There's only one way to ask for a date..
" Would you like to go to_________ with me on ______ ?"
Plan the date before you ask, be prepared to pay...
2007-12-05 15:54:19
answer #1
answered by Sophie B 7
find something that the two of u enjoy to do, and then just call her up and ask her if she wants to go to it with u. or if its a little too sudden ask if she wants to go with friend that u and her share.
2007-12-06 00:17:30
answer #2
answered by Hunter 1
start a conversation, have it lead to what she likes to do, tell her that you like it too, then say hey really me too! then say if she would like to do whatever it is with you, for example it she likes seafood, say hey me too, i heard this place is having a lobster deal this weekend would you like to go have some lobster with me this weekend? then she will imagine having lobster which will stimulate her senses and she hopefully will say yes.
2007-12-05 23:59:14
answer #3
answered by Marco 3