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I am looking for a self-contained beach house or cottage in the South Island of New Zealand. I'll be heading North back to Christchurch, but want to spend 2 nights (after leaving Dunedin) somewhere beautiful by the beach. I see lots of this sort of accommodation in the North (and on North Island), but can't find any in this area. Can anyone assist?

2007-12-09 22:23:54 · 7 answers · asked by abc456 2 in Travel New Zealand Christchurch

7 answers

Some of the most amazing scenery north of Dunedin is on the beaches of Karitane, Seacliff, Warrington, and Waikouaiti, and possibly Shag Point just south of Moeraki (lots of animals on the cliffs, magic stuff).
After that (Oamarua, Timaru) things get a bit, shall we say, less dramatic, until you get to Christchurch.
I would look for a cottage in:
1. Waikouaiti, where this B&B would be my choice: http://www.boutiquebedandbreakfast.co.nz/
2. Seacliff
3. Karitane
4. Warrington
5. Shag Point

2007-12-12 14:21:23 · answer #1 · answered by Tahini Classic 7 · 2 0

All of latest Zealand grants the ecosystem/way of existence you're speaking approximately. i think of the NZ government is attempting to get people to pass down south so there could be incentives to pass someplace like Dunedin. I lived in Wellington and that is my famous city on earth. I walked to paintings, ate my lunch by potential of the sea - it has great museums, relaxing nightlife, fairly parks - that is basically user-friendly have been given plenty going for it. each and every thing that's, different than the factors. that is fairly undesirable. good now they're having a great summer season yet Wellington is oftentimes rain & wind. Auckland, although, has plenty nicer climate. It additionally has greater of a "massive city" sense yet i in my opinion want Welly. Now - there is greater desirable than basically those 2 cities in NZ, too. Napier is appealing - having the main 1930's shape of any city interior the international, i think of. besides, Nelson (on the nicely suited of the south island, a ferry experience from Wellington) gets the main sunlight consistent with NZ city so some distance as i understand and has a comfortable little coffeeshop artsy fartsy city sense. that is too no longer undemanding to declare - all people likes what they like. you may desire to relatively basically pass down for a pass to and make a style afterwards! otherwise, my completely biased answer is - pass to Wellington!

2016-10-10 23:28:15 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Most of the beaches on the coast you refer to are stony.
Katiki Beach is sandy as is the Moeraki/Hampden Beach, and accommodation for these is available at Shag Point, Moeraki, Hampden and Waianakarua.
Kakanui and All Day Bay are good too.
The next best would be Friendly Bay at Oamaru where there's heaps of nearby B and Bs
Then there are places like Hakatere and adjacent beaches at Ashburton, and Akaroa.

2007-12-10 22:03:11 · answer #3 · answered by Driver T 5 · 3 0

I'd suggest MOERAKI would be the perfect spot ... IF you can maybe google? and find a place there.
(It's a delightful small fishing village, just over an hour north of Dunedin.

Failing that, perhaps KAKANUI is next best place on that coast . . . . but some houses there may be a mile or 2 from the sea.

Good luck. :-)

2007-12-09 22:52:10 · answer #4 · answered by Eagle_Kiwi 6 · 4 0

I think Eagle Kiwi has the best information since he has lived in that area so very long...
I think he would know after 60 years...
I place my money on him...

2007-12-12 00:31:39 · answer #5 · answered by aspenkdp2003 7 · 1 1

I recommend Aramoana.

2007-12-10 09:03:58 · answer #6 · answered by zee_prime 6 · 2 1

you need someone to carry your bags? i'm soo jealous. Lol.

2007-12-09 22:27:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5