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2007-12-01 01:41:22 · 14 answers · asked by beautiful_disaster 3 in Environment Global Warming

14 answers

Stop making non hybrid cars.

Use less electricity and save energy.

Go for walks instead of cars or tranist.

Change your light bulbs to the energy saving kind.

Destroy all humans except for the nature loving ones.

2007-12-01 01:49:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

There is absolutely nothing we humans can do to stop G.M. We can slow it down. In the extreme sense, we are too numerous. We stop wars. We live longer due to health care. We prevent or postpone people from dying , the normal natural selective way. In the western hemisphere, we import people because we think we need them. The east is very willing to get rid of their overcrowding. All people on earth use more resources that are not replaceable, not sustainable.
Ice ages and warming are cyclitic and / or catastrophic. Someone, somewhere estimated that in 400 years the polar caps would be gone. The only land would be mountain tops and higher elevations.
So what could we do? Population control seems to be the overriding theme here, for me anyway.A real difference would be for the world to stop having children and letting it (the pop. level) come down to manageable and sustainable levels.
You can drink filtered tap water (not a bottle), buy a smaller house (save heat and A.C. emitions), bike (Not car ride, if poss), cut down on laundry washings, natural instead of synthetics, reuse and recycle. So many ways.
I see people save a few plastic bottles and then drive 10 miles to the recyle boxes. Crazy!
whoa there Doc!!!!! I said stop having children ...... That's got nothing to do with enjoying sex. LOL

2007-12-01 12:18:28 · answer #2 · answered by reinformer 6 · 0 0

I like my Ford Explorer. It is big and comfortable, and if I get in a wreck, all the Hybrids, volvos, and VWs don't stand a chance against it.

Seriously, the earth warms and cools in cycles. Global warming is just a religion that people believe in because they can't come up with anything logical, and so they just blame this big general "global warming" issue. I think that mostly it is a joke. Sorry for all of the left wing extremists out there.

Tell Forrest GORE to be quiet for a spell!

2007-12-01 10:54:41 · answer #3 · answered by Riley 2 · 2 2

We can't stop GW(Global Warming)but we can help slow it down by; using the car less often, walk or ride your bike instead, when you go long distances carpool you'll be saving a lot of gas, by using less energy. Using less paper and tree products, and instead of using big business which creates a lot more polution then bascially everything, opt for your own garden, it saves some money, and when less people buy at the store, less trucks are needed to ship it. :D

2007-12-01 11:45:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Use as much solar Power as possible in and around your home,
I saw what Jello wrote, woooo pity he isn't in South Australia right now and sweltering in heat we have never experienced at this time of year before ( Just broke a 25 year old record)
Not to mention the worse drought in Australia's history.
Heck what will my grandchildren be made to live like in the future its sure scary.
I assure you global warming is far from over

2007-12-01 10:37:05 · answer #5 · answered by cally l 6 · 1 1

1. stop wasting gas and walk or bike instead.
2. save energy
3. dont pullute oceans (i wont stop global warming but its good) :)
4.dont use gas powered any thing
5. stop factories from uhhhh you Know those pipes that let out smoke

2007-12-01 13:38:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Even if we stop all of our bad habits, the Earth will long years to get well. Water waste, pollution and forest distruction are the mainly factors of Global Warming, but the big cause is the use of CO2. I live in Brazil and we see in TV lot of deforestation news and illegal tree traffic in Amazonia. China and USA are the big polluters of world but the change depends on every one of us: recycling, avoid water waste and pollution... If we make our share, the mankind will be saved.

2007-12-01 09:56:16 · answer #7 · answered by OBD-ED 4 · 1 2

What makes you think global warming is a bad thing?

A warm planet will support more life.

Things were quite dreadful during the little ice age.

2007-12-01 10:02:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

first of all, most of global warming is cyclic and cannot be stopped, we are simply accelerating it due to our bad habits. some of the little things you can do as an individual, plants green plants, reduce or eliminate dependence on chemicals, conserve water, recycle, just a few things, tell congress not to approve the Kyoto protocol unless they eliminate the free pass for developing countries.

2007-12-01 10:01:19 · answer #9 · answered by tequila lucky 3 · 1 3

well heres some simple things that everyone can do to help our earth...

- don't litter

- carpool

- recycle

- dont smoke

- reserve natural parks/rain forests

- take 5 or less minutes in the shower

- buy locally made foods

- use recyled paper, cans, exc.

- dont buy more than u need


2007-12-01 11:15:39 · answer #10 · answered by cutiecandicorn 2 · 2 1