Cats are pretty easy, you can sew small stuffed toys and put some cat nip in the stuffing. U can also purchase dowel rods (inexpensive) from ur local craft store or walmart, drill a small hole through one end and run some thin chord through it ( about 2 feet ) and attatch one of the small stuffed toys at the end of the string. They also love empty spools of thread, feathers, and the caps and rings from milk jugs. U can also purchase packets of small bells for inside the cat toys... I dont recomend this for dogs as they will tear open the toys eventually and could ingest the bells...
U can simply make the stuffed toys larger for the dogs. or gather up some old used long socks from home or your local good will and tie a series of knots down them, makes a great inexpensive tug of war toy. also if u have a local walmart, in the checkout isles thy have bins of toys for only 88 cents a piece, and some of them are pretty great, my pups love their fabric frisbees that squeek.
Bunnys are pretty food oriented so maybe treats, but my cousins also liked to roll balls around, like tennis balls and even the larger soccor balls. He was in love w this stuffed bunny he confiscated from the house He drug it everywhere.
2007-12-09 08:13:17
answer #1
answered by dangerusfem 2
Our shelter is always looking for people to sew qulited pads for the cats (and some dogs) to lay on. They are not too big and thick so they are easily washable.
The biggest problem is that most anything at the shelter HAS to be able to be sanitized....or washed. We have to reject some toys because they cannot be cleaned easily. Some are "one use" toys. Given to one cat and then tossed or sent along with that cat when it is adopted. Many cats put toys into water bowls and litter boxes sometimes if they cannot be easily cleaned, they have to be thrown out.
Just keep these things in mind when taking things to the shelter. You can always call and see what kind of things they would use!!!
2007-12-09 15:59:20
answer #2
answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7
For my rabbits I just give them golf balls. They enjoy pushing them around their cages using their noses. They are also nice because the rabbit can't chew on them and then swallow something it isn't supposed to.
For the dogs... A tennis ball is always great or even just a stuffed animal. If you want to get creative, you can tie a short rope to the tennis ball so you can play tug-o-war. Dogs are happy with just about anything you give them as long as they can chew on it or chase it. Sometimes, I just give my dog a plastic water bottle full of water. We play fetch with it for a while and then he will take off the cap and lick the water out of it. You have to be careful with this though because you don't want the dogs to eat the plastic or cut their mouth if they chew on it.
The cats would probably be happy with a peice of shoe lace hanging from the top of their cage. You could even use golf balls for them too. Cat nip is always a pleaser and you could make little cat nip filled "pillows" for them to lay on.
Hope I helped and I really admire what you are doing. Animals need more people like you.
2007-12-09 20:38:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i have friends & family save their empty cardboard toliet paper & paper towels rollers. I take them and remove any left over paper and stuff them with a high quality hay like Oxbow's Western Timothy or Orchard Grass hay. The GP and rabbits at the animal shelter love them, and it's a really easy and inexpensive way to make a chew toy for them, but also provide them with some quality food.
2007-12-10 21:52:32
answer #4
answered by what the french, toast? 2
awwww your nice.....
Well, you can take rope and old tenis balls and make tug a war for dogs.
Take a stick or somethign, rope, and a little object and then make a thing that bonces up and down that cats can chase.
Rabbits, you can just make a little tube or a hole thing they can run around in!
they'll be happy with anything!
good luck and your so nice for doing that!
best present of all 2 them is being adopted, maybe you can adopt the rabbit or something! :) good luck
2007-12-09 15:53:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
you build them :) make it out of like wood/fabric/ plastic
2007-12-09 17:08:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous