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I absolutely have to bake it in the oven, so no other choices. I think it is rib eye I forget, it is small like it. But anyway I just need to know what temp to bake it on and how long? Any expeirence would help?

2007-11-30 23:59:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

well I thought about that but it is a european stove so I don't know what broil is.

2007-12-01 00:02:49 · update #1

yea i found the button

2007-12-01 00:16:11 · update #2

i eat it at medium well

2007-12-01 00:17:37 · update #3

3 answers

Just keep trying all the settings till you see the top burner come on. I suppose if you don't have a broiler then do it opposite, put a pan as close to the bottom burner as you can get, About 500* I think, then it will become almost like a skillet, you can put a little oil on your pan, brown flip & brown the other side then slow the cooking down to 400 for a few minutes till done. There is always a way, Please be careful doing that, it's dangerously hot! You'll have your arms in there flipping the meat, wear sleeves!
Broil! If it's a ribeye you're gonna ruin it by baking it, there is a broil option on your oven it heats the top burner only, it gets pretty hot. Thats an expensive cut, and very tasty & tender. However you can rub some garlic on it, salt & pepper or season to your choice. Put it in a broiler pan or cookie sheet, under an already hot broiler, (very top of the oven) broil a few minutes till browned (not burnt!) then flip and brown the other side. Then lower it onto the middle rack for about 5 minutes till you get the doneness you want... The whole process won't take more than 15 minutes so it fairly fast cooking.

2007-12-01 00:02:24 · answer #1 · answered by char__c is a good cooker 7 · 1 0

Here is a good deal for any steak type. I use it all the time. You will need an old fashioned, non coated iron skillet.

Put the iron skillet in your oven at about 400 or higher degrees for about twenty minutes to get it really, really hot.

Have your steak at about room temperature.. Not just right out of the refrigerator.

Spray the steak with cooking oil..Canola is best. Season both sides.

Be careful hot, hot hot.

Take the skillet out of the oven and put in on a burning burner on top of your stove.

Sear both sides ...using different places on the skillet for each side......a portion of the skillet will cool when you sear one side so use a different sopt.

Put it back in the oven after seared and cook to your choice of doneness....you have to experiment for this. I use about 25-30, mins for a 12oz steak.. It should be at least 3/4 to 1 in thick...nothing thin sliced/

Makes a great steak.


2007-12-01 00:17:47 · answer #2 · answered by Bob W 5 · 1 0

All potatoes comprise the comparable quantity of energy while they are boiled or baked interior the oven.in case you fry or roast in fats obviosly the energy are bigger.Potatoes are filling and comprise diet C so as that they are solid for you.

2016-12-30 07:54:12 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0