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Just interested to hear people's opinions on this topic. Any Islamophobic or racist answers will be reported. Thanks in advance.

2007-12-04 23:44:45 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

Mrs George Clooney - I welcome answers that are not offensive to others -that is all. I've observed that on current events, the second anybody asks a question regarding Islam, it seems some people are just looking for an excuse...

2007-12-05 00:01:43 · update #1

Honest answers? Wow, some of you were intending on having a racist rant then, eh? God bless you all

2007-12-05 20:28:04 · update #2

Thanks for making....you did exactly what your name suggested LOL - have a thumbs up!

2007-12-05 20:29:13 · update #3

28 answers

(1) forbid the showing of any movies, TV plays etc with a racial context.
Some films appear to address the issue of racism with a bona fide intention but the effect is that they keep racism alive. I think the least we mention racism the quicker people will naturally learn about each other and racism will sooner die. (have you noticed how young children at school get along with each other regardless of race and colour?)

(2) redefine the term "freedom of speech and expression" to exclude freedom to insult other races and religions
That shameful episode of the cartoon of Mohamed clearly aimed at insulting Muslims should not have been allowed to happen neither here in the UK nor in all those European countries.
I think this would be a good start.

2007-12-05 00:09:53 · answer #1 · answered by RED-CHROME 6 · 2 5

To paraphrase Gandhi: "I think they would be a good idea"

Difficult, as the answer really lies in people's reactions to each other, and not in anything that can actually be legislated for.

The majority culture has to be tolerant of others and accepting of plurality. This requires self confidence as well. In the UK it means that the British people have to be as confident of their own culture as the minorities (which means actually knowing what that culture is, to begin with - does this mean better education, I don't know...). It seem to me that the British are slightly paranoid about having something taken away from them - just look at the continuing debate about the Euro and European integration... The Brits aren't feeling too confident right now.

Likewise the "immigrant" cultures, while free to pursue their own ways of life to as great an extent as they desire, have at least to accept the mainstream culture. Multiculturalism can't really work if sections of society are openly despising each other and trying to tear each other down. And this works both ways. I don't know if any additional laws could address this issue. People who incite violence or terrrorism are already pounced on. The real problem is the people themselves. Just as the majority feels insecure, some members of minorities have a chip on their shoulder about how strong and self sufficient their culture is. Also there are the obvious links to organizations overseas which have no truck with multiculturalism, hence an inflammation of tensions from within.

Funnily enough, I think focusing on these problems by politicians can have both positive and negative effects. When Jack Straw raised the hijab issue a while back, there were positive and negative effects on both sides of the cultural fence - more discussion, more openness but also more defensiveness and condemnation.

In conclusion, I think that race relations are going through a particularly sticky patch in the UK at the moment, and not much can be done. But it's not the first time things have been bad. Look at the 1970s. I think things can get better over time, but it requires responsibility across society, and a general calming of the confrontational mood over a period of years...

Respect is the key. Both ways.
PC hysteria has to stop.

2007-12-05 09:34:52 · answer #2 · answered by Alyosha 4 · 0 0

I had a great idea for race relations, and as I started to think it out, I realized that there are too many group divisions, we think black and white, but then we have Indian, Mid Eastern and Asian cultures, and then divide these up into the different religious beliefs, and the non religious groups, and we too many people who may have one track minds on how the world should work, and let's not add in the political and moral views of all of these groups and it gets even more complicated.


2007-12-05 11:10:54 · answer #3 · answered by Janice Dickinsons' Shrink 6 · 1 0

Have respect and follow the dress, traditions & customs of the indigenous people of the country you are in (including speaking the language well). In this case I assume u mean the U.K.

Do not try to change the laws to accommodate foreign practices or dictate to the indigenous people of this country.
Try to assimilate into the culture here, not from whence you come or the culture yr parents come from.

Do not aid and abet foreign nationals to do harm to people in this country.

We could all get along if we listened and respected each other. Tolerance & respect has to be a two-way thing.

I would liken it to that fact if you invite somebody into yr home, u expect to be able to converse and understand them and dont expect them to "harp" on about the colour or quality of the decor. Get my drift!

Your comment about Islamphobic and racist comments being reported are not appreciated and again shows a complete lack of understanding of free speech in a tolerant country. We will say what we damn well like and will not be dictated to thank you.
The reason being is that you and I could interpret things in quite a different way, I like banter, you may not so be it but stop dictating to all and sundry!

And I have named my Teddy "Mohammed"
because I think we must improve race relations!

2007-12-05 08:34:01 · answer #4 · answered by shafter 6 · 3 1

Agent Zero has it about right it's a very good answer.
I live in Spain, far too many British come here for the laid back way of life, then immediately want to change it to the British way ,I'm sorry but it just doesn't work ,It's up to us to integrate into the Spanish way not the other way around.

2007-12-05 13:03:57 · answer #5 · answered by ǝuoʎʞɔɐʍ 7 · 2 0

I think intergration is a major factor in race relations in this country, not being funny but i do think muslims in particular tend to insulate themselves somewhat, i know that thier customs and belief system is a lot different to ours so maybe those barriers need addressing....i am non denominational so have no religous view either way, maybe a muslim wouldnt be able to relate to that, i dont know if there is a simple answer

2007-12-05 07:50:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

New comers need to integrate and to understand that the country they have come from will probably not be as civilised as ours is. We are generally very tolerant, we allow others to worship in the way they want and to live where they like. What we will not tolerate are people coming to live in our westernised, civilised, educated country where we have freedom of speech for all and where women command as much respect as men, if they then try to bring in their own laws and demean others in our society. All through its history this nation has given a home to refugees from all over the world and treated them well, it is up to the newcomers to respect our way of life.

By the way, well said mrs clooney!

2007-12-05 08:33:35 · answer #7 · answered by Helen S 7 · 5 1

We could all start being a little less sanctimonious. Cultural things cannot be dictated by governments or laws. Its up to us as individuals to decide how we deal with other individuals. If you don't like something just have nothing to do with it why make a fuss.

2007-12-05 07:55:08 · answer #8 · answered by STEVE MACK 2 · 2 0

Well for a start tolerance from both sides would be good, Our Government and their politically correct think tanks actually helping each other understand without us having to change our customs and festivals to avoid offending immigrants and other races. people not throwing the race card when they can't get there own way.
Non of what i have said above is racist or islamophobic.

I think that SOME people not all who come to this country regardless of race or religion should understand that we have customs and traditions and we should not be expected to downgrade them or cease celebrating them just to please a minority.

2007-12-05 07:52:23 · answer #9 · answered by Agent Zero® 5 · 12 0

Oh dear, I think you have started something. You have many thoughts to start with, from the English. because immigration has spiralled out of control, mostly we resent it, (we may not admit it). Our own people have been penalised sometimes for immigrants. Immigrant resent other immigrants, because they are spoiling it for them. Immigrant tend to dominate a particular area. Southampton has 50,000 Poles increasing for example. I have only touched the problem. The only answer is for the Government to take control, we don't want parasites, we need skilled workers, anyone that fits in will be accepted. Regretfully I don't think our Government is capable of controlling it and we have this problem. The answer to your question I think, the Government should take control

2007-12-05 08:11:41 · answer #10 · answered by ERIC S 6 · 3 2

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