I live with my mum and to sisters and brother and I work as a landscape gardener And they are all on part time jobs and I work full time and when I come home because I dont always make the tea they call me lasy. My sisters say we can do your job all you do is rake a bit of soil. I do all the house work and cleaning and my brother says try working nights then you will no what hard work his. im on 160 a fortnight and I have to give my mum 100 board a week and my sisters 20 and my brother 20 so I never have any money. they say if I ever wone a lot of money they would want some so I would get nothing . and if they dont get there money they would fall out with me and they say if I dnot like it then I can lump it. is it all rong?
3 answers
asked by
Phillip K
Family & Relationships
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