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i'm hardly eating anything during the day! i have like a madirin orange for breakfast, and a few crackers for lunch! for dinner, i eat only a little less than i usually do. I'm not anorexic, in fact, i think i'm WAY WAY too skinny. But i'm just not hungry! any idea why i might not be very hungry lately?

2007-12-12 03:07:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

lv_consultant...you're right! i've been so busy with homework, i haven't gotten any exercise! thank you!

2007-12-12 03:21:28 · update #1

6 answers

you aren't exercising so you have no appetite. if you were exercising for a good 60 minutes daily you would have a healthy appetite. human beings are not designed to be sedentary, no animal on the planet is. regardless of your weight you can't be healthy with out getting regular exercise.

2007-12-12 03:16:17 · answer #1 · answered by lv_consultant 7 · 1 0

Not Eating Well

2016-12-15 09:43:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If you have been eating like that for a while, you have screwed up your metabolim and slowed it down, esentially putting your system on starvation mode so it holds on to everything you eat. Try and eat within an hour of getting up every morning and every 2-3 hours after. You shoul end up with 5-6 small meals/snacks of 300-400 calories. Even if you start small and work your way up to more calories. Once you do that, you should feel hungry because your "furnace starts to burn" and metabolism kicks up. WARNING, I was "starving myself at 800 calories per day and GAINING WEIGHT. I got a little nauseaus when I increased my calorie intake to 1000 but now I am up to 1200 and working toward 1500 as my minimum. I had to reset my metabolism and now I am hungry regularly & I don't feel sick or tired like I used too.

Try eating lean protein (egg whites, chicken, tuna, turkey or even protein shakes/bars), yogurt or cottage cheese, limited fruit like apples (for fiber), veggies (mostly green) and complex carbs (yams, sweet potatoes, whole grains or oatmeal) and nuts. A little nutrition goes a long way and eating small meals with the proper fuel will help you feel better.

Oh, and drink water. Diet drinks with artificial sweeteners, though they have been "proven" safe, are over processed and trigger my sweet tooth and cravings for "bad food" so if you drink a lot, you might want to cut them down or cut them out because artificial sweeteners do effect digestion and have been shown to cause intestinal disruption.

2007-12-12 03:26:53 · answer #3 · answered by seafires1 3 · 0 0

you're either sick, or you got in the habit of not eating somehow and slowed your metabolism way down. Try eating high calorie foods (dense foods) like qudoba or meat and eat as much as you can to try and wake your metabolism up.

2007-12-12 03:13:16 · answer #4 · answered by Nate 6 · 1 0

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awqQC

because eating is fun

2016-04-06 04:59:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your problem is you're a hippie

2007-12-12 03:13:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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