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Sorry for this late reply but I was unable to check my e-mail until now also I have been overwhelmed by the number of emails I got from interested buyers after listing the car on Autotrader, Yahoo! Autos and Autoextra. The car is in good running condition and comes with a clear title, NOT salvage. It's a non smoker car with zero mechanical / electrical problems, no damages or accidents.
There is a reason for selling it for such a low price but it's just something personal that has nothing to do with the car's condition and I'm not willing to discuss it so please don't ask.
The only problem is that I'm currently stationed in Camp Bucca, Southern Iraq and I can't close the deal in person. I know you can't buy a car just by looking at pictures but that's why I've decided to use Yahoo Auto services. I had nobody back home that could help me with the sale so I've left the car at the Yahoo Autos Depot.
For a small fee (which I'm going to pay in case that you are serious about the

2007-12-09 09:46:59 · 4 answers · asked by summertan2020 2 in Cars & Transportation Buying & Selling

4 answers

It is a scam. There is no such thing as Yahoo! Autos Depot. Please read this warning from Yahoo! Autos:

Please note that Yahoo! Autos does not take possession of users' vehicles, we do not work with agents, and we do not work with money transfer agencies, so please beware that any communication you receive stating that Yahoo! Autos does use these services, as it is a misrepresentation. We advise buyers against sending online payments to sellers without meeting the seller or seeing the vehicle in person. Again, we strongly encourage buyers to see the vehicle, meet the seller, and complete any transfer of any payment in person.

Yahoo! also warns that you should be suspicious of any sale where the price of the car is unusually low and the seller claims to be outside the U.S. Both of these are warning signs of scams.

2007-12-09 09:57:12 · answer #1 · answered by Wiz 7 · 3 0

Most likely a scam.


Most Common Signs of Fraudulent Practices:
1. The vehicle's price is too good to be true. ...
2. Seller claims to be located outside the U.S.A. ...
3. Seller desires to use Yahoo! endorsed or a third-party service to broker the sale of the car.
Please note that Yahoo! Autos does not take possession of users' vehicles, we do not work with agents, and we do not work with money transfer agencies, so please beware that any communication you receive stating that Yahoo! Autos does use these services, as it is a misrepresentation. We advise buyers against sending online payments to sellers without meeting the seller or seeing the vehicle in person. Again, we strongly encourage buyers to see the vehicle, meet the seller, and complete any transfer of any payment in person.

If you do not have any family or friends back at home that could look over the car for you before purchase, you might be able to find another Prius owner nearby that may be able to look over the vehicle for you... Or at least you can get some better purchasing advice from other Prius owners...

2007-12-09 11:53:07 · answer #2 · answered by mrvadeboncoeur 7 · 1 0

Unless I could see and drive the car and see the title (to determine if it is clear or not) I wouldn't touch that deal. When you buy "a pig in a poke", as the old saying goes, you usually end up with just the squeal. My advice is 'don't be the one doing the squealing (read crying)'.

2007-12-09 09:57:20 · answer #3 · answered by mustanger 7 · 1 0

Hey! I got the exact same thing going with an Audi A6 "Peter" is trying to sell. Craziness! It's a scam... I traced the IP address back to the east coast... He is not out of the country. I wish I knew where to report him to. Did you already give him your personal information? I gave him my address already . . . big mistake. Thanks for listing this. Let me know if you have found out anything else.

2007-12-10 06:28:05 · answer #4 · answered by Jason S 1 · 0 0

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