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I LOVE the coffee from Tim Horton and have even purchased their coffee for home brewing...It does not taste the same at all.Any tips on brewing good coffee?

2007-12-01 02:15:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

6 answers

Sure. Here's some good tips and you can use them basically on most types of coffee machines except deviation on other preparations on special machines.
1.- Clean water means distilled or filtered water and not just out of the tap water.
2. Water temperature of the coffee should be 95-98C (a digital thermometer would aid in knowing for sure) Not hot enough water is caused by mineral deposits not allowing the pot to get up to that temperature. Cleaning the pot regularly would help.
3,-The coffee pot should brew for 3-4 minutes and not less than the 3 minutes. The pot is not doing it's job properly or the pot is not going to help if all else is ok.
4.- A gauge of measurement calls for 1 tbsp. for 6 oz. water The grind should be for in your case designed for auto- grind. I hope this helps in making really good coffee! As close as these tips are followed your coffee should be improved.

2007-12-01 02:52:42 · answer #1 · answered by No Special Agenda 7 · 0 0

i think good coffee is the starting point, i was watching one of those morning shows the other day and they were talking about a good cup of coffee and were showing you could put some orange zest (grated orange peel) in with the grinds in the filter as it brews or some cinnamon in there too, gives the coffee a great smell as it brews and flavors it nicely.

A good coffee machine is something you'll need too. Maybe find out what kind of machine Tim Horton uses and see if you can match the model.

2007-12-01 03:44:21 · answer #2 · answered by Ginger 4 · 0 0

1) good FRESH beans, grind them yourself - read the intro at www.coffeefool.com. My best recipe so far is a 50/50 mix of their guatamalan and vienna beans.
2) some people say a burr grinder is best - I dunno, but I do have the $50 cuisinart burr grinder and it seems to work.
3) they say use cold (filtered if possible) water, such as from a filtered fridge dispenser
4) clean periodically by running a water/vinegar mix thru the coffee maker (followed by fresh water a few times)
5) MAKE A LOT - for some reason, making an 8-cup batch tastes a lot better than making a 4-cup batch. Something about the time the water is in the beans or something.
6) make is slightly strong. Add water after (or do 50/50 with lowfat milk like I do) to get the strength you want.

You should be able to make coffee good enough this way that you don't need sugar. Those super-dark bitter coffees at Starbucks and Peet's are designed for typical americans who add so much sugar it tastes like a cola.


2007-12-01 02:40:15 · answer #3 · answered by Ken Loves To Cook 1 · 0 0

Yes. Find a good gold-filtered coffee maker. They aren't expensive. I got one from Macy's several years ago for $20 on sale. No more paper filters and you get the coffee's natural oils. It takes some soap and lemon juice to clean the filter but I think it's well worth it. They also sell gold filters for existing pots.

Also get a water filter. The shops use filtered water so it tastes better.

Then try a few of the coffees to find one you like. I personally hate flavored coffees. Give me a good Kona or Sumatra anytime.

2007-12-01 02:36:52 · answer #4 · answered by tugar357 5 · 1 0

well it is all in the coffee beans itself, I've been drinking coffee for about 15 years now and if i want good home brewed coffee, i would go to food lion and get (not expensive) but a good brand. bagged coffee is usually better tasting. And if you want a good flavor i would try hazel nut. good luck

2007-12-01 02:28:19 · answer #5 · answered by wisdom4U 2 · 0 0

i just bought a auto-drip machine myself. say if i fill it up to 6 cups, i put six teaspoons of coffee grounds in. how ever many cups u make, use the same amount of coffee grounds. i also bought this non-dairy coffee creamer made by hershey's. it's called international delight and it comes in many flavors, such as chocolate caramel, hazelnut, white chocolate. it is found in the coolers in your grocery store right next to the milk. it makes my coffee taste wonderful. i hope this was helpful and good luck!

2007-12-01 02:34:56 · answer #6 · answered by brandi w 2 · 0 0