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2007-12-04 13:24:48 · 9 answers · asked by Silva 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

9 answers

Annie MacGregor

Annie wasn't the happy-go-lucky person she portrayed to the world. She was always AFRAID that she would let her defenses down and the real her would be revealed. SECRETLY she wanted the pretense to end, truth be told. It was a burden to keep up the charade. She longed to meet someone she could TRUST. (Don't we all.)
Annie was bereft of family and close relations. ABANDONED, Annie made ATTEMPT after attempt at throwing together a life that had meaning. Occasionally she was RECKLESS in her quest ....... Well, it seemed reckless to a girl who always "toed the line."
It's not that she was UNWANTED; It's just that Annie was such an INTENSE individual, she didn't really fit in well with most others. Her off-beat sense of humor and her way of looking at things, seemed to separate her from the rest of the world.
Annie struggled with her situation........Better that, than quit.
Then one day a dream was planted in her heart and mind.
Her inner strength which had carried her thus far on her solitary journey, kicked in. All those characteristics of hers which seemed to baffle others, became her greatest allies.
And you know what? They tell me that Annie is putting her dreams into action, even as we speak.

2007-12-04 13:57:13 · answer #1 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 4 0

Joe had always been quite (afraid) that someday I would find out about the money he was (secretly) stashing away in a (trust) fund.

I had always wondered why when I asked him for some extra cash to go shopping, just to buy myself a much needed new bra or even some new panties , he would always say he didn't have it.

Eventually , I (abandoned) the idea of feeling good all under with some new Hanes ware ." What's wrong with the one you have?" he would always ask.

It was laundry day on Monday, and in an (attempt) to sort thru the laundry basket , I dumped it up side down. A mixture of socks, shirts, my faded and holey panties fell onto the floor. As I sorted the darks from the lights I happened to notice a piece of paper.

The receipt was the statement of the trust fund account that he was so (reckless) in remembering to remove from his pocket . This discovery would certainly cause an (unwanted) and (intense) argument , should I mention it no matter how subtly I could address the issue.

2007-12-05 13:42:29 · answer #2 · answered by Ink Corporate 7 · 1 0

Anna was afraid. From the time she got in her car until she pulled into her garage, it was there on the passenger seat.
Though she secretly believed in spirits or ghosts, she never thought she would ever experience one. She got out of the car and ran towards the two people she knew she could trust.
She had not abandoned hope that what she saw was just a figment of her imagination; a little something that the late hour and her tired eyes had concocted. She said, "Kids, I'm going to attempt something I've never done before. I hope this isn't reckless and if either of you don't want to back me up, I'll understand. I think I brought an unwanted ghost back with me from the reservation." The three of them peered into the garage. Sitting on the passenger side of the car was an Indian in buckskin and wearing a feathered headdress. The figure looked at the family and said, "How!" Everybody screamed. Then, they ran into the house, slamming the kitchen door. "Wow", said Anna's son, "That was intense!"
End of Chapter 1, "The Ghost in the Volvo"
C. :)!!

2007-12-04 13:54:22 · answer #3 · answered by Charlie Kicksass 7 · 1 0

It's a bit dark for me....I am NOT in this place at the moment so don't worry friends! :-) jel

Being afraid is a lonely place
I’m secretly embarrassed
I cannot even show my face
For fear of being harassed
The trust my friends all gave to me
Has diminished over time
Self-esteem has abandoned me
And all I can do is rhyme
No attempt to cure this ill
Can stop these reckless thoughts
Unwanted voices seem to fill
My mind with words, all sorts
I am a logical person
This insecurity does not make sense
I can only see it as a lesson
And pray it becomes less intense.

2007-12-05 17:56:38 · answer #4 · answered by *Jellz* 6 · 1 0

the girl was very afraid of the dark. She secretly kept a flashlight in her bed. She could not trust anyone with this knowledge.
A little after midnight she abandoned her room in an attempt to get a snack. Halfway down the hall she fell on a toy truck that her reckless little brother had left out.
The snack she intended to eat was now unwanted for the pain in her toe was so intense.

2007-12-04 13:30:42 · answer #5 · answered by momotwins 5 · 3 0

"Don't be AFRAID." The encouraging female voice from nearby urged me on...
How do I always manage to get myself into these complicated situations? I mean, one minute I'm sitting at the end of the bar, minding my own business, all my little worries floating away, one by one. The next minute, I'm SECRETLY wanting to know that innocent-looking young lady down there at the other end of the bar. To feel that instant mutual attraction, to know her intimately, to be the new pillar of strength in her life. "Hmm, pretty eyes..."
They say we tend to TRUST a stranger sometimes even more than a well-known friend, because a stranger has yet to do anything to deceive us. That thought in mind, I ABANDONED all caution and approached the pretty eyes with purpose.
"Damn, tripped again!" I muttered to myself, as my first ATTEMPT at walking under the renewed spiritual guidance of Father Jose Cuervo was more than a little RECKLESS.
"Reckless...yeah....that's me, baby." I confided to myself, however false I knew this self-assurance to be.
Luckily she hadn't noticed the little UNWANTED stumble, but she had just begun to feel my masculine presence as I neared. I chose my introduction, and clearly asked her, "Hello Pretty Eyes, what else can a man say that hasn't already been said at times like these?"
I knew I was about to see these beauties up close for the first time, the two eyes that attracted me in the first place. Her eyelashes flickered upward, her lips parted as if to speak.
That fateful moment stalled, as if frozen in time.
Suddenly, as if a big neon sign had flashed to life over her head, those eyes met mine with the most INTENSE inpenetrable piercing look of The Queen of Life Herself.
"Go ahead. Don't be AFRAID."
"Is Love At First Sight Really Possible?" I asked.
"Well, there's always Questions & Answers," she replied, taking a long draw off her Virginia Slim.
"Yahoo!" I SECRETLY screamed to myself...........

2007-12-05 13:26:57 · answer #6 · answered by Kentucky Dave 6 · 1 0

It was about midnight and Billy Bob led the men. He stared silently off into the distance, across the rows of headstones, looking afraid and then said in a low voice, "This is the cemetery where the remains where kept. They secretly buried the treasures along with it. I trust we came with the digging tools?"
"We came prepared." responded one of the five others.
They abandoned all pretence of having come to the cemetary to lay wreaths and began their attempt to exhume the corpse and the buried treasures. But they were reckless in their haste as a spade hit a metal object attracting unwanted attention. Billy gave the culprit an intense look of pure hate.
"Who goes there?" bellowed the night guard waking up from his slumber.
"Meoow! It is just a cat!" said Billy Bob
"Okay then," said the night guard as he returned to his sleeping quarters.

2007-12-05 00:19:14 · answer #7 · answered by violeo 5 · 3 0

Don't be AFRAID to satisfy you chocolate cravings whenever they arise. And don't bother doing it SECRETLY. Revel in your enjoyment of it. TRUST me the world will go on and you will feel much better. I ABANDONED any ATTEMPT to deny my cravings years ago. Oh yes, may people told me I was being RECKLESS, that I would gain tons of weight, or that I would break out in horrible acne. I disregarded their UNWANTED exhortations and have led a wonderful chocolate-filled life. The INTENSE pleasure found in a bag of M&Ms easily offsets the extra pounds I have to carry around because of them. So go ahead, eat the Snickers bar and stop being so ashamed.

2007-12-06 01:23:06 · answer #8 · answered by ghouly05 7 · 1 0

this is an staggering riddle, to assert the least ^.^ It has good high quality and a poetic type to it, y'know? I enjoyed it, universal. however the only element i've got continuously disliked on the subject of the riddles (i do no longer hate this, yet nonetheless) is they are continuously first-individual. For me, first-individual continuously detaches me from the story being informed, no longer comprise me. this is purely me however, whether in this occasion i think of it oftentimes works for you. i'm hoping your type cherished it, by using the way~

2016-10-19 05:09:19 · answer #9 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

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