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We were doing so great getting to know each other and I think I showed too much emotion too early, and pushed too hard. He seems distant and different. Is there anything I can do/say to maybe make this better?

2007-12-07 12:28:45 · 20 answers · asked by Meg H 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

20 answers

Why don't you just show another side of yourself, find something to do that is not very personal and just have fun..forget everything else and let everything else fall in line with time.

2007-12-07 12:32:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If showing emotions is part of your personality you need to be with someone who likes that. i dont know what you did or say, but if this guy is being weird in my opinion he's really insecure and he's not looking for anything serious, he doesnt want a relationship. But it seems you do so I think you should move on. You could try to talk to him about why is he acting so weird. He should of said lets take things slowly. He's very inmature if he just ignores you, or gives you the cold treatment. He's not the only guy in the world and its okay to show emotion at times. If I were you I would make things clear with him and then move on, with or without him.

2007-12-07 12:38:08 · answer #2 · answered by carolina c 2 · 1 0

Sure, be honest and say to him you realize you made a mistake and regret what you did and will he give you another chance.

Now you have learned a great lesson, right? Only a needy, desperate person acts the way you did and you can really get yourself in big trouble that way. So, begin to control yourself, act more mature and understand that you have to really get to know someone over lots of time before you show emotion and become attached.

There are millions of imature folks all over the world that rush into relationship because they are lonely, needy and desperate. Don't you make that mistake, it will cost you dearly.

2007-12-07 12:34:39 · answer #3 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 0 0

Let me tell you this much about people: Every one is different. Everyone moves at a different beat of drum, speed and style of life. First off, call him up. Talk to him about getting together some place neutral, like a coffee shop or some place where you can both sit down and talk comfortably. Tell him you're sorry about moving a bit too fast. Tell him that you weren't trying to scare him off. Tell him the truth about being a bit excited about being with him and that you got a bit carried away with your enthusiasm about your new guy. Above all else, be truthful. DON'T RUSH ANYTHING!!! Above all else, be yourself around him please.

2007-12-07 12:40:24 · answer #4 · answered by mangamaniaciam 5 · 0 0

from a guy: Too late.....give up; a guy is like a frog. You sticka frog into a pot of boiling water it will jump right out. But if you put it in a pot of mild water and slowly bring the water to a boil the frog will cook itself to death. Same with a guy....the Craziness of woman has to come slowly increasing to the point of the guy just being a floating croaker

2007-12-07 12:34:26 · answer #5 · answered by SmoothD 3 · 1 0

LOL! so you were the lion and the was the antilop?...you gotta approach him stealthly and quitely and tell him that yall were going a little too fast and wish to start over...if that doesnt work then theres more fish in the sea...

2007-12-07 12:33:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Give him space, don't bother him. If he is interested in you, let him make the next move. For now just move on with your life, or at least act like you have.

2007-12-07 12:33:57 · answer #7 · answered by HawaiiGurly 3 · 0 0

Don't try to be something you're not. If you get him to accept you for something you're not you will suffer in the long run. Tell him how you feel. Honesty is your best bet. If he likes you he'll come back. If he doesn't accept you for who you are, it's his loss.

2007-12-07 12:36:54 · answer #8 · answered by Alex 3 · 1 0

Just tell him that you'd like to start again and explain yourself. Of course, if you were totally looney tunes then it's done and over for you guys.

2007-12-07 12:32:19 · answer #9 · answered by b 2 · 0 0

Did you tested Pull Your Ex Back technique? Try on this website : http://www.ExRecoveryFormula.com . This will absolutely save yourself!

2014-08-18 06:02:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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