offered people a chance to accept that He'd rather die (and we believe that He did) than see alcohol-drinking perverts like me regret our lives.
people can and always have repented over the same wrong thing. but this Jesus that we have, whether people believe that He resurrected from the dead or not... i'd like to believe that He took all the wrong in me (even those that happen again and again) and died with it. that's why we Christians know that He rose from the dead, because to us it means a second chance in life. we call it "grace"... we didn't deserve another chance because we're human and we're capable of choosing our own destiny even if it means going back to doing the wrong things that we used to do, so who are we to say we are good anyway?
Christianity isn't about doing more good that can hopefully outweigh the that wrong we do, it's about accepting what Jesus has done for us and telling everyone how it changed our lives.
2007-12-14 05:45:15
answer #2
answered by Papa Alpha Oscar 6
Noone can answer this question because only God can judge. Any Christian who claims to 'know' something negative will happen in the afterlife for being non-Christian are trying to raise themselves to the level of God (which in my view is blasphemy and sinful). This is because ONLY God knows what He will do, and God is more loving, wise and merciful than anyone. As the gospel of Mark, says, God is LOVE.
Now if a Christian says they think a non-Christian will go to heaven, that Christian shows the love and compassion for their 'neighbour' that the new testament consistently calls for. A Christian who says someone will go to hell obviously does not have love for their neighbour and fails to understand the central message of Jesus- love your neighbours as you love yourself. Noone condemns or believes they themselves will go to hell, so noone should condemn or believe others- no matter who- will go to hell either.
There are some Christian ministries who use the bible accurately with a strong argument that if there is a hell, the current population of hell is ZERO, and the agony in hell is NOT eternal. For each argument the "you're going to suffer in hell" extremists, there's a counter-argument within the bible itself to prove their statement is flawed and is an insult to God's nature.
2007-12-13 17:01:19
answer #3
answered by grassfell 3
Wouldnt you rather know what the bible says about this ....than what christians say....especially since they claim their knowlege comes from the bible?
The bible states in ecc 9 v 5
"the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing...."
Hardly a description of those supposed to be in either the christian heaven or hell.
It is interesting to note that the word hell (according to the Jews) is annother name for the has nothing whatsover to do with the hell that is portrayed today by many people.
The bible states that we go into the grave and that we are waiting on a reserection.....this verse may help make it more clear on whom gets a reserection according to the bible
Psalm 49 (it is best if you read the whole chapter) but here is the important verses 19 -20.
"He shall go to the generation of his fathers; They shall never see the light. A man who is in honor, yet does not understand is like the beasts that perish."
What that is saying, is there is no reserection for those who have not any understanding of the word of God, and many will fall into this catergory.
Look at annother verse if you dont think this will happen.....
John 3 v 16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only beggotton son, that whomever believes in him shall not PERISH, but have everlasting life"
2007-12-13 16:34:53
answer #4
answered by jasmine d 7
The only way to heaven is repentance of sin and faith in Christ as savior. As the bible says there are none without sin, that includes everyone, even those who from the outside look "good". No one is good, says the bible...all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Yes I think you can stumble over and over and still be forgiven. I have a struggle with a few things and it grieves me that I keep failing. There is a difference between struggling with sin, and asking God to help you....and sinning and not caring, thinking, oh it doesn't matter, I'm forgiven. And God knows the heart, He knows the difference.
2007-12-13 16:42:40
answer #5
answered by Esther 7
Being GOOD has NOTHING to do with going to heaven. Jesus is the ONLY way to God and heaven. If people could go to heaven without accepting Christ then there would be no reason for Him to die for us.
Of course from your point of view this doesn't sound fair does it? But He is PERFECTLY JUST.
If someone hears about Christ but rejects Him then they are really REJECTING GOD.
God is perfectly HOLY. Only those that are PERFECT and have NEVER sinned or had a bad thought their entire life can go to heaven. That's God's standard! So who could EVER go to heaven with those requirements? The answer is NOBODY can by their OWN efforts.
Jesus was the ONLY one that was ever perfect. That's because Jesus was and is GOD. When we accept Christ and personally ASK HIM to come into our lives this is what happens spiritually.
Christ TRADES our sinful imperfection for His sinless perfection. He takes all the BAD THINGS we have done upon Himself and gives us His HOLINESS. When Jesus died, He paid the consequences for all we've done wrong. He became our substitute. It's like we are given a robe of righteousness to cover our sins so that God no longer counts our sins against us. We become acceptable to God and now we can be with God in heaven someday.
This doesn't mean that Christians don't do bad things sometimes but this ROBE covers ALL our sins in the PAST, PRESENT and in the FUTURE. All our sins were in the future when Christ died.
There is also something called the age of accountability. This is different for different people. This is the age when a person is able to understand well enough to consciously accept or reject Christ. That means babies and little children go to heaven if they die. Perhaps this also applies to adults who are mentally impaired and to those who don't have enough knowledge and understanding to make a decision about Christ. But don't worry. God's judgment in those situations will be perfect.
2007-12-13 17:56:33
answer #6
answered by jubka1 2
As I read your post, one of the saddest things for believers in Jesus is that we did not present a strong enough case for the sinner to have a belief in Jesus. Oh yes sure we will get to heaven alright. But we did not do enough.
I'm sorry but that is the only way I can honestly answer your question.
Unlike other religions it was Jesus Christ who commanded his disciples to preach the gospel to every nation on earth. I don't even know if other founders of their faith told their followers to do that. But I know for certain Christianity does. There was a reason. And God is the one who told his disciples to do that. Why? Because it was the truth. The only way to get to heaven is by believing in the finished work of salvation through Jesus Christ..
The greatest story ever told is that the God of the universe was willing to save mankind from himself and an eternal separation from life an love. That is what God wants for man. for all eternity.
I'm sorry I said too much. But you raised a great point, if only for me.
2007-12-13 17:26:59
answer #7
answered by Uncle Remus 54 7
It has nothing to do with what I as a Christian "think". I trust that God's Word is true. It has proved itself true - All fulfilled prophecy to date has been 100% accurate.
Here is what the Word of God says:
We all sin
Sin is what separates us from God
The only way to be reconciled to God is through the sacrifice that Jesus made - He paid the penalty for our sin in order for us to have eternal life with God in heaven.
There are many good, generous, kind people who are not reconciled to God. It is His desire that none would perish (2 Peter 3:9).
Read and study the Bible - feel free to email if you have other questions along these lines.
2007-12-13 16:43:49
answer #8
answered by redeemed 5
They say all religions are a path to heaven. I'm Catholic, but I do believe this. I don't like the idea of good people going to hell because they are ignorant, or because they simply do not agree with me. I believe God is aware that one lifetime is not enough to understand the complexity of existence, and will let those who were wrong repent in the afterlife so all good people can go to heaven. As for repeating the same wrong over and over, is it possible to do this and repent? Probably, but it is very shameful to try and play with God this way. You don't fool anybody but yourself if you don't truly repent.
2007-12-13 16:40:27
answer #9
answered by Vito C. 4
Bible "hell" is only the grave. Jn 5:28, Rev 20:13, 14 (ps 16:10, Acts 2:27, 31)
The torture stuff is a "brainwashing tool".
2007-12-13 17:22:28
answer #10
answered by debbiepittman 7