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a 4 banger race is a stock car that has 4 cylinders. My brother and my uncle race at a local track and the season hasn't started yet but i would love to race!!! Should I ask if i can or no because i am afraid of everything bu that and hockey?

2007-12-13 11:57:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Auto Racing Other - Auto Racing

3 answers

If you want to you should do it. Don't let anyone discourage you because you are female. You can be just as good as anyone else if you work hard enough.

2007-12-13 15:32:44 · answer #1 · answered by jen_2174 2 · 1 1

My answer is nothing anti female!!! - I race at several different tracks in my Home State 1 has a 4cyl Chevette Class a different 1 has a Front Runner Class-Front Wheel Drive 4 and 6 cylinder cars. So hav ing said that--You need to find out what the Track allows by their rules and What classes do they have!!!! Now nothing anti female again--But If you get out on the track with other cars with bigger engines--This will happen you will be slower-get lapped--Get the Blue Striped Yellow Flag thrown at you to move over or get Black Flagged for not being fast enough--Then if this happens the race officials will be talking to you in the Pits.--I just completed my 32 year of racing and believe me when I tell you there IS NOTHING WORSE than having a car going 65 miles an hour on the inside lane with a fast car between myself and the slow car which I cant see--then the fast car cuts outside to pass at the last possible second and Im on his bumper but keep my line because of a car to my outside. Then there I am going 120 miles an hour 1 1/2 car lengths behind a car going 65!!!! This is for OVAL racing if you are talking about DRAG Racing I cant help you. There is 2 women in my Class at 1 track I run at!!!

2007-12-13 16:36:37 · answer #2 · answered by Ed P 7 · 1 1

Give it a shot. You'll find out real quick if it's something you want to keep doing or if it's not for you.

2007-12-14 03:51:00 · answer #3 · answered by Jay 7 · 0 1