I am a Christian Preacher, writer and Evangelist and as far as I'm concerned you CAN NOT legislate morality.
You also can not legislate Christianity.
The Government of our country needs to make laws that protect all those living within it's borders. But it needs to stay out of attempting to legislate laws that are basically moral and religious issues.
If the 613 Laws that God gave the Jewish people did not work why would we think ours would.
2007-12-05 06:25:10
answer #1
answered by drg5609 6
I think it is sad that you feel this way. What law is there against atheist? Theres not one. There are laws against the things that some atheist do, but anyone else too. True Christians are good people. They love one another, and they do things for others, they have hopes, and dreams, and pray for only the best for themselves, and for others. Could you imagine if it was the other way around really. This world would be chaotic. There probably wouldnt be no laws, or rules. People would kill, steal, lie, and cheat. And it would be so sad. Tell me honestly...is this what you really want. What is it that made you such a sad person? Why is it that you dont believe? I mean I am not going to try to push anything on you because that would just be wrong, but what is it that caused you to have such a negative outlook? Whatever it is that makes you sad. I hope than one day you will see the better ways in life, and Im not talking just religion. Im talking about being happy. Sad people are what brings this world down. Why cant we all just be happy for once? I can say this too. I have not lived the greatest life. I will not go into great detail, but to tell you the truth I have been through so much stuff, that anyone who knows me will tell you, that they cant believe Im still here, surprised I havent attempted suicide time after time. But I wont, I feel as though no matter what happens to me, my family, or my kids, there is something better, something worth living for, and I never gave up!!! I hope that one day you will realize what you have, and why you are truly here on this Earth. I love you, even though I dont know you I still care. I wish the best for you, your family, and anyone else around you. Have a good life:)
2007-12-05 06:35:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
As a non believer in the modern religions I have to say there is some ignorance in your question in which I have to agree with even the stupidest christian. Which is sad, i despise stupidity, but that is what I smell in your question.
The problem isnt the fact that most politicians are involved in a so called church. It is the fact that the churches are organized and together put pressure on these political figures to make bills or vote on a bill to satisfy their beliefs.
I believe in having the right to religion even if you dont have one that is a belief in this right.
Even if atheists were the majority, most that I know dont care what others believe. However I could see a law being made that you can not go to someones property and solicit your propaganda. Send your pamphlet in the mail and pray about it.
Another thing that bothers me is no taxation without representation. I think to be fair to EVERYONE the churches should be taxed as any other business with tax breaks. This is one thing that isnt fair to those who choose to practice as the old ways of the head of house hold in your own home. Where is the freedom there?
I know what you mean but you should think out how to express your question a little better. It isnt just christians who act as special interest groups, but people who are mad at their cheating husbands or drinking children, so on and so forth who are mad about something that has happened in their lives and they have vowed to save the world from stupid people.
Well I got news for everyone, there will always be stupid people and no matter how many laws you make they will always be them out there doing what you set out to stop. As a matter of fact the more laws you make to stop them the more they will rebel and do it out of spite.
The reason: there is no handbook on life, other then the bibles that are still flawed with contradictions. Life is never gonna be perfect as you see it in your mind, get used to it and enjoy the roller coaster ride called life.
2007-12-05 06:55:46
answer #3
answered by analize2much 4
So, do you want to rewrite all the history books as well? This country was founded on freedom to practice religion, NOT freedom from and kind of religion. What practices are "religious"? Those have mostly already been drummed out of the law and practice. Only social customs are left. What would you prefer--a socialist or communist country where people of faith are killed and persecuted? Maybe you'd be happier there. BTW, Christians are an absolute majority in this country and probably always will be. Atheism is at best 5% of the population.
2007-12-05 06:27:50
answer #4
answered by Anna P 7
Dear Nea Disgruntled,
Before i answer the heart of your question, i want to respectfully refute a few of your assertions.
First of all i'm not sure where you get the idea that Christians have "more power in the government." We live in a country where everything is voted on- and although different politicians advertise different agendas- i think it's a far reaching assertion to say that the majority of the decisions made in our country reflect or are driven by Christian values. In fact when you see mainstream society- just look at the media; you can see it's rather un-Christian.
In terms of making religion illegal. i am not even sure that all atheists would agree with that. It's one of the reasons i live in America and not in a communist country. If (hypothetically) it ever got to such a point- i imagine that it wouldn't be safe to be a Christian but i personally would not turn my back on God. i think you would find a lot of "underground churches" like in China.
In terms of your question: "Why is it difficult for many of you to see why we don't want to live under your religious rules?" Who is that directed to? No one is subjecting anyone to any religious rules. If a law is passed whoever voted for it made it pass. They don't take statistical data when you vote and ask you about what your religious beliefs are. No one is subjecting anyone to any religious rules. And i think just like all atheists do not hold the same beliefs- not all Christians hold the same beliefs socially. Therefore it's ignorant to believe that all Chrisitans will vote the same.
Just by observing society i don't think that you can truly say that this is a country governed by Christian ideals and that Christians are forcing any agenda on anyone.
Yes Christians stand for what they stand for, and there are some political issues (such as abortion) that some Christian leaders have come out and made a public stance on (as other groups have as well). But remember everyone has a right to vote- and the decisions that are made in this country are made by the citizens, the people. There is no one bullying anyone.
I completely disagree with you that Christians are in the "majority". Even though polls will show that many people call themselves Christians (when you examine more closely-- start asking these people about what they believe-- there aren't as many Christians as people really think).
2007-12-05 06:22:35
answer #5
answered by Nickster 7
for the love of all things holy read a freaken book ...
One Nation under God was added to the pledge in 1952 to save us from the Godless Commies so please if I read one more time "One Nation under God, we are a christian nation" I am going to puke ..
The US has FREEDOM of religion meaning I can believe and worship whom or what ever I choose.
Sadly this has been corrupted by the Religious Right and "Conservative" agenda .. Insted of a land of freedom, you have an oppressive group ramming their version of morals down every ones neck.
BTW a real conservative agenda means better living through less government.. Not tell me how to live, leglislate my bedroom and oh yea completly ignore the constistution.. all of you "Christians" should be hanging your heads in shame..
Jesus is weeping .. and it is your fault
Donald G Thank you sir
2007-12-05 14:05:38
answer #6
answered by Wondering Faith 2
I couldn't call my self a Christian if my faith were so weak that I stopped believing just because someone said I had to. I would not comply. If you are an atheist, good for you. I wont tell you what to believe and I expect the same courtesy from you. Sadly, it is true that the majority always try to force their beliefs on the minority. Like people saying to live in the US you should have to speak English. It is ignorant to try to make people into something they aren't. We are a diverse planet and we are all different. People should just get over the fact that we are all never going to be the same or believe in the same things. Live and let live.
2007-12-05 06:22:16
answer #7
answered by invictus 4
If religion was made illegal, then that would suggest that the constitution is no longer valid. If the atheists were the majority, I would support their freedom then just as I do now. But if our system changed where you can pass laws to persecute religion...then I may be looking for a new place to live. It is as simple as that, I'm not sure how YOU can't see that.
EDIT: BTW, this is not a great question. Like another said, Christians are in the majority now...and they aren't attempting to make atheism illegal. So why do you jump to the very extreme in your hypothetical? Atheists jump to the extreme just like fundamentalist do...you are both one in the same but you do not see it.
2007-12-05 06:17:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
As the bible says, there is no law against Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Meekness, Faith, and Self Control, so what law would you pass to prohibit these things? (BTW, this list is what is referred to as "the fruit of the Spirit", and it is the ultimate goal for every believer).
But, if you think Christians are in the majority, you have a 2nd thought coming. Churchianity is VERY popular, but true Jesus-following, love everybody, love your neighbors, love your enemies Christianity is NOT in the majority.
So, it wouldn't be the first time that religion was outlawed. Just look at Bulgaria and other Russian countries, and study THEIR history before you conclude that this is a GOOD thing that you're suggesting.
I wouldn't bother fighting back, because you can't remove the Love of God from my heart. On the contrary, the persecution would be a good thing, separating the churchians from the true Christians, possibly forcing us to go under ground as was the case in China, and forcing us to TOTALLY depend on God just for survival.
Why is it difficult for YOU to see that Christianity tells us to LOVE our enemies, and you call that a BAD thing? The Bible says "Thou shalt not murder" - is THAT what you oppose? Whatever law you create to protect society will have originated in the Bible, even if you don't want to acknowledge it, because it is these Laws that God built into our hearts, so the ONLY way you can totally reject Biblical influence is to remove ALL laws. Why is it difficult for you to see that this is NOT a good thing?
Do you also realize that just because there are Laws and police to enforce those laws, that does NOT make them bullies?
I would be highly interested in YOUR thoughts on this, as well, now that I've shared MY thoughts.
But, the day IS coming, when all true believers will be removed from the earth, then you will have your opportunity. I would be interested in "looking in" on how things go with all the resulting mayhem and chaos, but the Bible already describes it.
2007-12-05 06:22:28
answer #9
answered by no1home2day 7
How would you go about making religion illegal ? Religion is a belief . It's in the mind . How do make thought illegal ? I am a non-believer but I don't see what difference it would make so far as government is concerned . We don't have a church ruled government now , I can't belive that we ever will .
2007-12-05 06:22:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous