Because they drain the social security system,they are collecting checks but have not put in a dime....There children receive a free education at the expense of the American Tax Payer and they are now dumbing down the school system,They get free medical at the expense of those who pay for health care.Then there are the gangs,the graffiti,the disreguard for the rights of others.
To Bedtime- so what youre saying is that with out the illegals we would be doomed? we have a prison system,let the non violent offenders do the work that "no one else" will do
2007-12-01 18:19:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's not necessarily them They been coming here since America became a nation. what's mind boggling is that the Mexican government must be making a second income off the "illegal trade" coming to America.
Look at some stats. 2005 fed stats show that 300,000 were crossing the border at that time of this number 1 in 7 was from a terror sponsoring nation. So how can they get in mexico and pay to be brought to the American border. This amounts to well over 40,000 a month that were caught.
Mexico has such strict immigration laws, yet allow hundreds of thousands form around the world nd South america to invade our country, puzzling isn't it. I mention about the Brazilian family tha flew into Mexico city, paid $3,000 and was taken by rmed guard to the border and turned voer to BP agents. Spent a restful night in a nice detention center and then released into th country, strange, but true.
So there you have, what 3.6 million and that number does not incorporate the numbers flooding in now that the democrats have given their latest mating call of AMNESTY. By the way that year they picked up almost 800,000 and deported at the border.
Now "all hands here this". the United States issues between 8-9 million visas a year and most abide by the law and honor them. But some only about 3 million do not honor the visa and when it expires they hide out inthe country, sorta like some of the 911 freaks. So just in Clinton and Ws reign that could be 48 million illegals. Now add the ones from all over in the south another 48 million and the list goes on. The visa jumpers are also from all over.
You would think the government would know this and that all the past and present administrations would take heed. Also I forgot to mention that Bill Clinton increase legal immigration up to 2.5 million a year, to offset the fact the Perrot would not run again, so he brought in over 20 and Bush cut the number back to norms to 1.25 million nd now 1 million, so we have over 33 million new Americans in the last 16 years. So add all these togther and we have a bunch of people.
The government cannot be tursted and another another answers mentioned that the last time they had amnesty in 1986 the number was actually 3 times as many and that the Bureau sttes there are probably more like 38 million, I assume from 2005, so add another 6 million or more.
So to say it's the Mexican illegal immigrants, I 'm sure they do their part, but what about the others? If the countries they come from will pay $30,000 into the pot then it might work, but the shape social security is in the boat may sink.
The crime and drugs are a joke and traditionally are in the areas where the criminal will blend in, so its time the government did something. Yes it's a mess and insane t see thousands just roaming in the country.
i guess some of the big shots are making tons off the drugs and then the escort services. Correct me if wrong, but isn't the going rate $3,000 t get here? isse the news stories of many in a motel nd then picked up by ice becasue they had only paid $1,500 and no one cam up with the other.
No mexico must be held accountable for allowing and benefitting from this. the fence will work and build it, give our criminal justice system a chance to catch up. i cannot judge, but one that does is watching. Also now when they kill an American and cross the border the Mexican govrnment will not return and now they do not want our system giving anyone a life sentence, but a certain amount of years, so go figure.
Save America f rom the hordes, it would not be so bad if it were only the Mexicans as in the past for 200 years, but with everyone and their brother in law from all l over the world it is out of hand and since the Mexican government condones if and our government knows about it, then I feel George,Teddy and the rest of the gang know more than they are telling. Take care.
2007-12-02 14:13:33
answer #2
answered by R J 7
I simply cannot buy the argument that illegals are doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do based on a very simple and essential part of capitalism. Supply and demand.
If there was a shortage of workers in areas that "Americans don't want to do", those wages would be fairly high paying. If you cannot get workers to do a job, you raise the pay rate in an effort to attract workers TO those areas. This has NEVER been the case. Many work low paying jobs, the vast majority work for wages that are less than standard for the job. Examples are the obvious ones, such as construction and meat packing. Meat packing has been hardest hit by illegal workers.
Back in the day, meat packing was a good paying job. Most were union jobs that paid union wages and had union benefits. Here in Iowa, meat packers typically pay less starting out than you would get working at Burger King or any other fast food chain. A few years ago when I was looking for work, I went in to see the veteran's rep at Iowa Workforce Development, used to be called Job Service, also known as the Unemployment Office. He mentioned that IBP, a large meat packing company had asked him to make sure to send some people their way, but he said there was no way he was going to send a vet to the meat packers to work $6.75/hr when Burger King was hiring at $7/hr.
Another example is dry walling in the Los Angeles area. Back maybe 15 or 20 years ago, dry walling was largely a black industry. Many dry wallers were black, many companies were owned by blacks. That's not the case anymore, not even close. Illegal immigration has dissolved the black dominated dry walling business in and around Los Angeles.
It has nothing to do with being a xenophobe or a hater. We have a lot of immigrants here in Iowa. A large number of Serbs and Kosovars came here during their warring times within the past 10-15 years. They are starting to become Americans. They are learning the language. They are adopting the customs. They are becoming a part of the community. Many of the illegals we have here are from Central America, most from Mexico, and they are NOT learning the language. They are NOT adopting the customs. They are instead demanding special treatment BECAUSE they are from a different culture. Many DON'T want to become Americans. They want to remain Mexican nationals who simply work in America.
THAT'S what's wrong. Don't get me wrong, you can go into a lot of areas in Chicago where people are maybe 2nd or 3rd generation Americans, and the neighborhood has an Italian feel to it, or a Polish feel to it. But, the people who live in those neighborhoods don't concider themselves Italian or Polish. They are Americans. Sure, they may call themselves Italian or Polish, but that's because if you spend 10 minutes with them, the American part is a given. They take it for granted. Push comes to shove, they are Americans first, and they love America. It's just not that way with too many illegals. They don't want to be Americans, they just want amnesty so they can be legal and not have to leave this country where they can get a job.
2007-12-02 02:40:01
answer #3
answered by Jam_Til_Impact 5
Illegal immigrants have become such a problem because our politicians have not seen to it that the immigration laws already on the books are enforced. All it would take to fix the problem would be to enforce the laws we already have in place (which, by the way, includes deportation if caught in this country illegally).
Our politicians don't see that the immigration laws are enforced because "big business" likes the status quo.
The problem far supersedes just the taking away of jobs. Illegals commit crimes, use up natural resources, pollute, receive free welfare services at the expense of the tax payer, crowd our schools, refuse to assimilate, fly the Mexican flag from their homes, at their work place, and from their vehicles, the list could go on and on...
2007-12-02 02:31:01
answer #4
answered by Geri42 7
First off Mexico is a country that is way older then the US so how come you people see how the US progressed and yet you are to lazy or stupid to follow suit We only have provided billions of dollars in aid to you but still you live in sweller,I aint got no idea what you all are doing here when 75% of what use to be American Industry is down there providing jobs that pay more then sitting around drinking &robbing the tourest that are there.yet you want more. It is not out fault we have for decades shared with our neibours and the rest of the world and yet thats not enough for you .you all lost cali&The SW US in wars learn how to fight What gives you the right to come up here and fck up our economy Grow some balls and over throw that currupt gov. you have and clean up your own country.They make a thing called a rubber dont have more kids then you can afford to support. I would love to have my own children but cant cause i somehow got the privlige of paying for yours thank for nadda.Enough is enough I know your going to think of me as a raciest bastard but take a look at yourself how come you all dont want the salvadorens up in you thats howcome most of that ragtag army of yours guards your southern border but you squak like the bit---- you are if we suggest troops on ours.We dont have no problems with our neibors to the north so why sould we put up with your sh--t
2007-12-02 06:19:31
answer #5
answered by gwshark2169 3
I don't think the "average" American has a problem with "Mexicans" seeking a better life in America.
I think Americans do have a fear that "Mexicans/Hispanic-speaking individuals are focused upon creating a Mexican/Hispanic society within the United States.
As a substitute teacher in a large metropolitan school district, I can tell you there are at least two elementary schools that are devoted to their students being "immersed" in Spanish. From Kindergarten through fifth grade, these students are taught every subject in Spanish!
My grandmother was forbidden to speak her Native American Indian language because the "average" English-speaking person could not understand what she was saying. American Indians were sent to "white" schools, to learn the White man's ways, not allowed to speak their language or practice ther tribal rituals.
As a tribal member of a recognized American Indian tribe. I am very angry that the United States government,and its public schools have recognized and proselytized, the Hispanic language.
2007-12-02 03:20:37
answer #6
answered by Baby Poots 6
we oppose illegal immigration not immigration. we have rules in place to make sure that those we allow to immigrate here legally are completely self supporting. by coming here illegally they are not made to meet this standard and they use government programs we don't afford legal immigrants. FROM THE ARTICLE; About one-third of all families headed by an immigrant use at least one welfare program, compared to less than one-fifth for native households, the report said. The percentage in Georgia tracks the national average, with 32.9 percent of immigrant households using at least one welfare program compared with 19.1 percent of native households. "Setting aside the lower socio-economic status of immigrants, no nation has ever attempted to incorporate nearly 38 million newcomers into its society," the report warned. FROM THE ARTICLE; For the last 40 years, Rogers has been a man of medicine. One of his first assignments was caring for soldiers during the Vietnam War. His last assignment was for the County of Sacramento in the Indigent Care Program. It is a job Rogers says he lost because of his attention on the county's spending for illegal immigrants. The program Rogers administered was for non-emergency specialist care for indigent citizens. When county budget cuts threatened to cut his staff, Rogers ordered a top to bottom review of patient files to make sure everyone getting care was eligible. "I had asked one of the IT guys to run a program to see how much we were spending on undocumented aliens," Rogers said. What he found was $2.1 million county taxpayer dollars being spent on non-emergency care for non-citizens. Rogers said he routinely saw requests from illegal immigrants for such services as fertility testing or reimbursements for cab rides to the doctor. He also said he felt the county's program was becoming a draw for illegal immigrants who came for services, but listed their home address in another country.FROM THE ARTICLE; Lochirco Fruit and Produce officials agreed to pay $599,000 in fines, which includes forfeiting three properties in Marthasville and another in Union. The Marthasville properties include 201 S. Three St. and 300 and 305 N. Three St. The company makes caramel apples and apple cider and sells fresh apples. It has orchards and facilities in Marthasville, Washington and Union. Reidy also faces a prison term of no more than five years and a fine of up to $250,000. FROM THE ARTICLE; The long-awaited report did not quantify the cost of providing government services to illegal immigrants, saying the information was either impossible or unnecessary to track down. It provided cost information for only one agency — the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office, which spent $3.8 million to house 4,300 illegal immigrants in fiscal 2007. *****this is why we see illegals as such a problem. i can't imagine this is the only medical facility that is robbing U.S. taxpayers blind by offering non emergency medical care to illegal immigrants. businesses are now being fined and they are being deported rightfully. Full articles on the links
2007-12-02 05:20:15
answer #7
answered by T 4
If you mean the illegal population your right its a problem.I see through the disguise of your slanderous and biased question,you didnt make the distinction between illegal and legal,so shame on you
2007-12-02 02:31:42
answer #8
answered by stygianwolfe 7
I think the issue boils down to money. Most illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, and the rest of us all have to. That alone is enough to make me upset. I don't care where you come from.. if you earn money here, you should pay taxes here.
2007-12-02 02:20:21
answer #9
answered by boots6 7
The shop down the street needs a body and fender man as soon as he talks of a pay check they walk It's cash and carry with them
2007-12-02 02:24:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous