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a program for kindergarden children that teaches them how to read

2007-12-06 12:44:19 · 5 answers · asked by 09 1 in Education & Reference Preschool

5 answers

Save your money and to to starfall instead. This has been used for kindergarden students as well as being used to teach illiterate adults to learn to read. You can always get hooked on phonics if you feel this site does not do the job but I think you will be happier with this than the hooked on series

2007-12-06 18:14:34 · answer #1 · answered by Al B 7 · 0 0

There are numerous documented benefits and advantages of teaching children to read early on, and teaching them to reading using phonics and phonemic awareness instructions. It is clear that early language and reading ability development passes great benefits to the child as they progress through school at all grades, and that early language and reading problems can lead to learning problems later on in school.

For a simple, step-by-step program that can help your child learn to read visit this web site: http://readingprogram.toptips.org
I hope it helps

2014-09-17 14:08:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Simple mistake. The person programming his teleprompter did not spell it phonetically for him. I notice many have taken this opportunity to compare this with President Bush. While some of his pronunciations were unique, they were genuine, not something recited the way a news anchor reads off the news. He did not need two teleprompters to give a speech to fifth graders and he knows how many states are in the union without reading it from a screen. All things considered, I find President Bush's mispronunciation of fact much more tolerable than Obama's recitation of farce.

2016-05-21 22:33:04 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

If you wish to help your child learn to learn efficiently, maybe not with TV and films, pc programs and apps, as well as the college process is the answer, this system, Children Learning Reading, from here https://tr.im/5EQsL is.
For a young child to effectively learn and master examining abilities they require regular attention from one or equally parents. With this specific at heart, but, the instructions are kept small from 5 to quarter-hour a day.
With Children Learning Reading system you will even construct and improve your connection with your youngster not merely how to see effectively.

2016-04-29 22:24:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hooked on Phonics website
I have a set to sell--I'll be listing it on Amazon.

2007-12-06 17:22:02 · answer #5 · answered by heart4teaching 4 · 0 0