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2007-12-04 00:09:50 · 25 answers · asked by Third P 6 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

25 answers

This might be possible in the future for science to pull people back to life once they are dead for some reasonably short length of time, but even then they would not be able to relate to us what happened, where do they go, or what other world they entered in that while. The reason for this is that just as physical death takes place brain stops taking in sensual data for its stores of memory. Therefore, the time lapsed thus would the time completely blanked out. There might be some imagery leading up to the seizure of the brain function containing images of tunnel of light for instance, but that would be from this side of the boundary.

Some people relate that they have lived before as some other people in the past, but there is no proof of that. Such stories are often based upon merely faith memory like flashes in the mind. Besides, they entirely eliminate the mention of any processes involving transition from one life to another.

This is the fact that the physical mind is not purposed to know this in forms of conventional material knowledge. But since the same physical mind cannot help but think about death and possibilities of some continuation after death, there must be some consideration about the matter of death, and about any possibilities of life after death. We cannot scientifically prove that life goes on once people are no more in the world. We then have to gather evidence either entirely deductively or purely circumstantially.

This can matter can be viewed circumstantially, where we observer that life is processional in every respect. Seasons pass, days come and go, things grow, ripe and then decay, all material things undergo transformations: ocean, earth, airs, waters, planets, stars, galaxies and even the universe all are known to undergo cycles of change. People, likewise, when live out their temporal limits, die but then, they are seen no more, which is odd among the nature of the rest of things. This is common however to see other people being born in their place, but the same person with same consciousness has never been known to relive ever. But if every thing in nature is capable to reproduction then why the essence that manifested itself not merely in natural physical form but also as human consciousness should die out completely in time?

The same fact can also be evidenced deductively. As human mind is incapable of two things: firstly, it is incapable of disregarding thought of its physical end, or the end, and secondly, it is incapable of eliminating possibilities of existence after death. It is unnatural to the mind to conceive a notion an absolute end to anything; the mind simply cannot imagine the end just about the way it cannot understand the nature of the beginning of time or a being, whereas death to a person is equivalent to the end of everything. If the mind is incapable of this then what is it capable of imagining … and why? Why the mind is composite of thoughts of things before the beginning if there were none, and why the mind is also capable wondering about things after the end, if the is only the end?

2007-12-04 05:04:37 · answer #1 · answered by Shahid 7 · 1 0

At the point of death our physical body remains on earth and decays but more importantly this is the wonderful emancipation day for our spirit and soul! In 1 Corinthians 15:31 Paul said "I die daily." Right there with you Paul! (earlier verses of 1 Corinthians 15 provide additional insight into this question). For the past two months in deep meditation I have been pulling out of my physical body through the top of my head. So I am in a manner of speaking I am acting through what will happen when I die. Usually, my soul floats to a wonderful garden with magnificent blooming tulips of every color and then a find myself seated and hopefully, I am joined by a Saint who provides me with answers to some spiritual question I have been mentally asking. Unfortunately, in meditation I am also becoming familiar with souls who are confused and do not seem to know how to move forward (one close relative in particular). I have attempted to provide my best advice to this unfortunate soul but she does not seem to understand me. I want to make sure I get this right because I am sure that there will be a brief time when I die that I am confused. So I practice dying daily as a spiritual exercise.

2007-12-04 04:47:30 · answer #2 · answered by b_steeley 6 · 0 0

Everything here in our solar system was made when a giant cloud of space dust (nebula) imploded because it couldn't withstand it's own vast gravity.

The interaction of the atoms and sub-atomic particles created nuclear fission, creating the birth of a new star - our sun. The debri left behind formed the planets.

Down the line, life emerged on this planet. And after millions of years of evolution, here we are pondering the question on the internet of where we might go when we die.

One day, when the sun eventually uses up the last of it's nuclear energy, it will expode as a supernova, incinerating everything in the solar system, until it's all just space dust again.

In this line of thinking, we came from the stars and will eventually go back to the stars.

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.

2007-12-04 11:02:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am trying to figure that out. Of course, we can adopt some kind of faith.

My faith says that we will reincarnate after death if we have to fully realized our true eternal self that is qualified to enter the eternal spiritual world.

We will be lucky to reincarnate into another human body. We may have to reincarnate into some kind of strange, weird or interesting life form such as pinguins. We might become a fish with a stupid look on our face. But, that might not be the worst of it. What if we incarnate as a worm?

We should take this belief seriously at least as theory. We wouldn't want to take any chances.

2007-12-04 04:41:35 · answer #4 · answered by devotionalservice 4 · 0 0

Your mind will continue to exist and you will end up with other minds that are the most similar to yours. The afterlife is separated into those who believe in service to others and those who believe in service to self. I know because I have been there and seen that.

Remember how the three stooges always tried to go through the door at the same time? That represents service to self. They can no longer advance because they all want to go first. The only way to advance spiritually is to put the advancement of others before yourself.

2007-12-04 00:32:18 · answer #5 · answered by cwrockbttm 3 · 2 0

No one knows for sure but there are theories.
One good logical one is that the body goes back to the elements it came from - ashes to ashes and dust to dust - it came from food and goes back as fertilizer for more food.

The mind was conditioned by the society and the environment and it also continues to brain-wash and
condition the future generations by its writings speeches and dogmatism.
The life force goes into the next generation via the sperm or ovum as the Case may be.
And that ends all.

2007-12-04 00:23:24 · answer #6 · answered by mahen 4 · 1 1

Can you tell me where we were before we were born? If you have the answer the same place implies to going after death!It is like when we strike a match box stick the fire is there instantly it came from nowhere.When the fire is extinguished it has gone back to nowhere.

2007-12-04 01:44:56 · answer #7 · answered by shivamat bhairav 4 · 1 0

some believes in reincarnation. others believe there's life after death. some belives you go to heaven if you're good!

but, nobody's really sure! All we know that all things end & that there's nothing permanent in this world. Only God knows about this!

2007-12-04 00:20:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This is "THE QUESTION" is it not? To find an answer one must discover it on their own, for no one can be told and truly believe, that is why we search. The answer is out there for all to find if they could only take the time to look inside.

consider this question

How can it not know what it is?

2007-12-04 01:03:42 · answer #9 · answered by James 5 · 2 0

Upon death, our spirits go to a spirit world. The righteous of those will go to Paradise and the unrighteous will go to a spirit prison. At the time decided by the Eternal Father, the Lord Jesus Christ will return and commence the resurrection of all the spirits into immortal bodies and spirits combined.

From there the great judgment will come and the consignment to eternal glory or eternal damnation.

2007-12-04 00:19:15 · answer #10 · answered by Guitarpicker 7 · 2 3

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