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can't wait for the double standard people now

2007-12-04 00:09:08 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

30 answers

I haven't seen any evidence of it, by Muslims, etc, other than those who repeatedly bring the Crusades into the 21st century as an example of Christian barbarism.
I think there might be such a thing as Westernphobia. Most of the complaints regarding Chrsitmas, etc are made by pc atheists or those who wish to appease everyone.
And of course, there is racism, as per usual.
Is this a double standard?
I do think that Christianity is being eroded, but I think the enemy is within.

2007-12-04 00:23:49 · answer #1 · answered by True Blue Brit 7 · 6 0

I am an atheist but of all the phobias Islamophobia is the most justified. 9/11. 7/7 Teddy insulted Muhammad , Behead unbelievers etc.

Meanwhile Islam has not provided anything for Muslims to bring them into the modern world. Any Muslim wanting a modern life must come to the west because nowhere in the Islamic world can you find a 21st century lifestyle.On the other hand the "Christian world " is now dominated by atheism and notice how rich the Christan world is and how poor the Islamic world is except for some oil regions ruled by family dynasties

As far as I can see any faults of Christianity are either in the USA mid west or history. My wish is that indigenous British could be allowed to get on with being British without having this daily conflict with Islam.

2,000,000 UK Muslims will cling like mad to residence in the west because the Islamic world simply has nothing to offer them . We should restrict the number of UK Muslims as a matter of urgency

2007-12-04 13:21:04 · answer #2 · answered by London Man 4 · 6 1

There was a time in this country when discussion of religion in polite society was frowned upon. Now, I can fully understand why.
You perhaps are unaware of the fact that in the UK most people, don't spend their time thinking about religion, whether it is theirs or someone elses. People manage to go to Church on Sundays without making a song and dance about it ot taking a pop at Islam. You have a very warped and twisted idea of Christianity and you would be a better rounded person if you acquired a little tolerance.
I see that more and more people on current events are becoming thoroughly fed up with your rants and provocative comments.

2007-12-04 12:03:19 · answer #3 · answered by Rosina 5 · 6 0

Phobia means an intense, unrealistic fear, which can interfere with the ability to socialise, work, or go about everyday life, that is brought on by an object, event or situation.

I cannot say whether any Christians, or those of other faiths feel this degree of fear or not. I can say that the UK is a Christian country (so far) and should be recognised as such. I don't know where your 'double standards' apply.


2007-12-04 09:14:10 · answer #4 · answered by proud walker 7 · 5 0

Are you purposely trying to be obtuse with this question or what?

Personally I am an atheist in terms of organised religion, like I think the majority of people in this country are, with my own ideas and beliefs on spirituality. I think ALL organised religions are trouble, and there are extremists on all sides.

But even though I don't believe in god, I do respect the tradition and culture of this country as being entwined with that of Christianity. This is traditionally a Christian country, with churches and cathdrals a natural part of our city and village topography. It is not a muslim country, or a bhuddist country, even though there are people here which believe in those faiths, amongst others, which is fine.

The problem I think lies more in culture than in religion. I can only speak for myself of course but I think a lot of people might agree with me, that I do not care what religion a person believes in, I believe in religious freedom, as long as it is kept as a private belief. I hate jehovas witnesses knocking on my door as much as I cant stand muslim preachers on the streets denouncing the west. But people (especially those of other faiths and the liberal left wing idiots) have to remember that ENGLISH culture is intertwined with Christianity, we get a lot of our identity from it, even if we dont believe in it; and we are living in a society now where English traditions and culture is being slowly trod into the ground, where Christmas is banned and called a seasonal holiday, where the left wing liberals and political correctness has tried to supress any form of English culture for fear of 'upsetting minority groups'!!! And Christianity is just another part of that. So to finally answer your question, Christianophobia, like Englishophobia, is alive and well in the politically correct establishment. Is it any wonder that Islamophobia and immigration and related issues are becoming more and more prevalent?

2007-12-04 10:17:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Christianophobia means fear of Christians does it not? There are those right wing Christian groups, primarily in the US, who seem to be a frightening bunch, but other than them I don't see much to be afraid of. The Anglican Church doesn't seem too threatening to me, or haven't I understood the question? Think I'll go for Myth, or a potential storm in the proverbial teacup.

2007-12-04 08:31:42 · answer #6 · answered by Ern T 6 · 3 1

Kamran again you appear to have nother better to do mate.
1 question if you are obviously so determined that all and sundry should live life as Muslims and everywhere should be an Islamic state, then why do you just not go and live in one .
The Uk is a Christian country and people like you with your one sided approach and unwillingness to adapt to the culture you live amongst only makes the old " integration " problem worse .
Why do so many Muslims strive to enter Uk if it is so corrupt,
nothing to do with our free benefits system, health care, education etc is it ???????
If you want to live here be Muslim if you want but also be British just like other people have done successfully ie The Jews, Italians, Greeks, Irish, etc.
You are just a stupid wee boy with a bigoted chip on your shoulder .
Grow up, integrate, adapt or leave !!!!!!

further note :-
well said elsie 1912, a sensible scot who speaks sense,

2007-12-04 08:53:46 · answer #7 · answered by charlie_gilmour 2 · 10 2

Poor old Kamran, can't get a rise out of anyone today, ah well!
I'm a christian, i dont go around shouting about it and neither do i try to force it down others throats or insist that i live as they do in a repressive, backward culture. Lighten up, you are lucky to be able to live in the UK, you have after all freedoms here which you could never have in a muslim state.
Happy Christmas.

2007-12-04 09:07:16 · answer #8 · answered by Helen S 7 · 9 1

Kamran, when are you going to realise that this is a Christain country. I would not go and live in a Muslim country and demand that they conform to my religion.
I do believe that you should be able to practice your religion, but not to the extent where i cannot practice mine incase i offend others.
Luckily i live in the north east of Scotland and we are lucky up here so far not to be affected by most of the pc brigade when it comes to religion. our schools still have nativity plays and easter plays. they still have "Cristmas" holidays.
My heart goes out to the other British schools who cannot let their children get the pleasure of something which is their God given right....to practice the religion of their country.
The Red Cross now does not sell Christmas cards with nativity scenes on it....never again will i give money to the red cross...especially as a lot of their work is carried out in Muslim countries.
Air stewardesses not being able to wear the cross but school children allowed to wear their religious clothes...and yes i cant remember what they are called because im not interested in them.
If you are not happy here Kamran then why don't you go and live in a Muslim country where you will be free to practice what you want and not have to live amongst us Christains.
Mr Pritchard has my full support, that is the type of man we want for Prime Minister. A man who is not afraid to speak out against the pc brigade.
Rule Brittannia.....and Merry CHRISTmas.

Dodo.....Very well said.

2007-12-04 09:35:34 · answer #9 · answered by elsie1912 4 · 8 2

This is STILL a christian country. I am not christian but I am sick to the back teeth of seeing everything traditional of the UK, ESPECIALLY England, being rubbished by people who have NOTHING better to replace it with. Good for Mr Pritchard. I may not subscribe to the tenets of the Christian faith, but its what has given this country its culture and heritage. The decline of this country has been caused by people undermining the decency of its tradition.

2007-12-04 08:48:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 10 0

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