Well... I think it shouldn't. Just incase someone wants to use it for an emergency... and by own choice.
2007-12-12 11:09:22
answer #1
answered by ♫K♫ 3
Out of all these answers, I only saw three that brought up the point that hands-free sets are still distracting. I hate it when someone calls me when I'm driving. I usually tell them I'll call back when I get to where I'm going. When I have used the phone in the car or truck, I've noticed myself that I'm concentrating more on what someone is saying rather than what I'm doing. A hands-free set is no different. You're listening to someone else talk, and still not concentrating on driving. Just because both hands are free, doesn't mean it's all that much safer. Cell phones should be banned in autos unless parked (and NOT on the side of the interstate), hands-free or not. Only thing I don't like about the idea is that people will be pulling over on the interstate shoulder to talk on the phone, and most people know that's dangerous, too. Should have a law against parking on the interstate shoulder to go along with the cell phone bans.
2007-12-13 03:43:07
answer #2
answered by gravytrain 3
They should be banned, by not legally. They shouldn't be used while driving, except in an emergency. It's very hard to legislate consideration, and that's what this is about. If someone doesn't care about their own safety, that's fine, but when driving on public roads they put everyone else at risk when they distract themselves with their cell phones.
Broad scale social disapproval is an extremely effective deterrant to socially unacceptable behavior, if we would all put our cell phones down long enough to organize and agree to do this.
I know most people I've talked to think they are "good enough drivers" that they not driving any differently while talking on their cells than when they aren't, but I can tell from a good ways back in traffic who is because they stray all over in their lane. They just aren't aware that they are doing it, and so the rest of us have to be extra careful, because it's like sharing the road with a drunk driver. That's kind of how it looks, when you're watching a car going down the highway with someone on their cell while driving it.
I like the bumper sticker, "Hang up and drive!"
2007-12-12 11:16:24
answer #3
answered by Máire Siobhán 6
If you must talk while you drive, the safest way is to have a hands-free cell phone cradle installed in your car so you can speak while driving with two hands.
Even so, remember to stay aware of what is going on around you on the road. It’s easy to get so engrossed in conversation that you miss exits or don’t notice what other drivers are doing.
Better yet, wait until you have arrived at your destination or pull over to the side of the road to begin your cell phone conversations.
2007-12-13 01:45:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Cell phones should be banned while driving. Drivers who are distracted by talking on a cell phone or dialing numbers while they are driving are causing more and more accidents. Some municipalities have banned using cell phones while driving because it has caused such a major problem.
2007-12-12 19:18:15
answer #5
answered by exodus 5
Absolutely yes! They are way too distracting. What could possibly be so killer important that people have to talk on the phone while driving? If drivers absolutely must talk on the phone then they should pull over rather than speed along and continue yapping while trying to control the car with one hand.
2007-12-12 11:14:11
answer #6
answered by Richard B 7
Absolutely. Next year California's requiring all drivers to use hands-free headsets, but I'd prefer no one talk on the phone while driving at all, because it DOES distract you, whether you think so or not. Many other states have laws banning them, too.
Teens, especially, need to focus more on the task at hand than talking on the phone. And the worst behind-the-wheel texting.
And PLEASE, if you talk on the phone while driving, at least make an attempt to use your turn signal. I'm so sick of people not using it just because their hand is "busy" holding the phone.
2007-12-12 11:10:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is illegal in many areas already. Yes, it should be illegal everywhere because I can't tell you how many times I've almost been hit because someone is on their cell phone and swerving into the other lanes. Also, people tend to go really slow while on their cellphones- many people here begin going 40 on the interstate (in a 70mph zone) when they are busy talking on their cell phone. It's extremely dangerous- not to mention texting!
If you must make a phone call, pull into a parking lot and make the call.
2007-12-12 11:09:25
answer #8
answered by Madison 6
Yes. There has almost been a linear increase in accidents caused by cellphones since they began to become popular. They use the same side of the brain that you use to process many things while driving, therefore causing a loss of focus on the driver's part. Hope this helps.
2007-12-12 11:09:12
answer #9
answered by bballjon13 2
yes I think cell phones should be banned while driving because most people try not just talking on their phones but text also and I know many people at my school that got into a wreck b/c of their cell phones......and the people that say no to banning cell phones are the people that probably use it while they are driving!!
2007-12-12 11:09:17
answer #10
answered by EL-Beth09!! 3
Yes. Because I was in a car accident and this stupid lady wasa on her cell phone not paying attention and went into my lane and she still kept on her cell phone and drove off.
The only time she got off that thing was when I followed her and kept honking at her to pull over and when the cops showed up.
Cell phones are very distracting because there are even people who will text while driving.
2007-12-12 11:09:13
answer #11
answered by Babybear2007 2