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People on Yahoo tend to say that Aussies are nice and laid back but I've got a lot of Asian friends studying in Australia, and they told me that they have met quite a lot of racist people in Australia. Are Aussies racist toward only Asians? Or are only those people who my friends have met racist? I am pretty concerned about this issue because I am seriously thinking of moving to Australia. Am I going to be ok as I am a Caucasian? I am not trying to offend any Aussies, but wanting to know the truth. Thank you.

2007-12-12 21:10:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Australia Other - Australia

Who is giving a thumb down? That is not me, I am still in level 1. I wish I could give everyone who answered me a thumb up but I don't have that power.

2007-12-12 21:29:24 · update #1

12 answers

G'day mate how are you i think you should come and see for yourself don,t listen to other people. come'on down make the decision for yourself.and have a beer and relax.

2007-12-12 23:56:03 · answer #1 · answered by nathang 2 · 0 1


I am sorry that your Asian friends had some bad experiences when they did their studies in Australia. However, I do believe that most people have absolutely no idea what racist is until they come and live in a country where they are a minority and treated like 2nd class citizen all their life, no matter how good they try to be. They will always be the scapegoat of everything that gone wrong in the country.

I know this because that's how I have been treated in the country where I originally come from in South-East Asia. I am an immigrant and have been living in Melbourne for over 16 years and never regret the move at all. I do not have Caucasian appearance, I speak English with an accent and I still feel like I am born in this country all along. My neighbors are combinations of immigrants and true blue Aussies and we are getting along very well. Racism will always be there in any countries, but I definitely do not feel it here.

Yes, there will be some narrow-minded ppl making comments or gestures every now and then, but those instances are getting less every year.

Some ppl may point out some researches done by some universities in Australia abt how tough life is for international students in Australia. Some ppl quickly pointed out that Australia is terrible. However I beg to differ. As international students are now part of Australians daily life, it becomes crucial to identify the problems that they got and publish the findings so universities in Australia can respond to give a good support to the international students. I bet now many countries have done that so openly.

So hope this helps. Good luck for your study and welcome to Australia :)

2007-12-12 23:01:26 · answer #2 · answered by Batako 7 · 0 1

As everyone has been saying, there is racism everywhere. The thing about Australian's is that we tend to bag and mock other people, though not in a mean racist way, more of a joke. If the person doesn't get the joke (which in most cases it's pretty hard not to) then it could be taken as a racist comment.
Australia is a great country, you should come, but be prepard for little comments about you and where you come from, just don't take it to heart.

2007-12-13 09:43:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Australia is, as a general rule, a very successful melding of many cultures from all over the world . Multi-culturalism has been a way of life for Australia and Australians for quite some time now and Australia is one of the Worlds success stories in integrating the worlds cultures together without too many of the problems. The Australian way of a' fair go' for all and the laid back lifestyle and physical distance from the rest of the world help to keep many problems at bay.
Yes, like the rest of the world, we have our problems - but do not let isolated instances colour what could be a wonderful opportunity for you. Take the chance, see Australia find out for yourself. It truly is a well kept secret.

2007-12-12 21:50:20 · answer #4 · answered by biff.1145 6 · 1 1

ok first of all the thing about Australia is, we are a multicultural country people come from every where to live in our country, and you know what, there are more Asians in australia then there is white, or any other, race(i think). i'm not sure if your friends are guys but rich private school boys tend to push bottons when it comes to other asian guys, but their just doing it for fun and most of the time are just joking around and people from those countries such as china and japan normaly learn to go along with the joke, but thats pretty much only down south around Queensland that area is much better. oh and yeah don't expect anything if you Caucasian.

2007-12-13 01:39:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I believe there is racism in every country, and we all know that is not going to go away anytime soon. - some places/cities are worst that others. Personally for me where I live, I have never witnessed any form of racism - never read of any hate crimes or seen Asians or other nationality's picked on etc... and believe me there are alot here. Like most things, they only show the bad 'news' on the TV and on news websites... and people like to write on here the worst things.
Come on over and check out Aussie !

2007-12-12 21:43:47 · answer #6 · answered by • Koala • uʍop ɹǝpun 7 · 1 1

There are racists in every single country in the world.That does not excuse racists in Australia,it's just a fact.The vast majority of Australians are not racist.Treat other people with respect and how you would like to be treated and you will be fine.

2007-12-12 22:11:22 · answer #7 · answered by Serena 5 · 0 1

There are racists in Australia as there are anywhere but most Australians are not racist. Unfortunately we have had a government for the last 11 years that has encouraged racism, particularly against east Asians and Muslims. Fortunately, that government was chucked out last month in the Federal Election and our new government should show and encourage far more tolerance. I am sorry your friends had a bad experience but the racists should be crawling back in their holes now.

2007-12-12 21:19:20 · answer #8 · answered by tentofield 7 · 0 4

well i am Aussie and i can say to you that weather you are anywhere in the world you may have to face racism ,i wont lie to you there are racist in Au but there are also many respectable people too ,that will accept you for who you are and the end of the day its your choice mate, Australia is a beautiful country with many opportunities, we are very laid back indeed we love a good BBQ and allot of beer cold beer it is hot here in summer but the flies are annoying just remember to slip slop slop on ya sunscreen and have a good day .

2007-12-12 21:22:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

ahah everyone is racist.
go to any forgeign country and you'll cop something or other.
we are a very multicultural country because evryone came here during the gold rushes and what not.
so for that of course no one is 'the' race of australia so yeah.

it's not like there are people attackign people because of their race or anything.

i believe australia would be most accomadating for most cultures in contrast to other countries

oh and being caucasian you have nothign to worry about.

:D goodluck. (p.s. melbourne is the better of the cities)

2007-12-12 21:17:19 · answer #10 · answered by Rhys 2 · 1 2