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When I was old enough to go to preschool, My parents had me screened to go. The school said I was too smart for preschool and there was no reason for me to go. Could me not going to preschool have anything to do with me being shy now? I am seventeen years old.

2007-12-13 10:03:39 · 4 answers · asked by blah 2 in Education & Reference Preschool

4 answers

Probably not. It is OK to be shy. Lots of people are. As you get older, you will learn to be more self-confident and that will help you to function, but you will probably always be shy. Focus on your good qualities, and don't forget to give yourself a compliment now and then. Think to yourself, "I like the fact that I am smart/pretty/have a good sense of humor/am good at puzzles" or whatever you are pleased with about yourself! Don't focus on negative things, or things you don't like about yourself. And always remember that a smile is the most attractive and pleasant thing about most people!

2007-12-13 11:01:11 · answer #1 · answered by leslie b 7 · 0 0

Well, maybe, i am the same, hated nursery so never went, but i really think going would have improved my social development! Did you play with a lot of other kids at that age? I think, personally, the more experience you get with others at an early age, the more sociable you will be.

But hey, being shy aint neccesarily a bad thing, its just you! :)

ps can i add, preschool aint about attainment n education, predominantly its about helping you advance in your development. eg social emotional, personal etc, not jus language and cognitive devlopment, although obviously they will come into it.

2007-12-14 07:11:09 · answer #2 · answered by ~ blondie ~ 3 · 0 0

I don't think so. Many of my pre-k kids are shy. That is just part of their personality. I don't agree with not sending a child because they are too smart though. There is much more to preschool than the educational portion.

2007-12-13 21:49:11 · answer #3 · answered by DJ - mom of 2 3 · 0 0

I'm not sure... I didn't go to preschool either, and I'm shy too... but I think it's just our personalities. There's a possibility that not going to preschool will affect our personalities... but i'm not really sure on this... but it does make me wonder!

2007-12-13 20:42:28 · answer #4 · answered by stardust 2 · 0 0