I need a list of as many USA national programs (not local) But, USA national (like red cross, aarp,) that provide assitance to those in need. Like a website for a national food bank that lists local food banks in the area. Or, volunteer programs to help the poor, disabled, etc... I am adding to my service website that will list all services out there nationally and locally. But, right now I am working on the national list. If you know of any please list. Try not to relist what someone else lists to make things easier on me.
I don't want to leave out any place out there. Especially ones that may not always get noticed. Thank you - you are saving me time and will be helping thousands of people!
If you know of local human services in your area (ie: food banks, shelters, free clothing) and can tell me so I can make sure to add them when I get to your state list. E-mail me at reallife@giftofgiving.net - tell me your state and the service information. Does not have to have a website
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Society & Culture
➔ Community Service