Yes - and apparently lots of others will be too. She is the most qualified of them all.
2007-12-04 00:02:54
answer #1
answered by LR 3
Oh HELL no. I try not to vote for liars, manipulators or thieves (and while I realize that wipes out most politicians, she is one of the worst). She has no experience other than some years as junior senator of a state she never lived in prior to being elected and she's never written any law since being a senator (I'm sorry, but being first lady does NOT count as experience!). She changes her personality depending on who she's campaigning in front of (did we not hear her poor southern drawl in front of an audience of African American's in the south?) and she changes her mind on issues daily, depending on how the poll winds are blowing. I would never vote for someone just because of their sex, face, ethnicity, religion, so I'm not going to start now. Surely this country has a better female to put forward as a first female president than Hillary Clinton. Hell, she claims she didn't even know what was going on under her own roof with her own husband, how could she then be expected to know what's going on in the world or even in her own country?
2007-12-04 08:37:35
answer #2
answered by ajsnskool 5
Hillary has too much of an aura of criminality about her. The fact that she's a woman is secondary to that. I really don't trust her. I'd say I would leave the country if she's elected, but I already did that when Bush was re-elected. I might come back if somebody like Paul or Kucinich is elected, but I've learned that living in the USA is overrated, and I doubt even those guys can fix it.
2007-12-04 09:38:18
answer #3
answered by mick t 5
No,I would never vote for Hillary Clinton,ever.I don't want it to go Bush,Clinton,Bush,Clinton.Seriously we need a change. Hillary would not be the change we need,she would be as bad as Bush is for America,and the rest of the world.Oh yeah and I am a woman
2007-12-04 08:26:36
answer #4
answered by lalalalaconnectthedots 5
Are you saying you will vote for Hillary just because she is a woman? I would hope that all voters are looking at the values a candidate stands for. Statement such as this are as bigoted as someone that would only vote for a white male. Political correctness swings both ways.
2007-12-04 08:09:25
answer #5
answered by robbiecougar 5
Dear Jimmy It is my sincere hope that you are basing your belief in the Clintons on good solid facts. Do you know the real "facts" about the Clintons do you? Ever done your own research into their past and get the "real" story on the "two" of them? Ever seen the 1994 documentary about Bill and Hilary? I just wonder if you have? I'm not going to get into a "bashing" on the Clintons I'm really not you have to make your own decisions and conclusions about these two. Please dont vote for Hilary just because shes a woman find out for yourself just who Hilary really is and for what she really stands for!
2007-12-04 08:06:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I would never vote for Hillary. Not because she's a woman, but because no one has any idea where she stands on any issue. Understanding her stance is like trying to nail honey to a tree.
2007-12-04 08:42:47
answer #7
answered by Eric T 2
No. Not even if they reincarnated Hitler to run on the Republican ticket and hog tied me to railroad tracks with nothing but a ballot in hand.
Seriously, if you can only think of one shallow reason to vote for someone, then get out of my gene pool. That's about as bad as people who vote for "the best looking."
2007-12-04 08:16:33
answer #8
answered by Karma 4
If she wins the nomination, I will vote for her unless, by some miracle, Ron Paul gets the Republican nomination. The rest of the Republicans have nothing to offer me as a citizen other than more of the same. We need some democrats for a while to restore balance between the benefits to the people and interests that only benefit commerce.
2007-12-04 08:19:13
answer #9
answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7
Ya no what if Hillary wins the election im gonna move to Mexico and start a new life as a Mexican Hat Dancer!!!!!!!!! DOWN WITH HILLARY
2007-12-04 08:08:06
answer #10
answered by hhhhhhh 2
I would be quite happy to support an honest woman for president. Maybe some day one will turn up.
2007-12-04 09:10:29
answer #11
answered by Sherilynne B 6