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I am in the wedding. I have spent a good bit already on the dress, shower, shower gift, bachellorette party, etc, etc. I don't make much money so what are your opinions? By the way it is a friends wedding. If that helps it's not a relative.

2007-12-01 03:50:12 · 10 answers · asked by Mary Posa 5 in Family & Relationships Weddings

10 answers

I personally never give cash gifts but I would say give what you can afford without causing yourself to be strapped financially. It's the thought that counts, not the amount.

2007-12-01 14:22:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You would simply get your friend what you could afford. She is your friend and I am sure that she would not hold such a thing against you. A wedding no matter how fabulous (and i love fabulous weddings) is never about the gifts, the amount of money spent or impressing anyone. It is always about the union and shared commitment of the couple and the community that will help that marriage work. So do everything that you can to support your friend emotionally during this time because there will be tears, and sharp words due to the stress of this event and i bet that she will remeber that more that a vase or a check.

2007-12-01 18:43:18 · answer #2 · answered by GLAM GIRL WEDDING PLANNER 2 · 1 0

Technically being in the wedding party is not an excuse for why you would give the couple a lesser gift (or no gift at all) since it was your CHOICE to participate in those things....the same reason why you wouldn't dock them gas money or a new outfit if you were a regular guest.

That being said you do what you can reasonably afford. Sometimes it doesn't have to be monetary, for instance I usually do a welcome home basket for my couples that includes a whole day's worth of meals. It's fairly inexpensive.

You can also speak with other people attending to see if they want to pitch in as a group for one of the bigger items instead of buying a bunch of the cheap items she probably recieved at her shower.

Don't worry about if your amount "covers your plate". That rule is idiotic and very recently made up by brides who somehow think guests owe them. The same way it was your choice to participate in the wedding party....they CHOSE to have an expensive reception. If they couldn't afford it then they shouldn't have thrown it. A wedding is a celebration, not a fundraiser.

2007-12-01 05:15:23 · answer #3 · answered by pspoptart 6 · 2 0

It's not "proper" or not--a gift is based on you and what you can afford. I know when I was in college, I got my good friend a $20 margarita set and had to eat Ramen for 2 weeks to afford that!

Many members of my bridal party couldn't afford anything after $100 for the dress/tux and perhaps $50 in travel. If you have gotten her a shower gift and really can't afford more--just get her a card. If you want to get her something else, consider getting a bunch of the cheaper items off her registry. Perhaps the ice cream scoop, garlic press, can opener (all roughly $2-3) in a box all together. You know your friend personally though, so you could also use your creativity here. Perhaps make her a photo album. My bridesmaid did this with pictures from the shower, the bachelorette party, and the bridal luncheon. She made it with scrapbooking supplies and added some wedding pics and gave it to me after we got back from our honeymoon. Or you could buy a multipicture picture frame and fill it with a bunch of pictures of you guys hanging out.

Your time and friendship count too--I'm sure your friend doesn't want you there for your money! If you can only afford $10-20, don't feel bad. She asked you to be a bridesmaid because she values your friendship.

2007-12-01 04:39:03 · answer #4 · answered by phantom_of_valkyrie 7 · 2 1

Give what you can afford and only that.

When I was struggling with money as a graduate student I once gave a friend (I was not a bridesmaid) $30 because I seriously had no money. I regret it a little now, but that's all I could do.

However, since you accepted to be bridesmaid, you should have known this was coming and been saving appropriately. I would give absolutely no less than $50, $100 would be better especially if you are bringing a date to the wedding. But if you can't afford that much, you can't and that's that.

2007-12-01 04:34:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You should take a look at the registry and look at possibly the median price or a little lower of what they are requesting and give them that much. If you've already spent money they should be understanding in the fact that you gave what you could.

2007-12-01 12:06:24 · answer #6 · answered by keishound122 2 · 1 0


2007-12-01 04:01:22 · answer #7 · answered by Smita 4 · 0 1

they did not ship out bulletins or invites and did not have a marriage. Why might yousend them a modern-day, in case you probably did understand approximately them getting married sending a card might have been a remarkable element to do for a chum. It replaced into completely beside the purpose for him to invite you some present. it is not in any respect impressive to inquire why a modern-day replaced into not given, that is going to on no account be predicted that anybody supply you with a modern-day for any reason. a modern-day is given with the aid of fact the giver needs to supply it not with the aid of fact the receiver needs to get it

2016-12-30 08:07:22 · answer #8 · answered by sutterfield 3 · 0 0


2007-12-02 01:43:05 · answer #9 · answered by Cher 6 · 0 1

Thats easy Go to Hall mark stores in your area, They have this wedding album That says Wedding , and there is about 10 slits for memmory pictures for the wedding party, and questions that the bride and groom can write out in the album in the beginning of the album, it only costs about 8 bucks, I have one of them, and it was very memorable thats one of the things me and my husband did on our honeymoon, we sat down and filled it with pictures and had fun writing down and answering those questions, They sell them in HALL MARK STORES

2007-12-01 07:24:52 · answer #10 · answered by trudycaulfield 5 · 1 1