Pray to god that it does not happen to anyone else. Be thankful that you have your health.
Don't hold back your emotions either. That makes things WORSE!!!
2007-12-10 11:19:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are a few ways that you can handle this. At some point, no matter your course of thinking/action, you will have to break down. Crying is the body's way of releasing your pent up emotions; it's a good thing! But, as I well and know, sometimes it's just too much.
**Grab a box of kleenex, a really sad movie, and curl up in bad and just cry. Don't hold back. The movie will get you started and then all your worries and fears will take over and you'll just cry for a very long time. Afterwards, you might feel a bit drained. Sleep. When you wake up, you should feel refreshed.
**My personal way of dealing with it: Ignore it. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it works for me. I don't think about the negative stuff because I know I will get overwhelmed and really emotional. So, I don't let myself think about it overmuch. I focus on what I have to do in the moment, hang out with the people affected, and laugh and smile. When I need to, I go home and have a little tear time. But, in general, pretending it's not there works wonders for me and really allows me to be there in a strong capacity for my people.
2007-12-10 16:18:41
answer #2
answered by aidanoconner 3
I am very sorry about your mother and your cousins. My best friends mother has cancer and everyday I watch how hard it is for her to deal with such a terrible time. A few suggestions for you, my friend goes and sees a psychologist about once every two weeks, which really lets her release her feelings that has been bottled up inside of her. Or if you have the time and money, you can find about some yoga classes in your community. I take yoga, and it really makes me relax and clear my mind. But I have to tell you something, don't feel bad about crying, sometimes crying makes you feel better, but what you need is to find a good friend or family member who will always have a hug and a shoulder to cry on when you need it.
2007-12-10 13:51:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Crying is a natural response to emotionally stressful situations! The best thing you could do is find out as much as possible about the type(s) of cancer prevalent in your family and learn what you can do to prevent them. There are a lot of genetic links in cancer development, but also lifestyle plays an important role. Also, NEVER discount the role positive attitude plays in any illness.
2007-12-10 12:46:36
answer #4
answered by sciencegirl 2
I am going through the same thing myself right now,. I understand, My grandmother is 90 and was diagnosed with a malignant tumor on her arm in July, In August my dad was rediagnosed with a rare cancer in his Liver. I can tell you what I do. Every day i go to grandmas and help her outwith any thing that needs to be done. I go to chemo with dad once a week. I make the most of the time that I have with each of them. Cancer is not necessarily a death sentence. You can study up on it and if you feel sad don't do that in front of them. Think of ways to encourage the progression of their fight. I hope I have helped.
2007-12-10 14:54:09
answer #5
answered by sheila s 3
Go ahead and cry. As far as the stress is concerned, know that you need to live everyday to the fullest.No one knows when their time will come.Life sometimes is so unfair.Be a good friend to your cousin who has lost her Mother.She will need people who care.Be that friend.Doing for others always makes one feel better.Not only are you helping them,but you are helping yourself.
2007-12-10 11:20:34
answer #6
answered by gale s 5
It is upsetting and crying is not out of line. Find people to talk to and where it is okay to cry if that happens. In time you will do better. It is hard to look at the potential loss of people important to you. I have had the same thing in my family.
2007-12-10 12:54:45
answer #7
answered by Simmi 7
Why would you want to keep yourself from crying? This is a very emotional situation, and crying is probably the best form of relief.
2007-12-10 11:15:50
answer #8
answered by formerly_bob 7
No of course not all guys get angry/mad when under stress. It's a sweeping generalization...
2016-04-08 06:57:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
crying is a good form and talking to close and trusted friends and realtives but never ever turn to drugs alcohol or self safe and good luck :)
2007-12-10 11:19:38
answer #10
answered by KAT 2