Islam reflects the Arab culture more than any other culture reflects any other religion. Many of the "worst" parts of Islam (whether true or not) are really a reflection of Arab culture, which is what is historically violent and dismissive of women.
2007-12-11 12:34:57
answer #1
answered by Anna P 7
Yes, the Islamic nations are quite backward as far as women's rights. But, how long ago was it that women here were finally given rights and how much fight did the Christian churches put up? Where you live, when were women finally given suffrage?
Pakistan has had a woman Prime Minister. The states has yet to have the political will.
The US and most of the west are the aggressors in the Middle East and through other means have 'attacked' them for decades.
Christians in the US are 75% of the population and also represent 75% of prison population.
We have gang wars on our streets every day and have the highest prison population per capita of any country in the world. We are the only (as far as I know) country still with the death penalty in many states.
Many cities are shooting galleries.
Our President bombs innocent civilians every day in Iraq. A case in point: When the search was on in Iraq for Saddam a rumor came in that he was visiting a certain restaurant. So that restaurant was bombed killing fathers, mothers and children based on a false rumor. This is criminal violence and it is ongoing. And we're not even looking into Blackwater criminalities.
So whose more violent?
Taveres -- it's very easy to deny a violent person as not a real Christian - it's more difficult to accept the horrors some Christians are quilty of and to do something about it. The US is a very, very violent Christian nation. Just watch the nightly news.
2007-12-11 12:47:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In the Islamic countries women are treat bad because of TRADITION not religion and the people who are enforcing these rules dont know their religion.
Islam is a peaceful religion and it does gives women rights but unfortuately they're some idiots who misinterprets it, add their little spin to it and now there are extremists who called themselves muslims and blowing themselves up, treating women like crap, and somehow exspecting to go to heaven (like that's going to happen).
And other religions do this too. It's really sad though, now a days some people are blaming the religion itslef...not the people who are wrongly enforcing it.
And by the way, I just happen to be a muslim
2007-12-11 15:11:11
answer #3
answered by I Luv Nerds as in the Candy 2
My 2 cents worth - is that it is more a reflection of the area, and region. ie. it's culture - and religion just reflects that...
It is not only Islam that keeps women as 2nd or 3rd class citizens, etc. In India, where it is mainly Hindu -- women are treated very poorly and unfairly too. Traditions at one time in India, did treat women well - in far off ancient times, but not so in the past centuries.
You have only to look at the West too - to see the mistreatment of women throughout it's history - the first country to give women the vote, was in far away New Zealand.
Christianity is not much better today - women do not hold positions of power, within it's church, etc etc.
2007-12-11 13:06:09
answer #4
answered by TruthBox 5
U dont know the bit of a islam so first of all all of u need know the islam and what it says in quraan
u have to read the life of prophet muhammed as someone has written he had 3 wifes and 9 yr old girl was one of them its totally wrong his 1 st wife was 20 years older then him
he had no little wifes and little girls as wife he had total 11 wifes and most of them were widows
please clear ur knoledge then try to comment on islam
and for the questioner that islam gives right s but muslims dont
than listen that media is showing only islamic blacksheeps why dont they show what happens with women in other religions
just take example of usa chritians have made women a material for use and throw and call it women liberation ??????
if u wanna judge the bmw car and u will put a person who dont know how to drive it will bang it so u cant tell that its the fault of the car its the fault of the driver
u want to judge the car then put a person who knows driving
and about women dont u know what chritians have done in past
they kill millions of women
there are blacksheeps in every community but media porjects only the islamic ones
people can digest that u can have more sexual partners but cant digest of having more than one wife
for more info read this
Most Common Questions asked by Non-Muslims
Q1. Why is a man allowed to have more than one wife in Islam? i.e. why is polygamy allowed in Islam?
Q2. If a man is allowed to have more than one wife, then why does Islam prohibit a woman from having more than one husband?
Q3. Why does Islam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil?
Q4. How can Islam be called the religion of peace when it was spread by the sword?
Q5. Why are most of the Muslims fundamentalists and terrorists?
Q6. Killing an animal is a ruthless act. Why then do Muslims consume non-vegetarian food?
Q7. Why do Muslims slaughter the animal in a ruthless manner by torturing it and slowly and painfully killing it?
Q8. Science tell us that whatever one eats, it has an effect on one’s behaviour. Why then, does Islam allow Muslims to eat non-vegetarian food, since eating of animals could make a person violent and ferocious?
Q9. When Islam is against idol worship why do the Muslims worship, and bow down to the Kaaba in their prayer?
Q10. Why are non-Muslims not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah?
Q11. Why is the eating of pork forbidden in Islam?
Q12. Why is the consumption of alcohol prohibited in Islam?
Q13. Why are two witnesses who are women, equivalent to only one witness who is a man ?
Q14. Under Islamic law, why is a woman’s share of the inherited wealth only half that of a man?
Q16. How can you prove the existence of hereafter, i.e. life after death?
Q17. When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there so many sects and different schools of thoughts among Muslims?
Q18. All religions basically teach followers to do good deeds. Why should a person only follow Islam? Can he not follow any of the religions?
Q19. If Islam is the best religion, why are many of the Muslims dishonest, unreliable, and involved in activities such as cheating, bribing, dealing in drugs, etc.?
Q20. Why do Muslims abuse non-Muslims by calling them ‘Kafirs’?
To KNow The Detailed Answers Got TO THe Below Given LInk In The Sources
2007-12-11 16:54:10
answer #5
answered by drsam 2
My advice is stop focusing on what you hate about Islam and think of things to love! Find an Islamic friend and get to know him or her. And try to make the world a better place, not by dividing people according to their religion but by uniting them based on the truths found in ALL religions.
Every religion including Christianity has some evil in it, but every religion also has some good. There is just as much violence and hatred of women in the Bible. There is also much sacred inspiration in both the Bible and Koran, and many sincere people have become better human beings by devoting themselves to both of these faiths.
You can choose: focus on the evil, or focus on the good? Your choice will be how you live your life.
2007-12-11 12:45:41
answer #6
answered by satyrdancer 1
To be honest, I must agree that in some Islamic countries, women donot have their complete rights. But I believe that this is not the majority. In my country, for instance, women got their rights to the degree that when a man feels competed by women in his occupation, he jokingly calls for Man's right organisations to be established.
We have to be more specific when taking about this issue. Islam is something and the sample of Muslims you hear about is something else. You can't judge Islam by Muslims, nor Christianity by Christians.
But if we see how Islam regards the woman, we will find that it did give her all her rights. It didn't only give her the right to seek knowledge, for example, but it made it her obligation.Yet you may find areas where girls are still prevented from going to school.
Islam gave the woman the right to accept and refuse the man who proposes to her.Yet you may find some fathers, though rare nowadays, compel their daughters to marry whom they want.
Islam gave the woman the right to keep her money for herself. And made the husband the only one responsible financially for the family.
Islam gave the woman the right to inherit, when she was herself inherited at the time before Islam. Yes, she inherits only the half that her brother does. But guess why? Because as long as their is a man in the woman's family, no matter who he is, that makes him responsible for her financially.
Islam gave the woman the right to be respected in the form of inviting her to the Hijab. You may find it contradicted for the first while. But it is not. I do want to be treated according to my abilities, my personality and my role in society, not according to how much i reviel of my body. It is more precious for a woman to keep the right of seeing her beauty to her only legal lover, her husband. This protects the whole society from the ban of adultry and disputed or refused paternities and complicated social problems resulting from such uncontrolled relationships.
I know that this ideal picture drawn by The Quran and Prophet Mohammed's Ahadeeth is not fully applied by all Muslims, unfortunately. But that doesn't mean that the fault is in Islam. Actually, the fault is in those Muslims who forget that they represent Islam in front of the whole world.
I ask you not to judge Islam by people.
Peace be upon you.
2007-12-14 12:40:45
answer #7
answered by Heba 2
Religion in itself is not violent. It's the people that gather around it and distort it.
You might want to look into some of the more esoterical branches of Islam, because it sounds like you haven't so far.
What about Christianity?
It is pretty stupid how many Muslims do treat women as second-class citizens, if that. You have to wonder about the mentality, but again, it's not really about religion. Religion has just been used to justify ignorance and hatred.
The good thing is that communication just gets better and better, and more light is bound to be shed on the idiocy of many Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, etc.
2007-12-11 12:37:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
All I have to say is I am going through a terrible experience right now, dealing with an abusive NON Islamic American man and a Muslim, a total stranger to me off the internet, gave me his home phone number to call in case of an emergency, in addition to various spiritual practices to protect myself. I could have been a total freak but he gave me his home number and prayed for me, in his way. He also emailed me some breathtakingly beautiful chants from the Qu'ran.
There may be problems in those countries with the treatment of women and extremist Muslims who need a kick in the hiney. But don't generalize. So far I, an American, woman have been way more abused by American men than Muslim men. Plus I have seen several "Christian" men subjugating women so don't pretend it doesn't go on here.
2007-12-11 12:41:36
answer #9
answered by An Independent 6
How about in the Arabs?
Islam changed the structure of Arab society and to a large degree unified the people, reforming and standardizing gender roles throughout the region. According to Islamic scholar William Montgomery Watt, Islam improved the status of women by "instituting rights of property ownership, inheritance, education and divorce."
And by the way... the First to embrace Islam in Muhammad SAW's era was a women. Her name is Khadija.
2007-12-11 12:51:35
answer #10
answered by the_silent_philosopher 3
Other answerers have already pointed out the difference between the direction provided by a peaceful religion, and the perverted way in which it is practiced by nasty people.
Any religion can make a good person better, and Islam is no exception. It is a sad fact that any religion can alse make a nasty person nastier.
It's not fair to single out Islam in your criticism.
I guess all of us believers, in whatever we believe in (I'm Christian) have to try a bit harder to be a light in the world.
2007-12-11 12:39:19
answer #11
answered by Pagan Dan 6