okay, I was talking to my friend, Jarvis and he was acting weird for the past couple days. when I talk to him about guys (like Zac Efron and my boyfriend), he kinda got quiet , he didn't respond when I ask him a question, and he didn't pick up my bag when it dropped. I really don't know what's going on with him right now. What do you think it is? plz be honest! I'm serious here and NO STUPID OR PERVERT/RETARDED ANSWERS! Thanks so much for answering my question and I will check on this later!
-HeartBrokenForever *(Diane N)*
69 answers
asked by
♫Di [Pro-Love, Anti-Hate]♫
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
if you're asking about if I wanted Jarvis to pick my bag, I want him to because my hand are full with my books and my agenda.
11:56:53 ·
update #1
okay, some of you people are misunderstood my question! I'm not in love with him, and we're just friends and I have a boyfriend!
08:34:56 ·
update #2
which is not Jarvis! he's not my boyfriend!
08:35:37 ·
update #3
it sounds like he does like you alot..
( just my perspective of what you said ) ..
if a guy gets quiet all of a sudden when you
mention another guy.. then in my
interpretation... i would say he feels uneasy..
that maybe he secretly likes you alot ..
and it kills him inside that you are even
wasting your breath on another guy
( in a love interest kind of way ) when
he only dreams that you would do the
same for him in a so called
" love interest kind of way".
i mean i dont know that's just how
i am interpreting it.. as for the situation
when he didn't grab your bag.. i would
say he was confused maybe ? or a bit
startled?!? or maybe he doesn't want you
to know that he likes you?!?! maybe he
wasn't sure you wanted "HIM" to
pick it up ?!?! i am sorry i rele dont know!
i rele wish i could help you out more!!!
i wish you good luck :)
~bella swan <3333
2007-12-12 14:14:33
answer #1
answered by ♡ 4
Have you considered that he may be jealous? Just because he's your friend doesn't mean that he may not want to be your boyfriend.
It is easy to tell, from the way you worded your question, that you are still very young and don't need to worry about having boyfriends and relationships like that for a while. You have a lot of years ahead of you.
What your friend did is very typical of a guy who has deeper than friendship feelings for a girl who is also his friend.
Maybe he didn't say anything because he has trouble hiding his feelings and couldn't cover his feelings so well as he thought. So instead of saying something as a gut reaction, he just didn't say anything.
The fact that you made specific mention of him not picking up your bag when it dropped sounds as if you expect him to pick up after you and maybe you do or you don't.
But the fact that you mention that specific incident says something about you as well as how you see him.
Maybe you should look at how you treat him as well as how he treats you compared to all these other guys that you talk to him about and sit down with him and talk about it.
Maybe it has nothing to do with how he feels about you and is something different, altogether.
2007-12-12 10:44:12
answer #2
answered by twoasonesfl 5
He may be having a hard time because he has a little bit of a crush on you and you haven't noticed. If he does, he may not know how to act around you anymore. I had that problem with a guy friend I realized that I liked. I couldn't even look at him when his girlfriend was around because I thought she would notice how I felt and they'd both get mad. At your age you may just not be able to have a boyfriend and really close guy friends at the same time. Don't push this friend too much because you don't want to ruin what relationship you have now. He'll probably come around in the end.
2007-12-12 10:32:56
answer #3
answered by summer 5
Well I'm answering your question cuz you answered mine about the finger...so thanks.
Well it seems like this Jarvis guy probably liked you at some point not too long ago. Since you probably had not realized it and therefore did not act on it or flirt or anything like that, he felt like you weren't attracted to him either. So he's probably just feeling sorry for himself and thinking that you don't care about him so he shouldn't care for you. He sounds like a jerk, anyway, by the way you described him. So just talk to him and be like, what's wrong, Jarvis? And bring up what I just told you and he'll probably perk up.
2007-12-12 23:34:18
answer #4
answered by wild boar 4
Plz Don't Ignore This! Plz Answer This!? Odds are he won't like it when you talk to him about ANY guys. He's jealous PLAIN AND SIMPLE. And don't start with that "But he's just a friend!" B.S.. There's no such such thing. He's only been around you because he thinks he has a chance at getting with you( hoping you get in a fight with your boyfriend). And don't bother asking him any stupid questions because he'll just deny them. Don't question my answer. I'm a guy. I know how guys think.
2007-12-12 10:42:31
answer #5
answered by RandomPerson 2
Sometimes guys have hurt feelings also. We tend to forget that because they are so masculine and in control. He could just feel inadequate because you have these examples of other males who you feel are attractive or are important. Give him a little space, a day or so, then ask him how he's been doing. Revolve all your conversations around things that he likes. He has to see that he's relevant to you again. If you're friends first then you'll be friends again. You just have to remember to nurture that friendship with him again.
2007-12-12 10:33:25
answer #6
answered by DIVAPRINCIPAL 2
I think he likes you and wants to go out with, or something is just wrong with him! Next time, when he gets quiet ask him what's wrong and by the way ZAC EFRON IS SO UGLY sorry lol it's the truth
2007-12-13 09:08:10
answer #7
answered by Amber Lynn <3 3
Haha. In band camp we haev a drum major stand that we named Jarvis. This is teh first tim ethat I have ever heard that name outside of Band. No he just feels awkward when you talk about guys that he can't compete with. I do that with my gf. How is he supposed to compare to a guy that you have never met and don't know.
Also thanks for your comment on that long question. It was funny. Good luck
2007-12-12 12:26:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He's acting weird because, well--- you probably already knows this but he definetely likes you. He is upset because he feels like you know that and don't care. He is pissed because he feels as though you're stringing him along. If he is your friend don't pull him on a leash anymore. Don't flirt, then go and talk about your boyfriend the next minute. He don't wanna hear it.
2007-12-12 10:32:43
answer #9
answered by ? 2
It's very possible he has a secret crush on you??!! or on the other hand he's probably sick of hearing about other guys and said the heck with this?? It's hard to tell. If you are really friends, why don't you ask him why he's feeling this way?? Communication is the key to getting results.
Good Luck
2007-12-12 10:32:56
answer #10
answered by Bandrea 3