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If anyone can help. I just cant seem to fully get over my ex. We broke up 5 yrs ago because of my drinking and i just drank the emotions away after that but i have since then cleaned up, about 1 1/2yrs now, and still cant seem to get over her. We dated for about 3 1/2yrs and i cant remember once ever having an argument. I felt like she was a soulmate to me, but i know there are other fish in the sea. I know that things are completely over with her, but i whenever i think about being with another woman i just cant picture things lasting. I havent gone out on any dates or met anyone in since we broke up and i feel like this obstacle is preventing me from being able to meet someone. I guess what i am asking is why cant i get over her, and what can i do to help get over her? Any suggestions would be great

2007-12-12 11:18:22 · 2 answers · asked by jeffrey g 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2 answers

All I can say is this, don't u want to have a brand new start? It would be better for u to try a different relationship just because you wont be judge by that grl. If u want to be with you ex, she is going to think u are going to start drinking again and she is not going to like to be put into circles again. Just remember this, your not helping her if u try to go back wit her. She has moved on and you need to as well. Sometimes in life, if u love something, u will set it free. She is happy and let her be happy. Now is the time for u to move on and find what makes u happy.

2007-12-12 11:24:37 · answer #1 · answered by Mike L 4 · 1 0

do you have closure with your ex?
i had a similar problem and it took talking it out with my ex, everything was perfect in our relationship, so when it ended, i was so confused.
so yeah, that's my suggestion, get closure, then go out and have fun with some friends.

2007-12-12 19:25:27 · answer #2 · answered by normajean_81 3 · 0 0

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