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I just want to know because i live in Townsville, Queensland and today Elton John is preforming at Dairy Farmers Stadium. Hope everyone can visit because Queensland is such a great place to visit theres Great Barrier Reef on the coast, Dream World, Movie World, Sea Worls, Wet and Wild and plenty more. It a great place to bring your family and friends. OH a place you really have to see is Australia Zoo Steve Iriwns Wife now own it.
I have lived in Queensland for 15 year its such a great place to visit. Plus Australia is also named most livable places in the world.
Hope you come c'ya mate

2007-12-03 11:36:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Australia Other - Australia

8 answers

I'm with you - Queensland there's NO better place to be !
LOVE the place.

2007-12-03 12:40:08 · answer #1 · answered by • Koala • uʍop ɹǝpun 7 · 1 0

Bruce I have just looked into the crystal balls and lo and behold you appear. First the answer to your many questions is no. Neutron bombs, insanity, nobody is safe and yadda yadda yadda. Bruce no! You sound like a little boy who want's greatly to be a man but...isn't. You remind me of the patent who comes to see a doctor. The Doctor say's what can I do for you? The man says nothing, just slowly removes his hat, and reveals a frog growing out of his head. "Good God" the Doctor says, "How long has this been happening my man? To which the frog replies, "Well Doc, it started off as a pimple on my azz!" You Bruce are the pimple on the azz! Do you truly know the insanity that you speak? The crystal balls know! They see your demise in a lonely garret surrounded by hate and bigotry. Life does not have to be like this Bruce, Madam Zenda sees the red of the anger rising in your face and the blood pressure sky high through the roof! Get a grip man! I see the words of the aswerman the hotrod. Makes a lot of sense to and old lady. Do the math, 31,000 smart peoples sign up for the food stamps? The ridicule? the foolems you? For what? Think! Use the brains that the Godforsaken has blessed you skull with. Do you truly, rooly think that these 31,000 peoples with the smarts in the brain is wrong and you with the one brain with the nothing but the fear and screaming, you are the right? No Bruce, the answers say it, the Hot of the rod she say it and the crystals balls she say it. Stop to frighten the little children and print the full apology. Unfortunately the world she not gonna end tomorrow of the next day or in 2012. You just have to get used to it and get a job sonny. No more excuses and no sleeping till lunchtime anymore. We are over you! Grow up!

2016-05-28 01:38:41 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Queensland - just seeing the word gives me goose bumps. You can count yourself very blessed to be living there.
I grew up in Toowoomba until I was 14 and visiting Brisbane as a child was just the greatest adventure to me then.
It DOES have everything and I think of it as paradise.
I now live in New Zealand. When I can, which sadly isn't very often, I go to the Sunshine Coast, but it would be my dream come true to visit more parts of the state.
My daughter worked as a volunteer for a short time at Australia Zoo

2007-12-04 08:27:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because that is the way Australia advertises. The sun, the sun and more sun. Hey come of it, I can think of heaps of places a hell of a lot better than Queensland. What about all the history and Maldon. You cannot escape Maldon if you come to Australia. No, it's not in Queensland but Victoria of all places.

2007-12-03 14:08:35 · answer #4 · answered by Ms Angel 4 · 0 1

I agree but I am bias - I live in Central Queensland!

2007-12-03 16:33:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Believe it or not, stupid people in Sydney view Queensland as violent. LOL.

Well i now live in nz, so haha

2007-12-03 16:02:27 · answer #6 · answered by Lovin life 1 · 0 0

I love it but I'm biased, I'm a Queenslander.

2007-12-03 12:16:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Gold Coast is the best

2007-12-03 14:19:28 · answer #8 · answered by Denny Crane 2 · 1 0