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i find it hard to say that i have "bulimia".. i usually refer to it as my "bulimic tendencies"

I have had these problems for 6 years now on and off. I have never lost a great deal of weight but i find its more of a coping mechanism when i get stressed or anxious or depressed.

I find that i actually want to lose weight even though i dont think i am fat. I want my face to sink in and my cheek bones to stick out and i want my arms to look frail and i want to get dark circles under my eyes.. all of that. Its not like i want attention its like i want see on the outside what i feel like on the inside and i think if i reach that i will actually be happy.

When my doc diagnosed me with depression i told him about how i make myself vomit and he didnt really seem to care. So i am wondering if this is considered bulimia or is it like a side effect of my depression?

2007-11-30 23:32:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

10 answers

i think it may be a side effect of your depression.

i'm 30 and have depression and have had for a very long time. (i'm medicated)

i know what you mean about wanting to LOOK the way you FEEL.

people can't see that i have depression and that annoys me. it's not like i'm blind or have polio or something else that's physical or tangible. that i have to tell people that i have depression feels silly and like a cop out. it's like anyone could say they have depression and you wouldn't know whether they were lying or not.

it's like something that i've worked so hard at overcoming is only visible to me - so i think that sometimes other people don't believe me.

i want them to know that it's HARD being me, i AM mentally ill and my daily life is a struggle. it's difficult for them to know that if i look like everyone else!

i hope this makes sense to you. it's kind of hard to get it all down in words!

2007-12-01 18:09:47 · answer #1 · answered by loving30 4 · 1 2

about 5 years ago, I started to fall into a really depressive episode. At first I thought it was only because I had a bad break from a relationship but the feelings wouldn't go away even after I got a new girlfriend. It was wrecking my life until a point where it was seriously affecting my work and personal life.

She was very worried but at the same time couldn't understand why I was still sad and thought that I still couldn't let go of my previous relationship. Being the wonderful person that she is, she put aside her feelings and suggested I go for psychiatric evaluation. Many months later and even more anti-depressants, I was not coming close to being better at all.

After doing some research online, I found out the real cause as you described it really makes a lot of sense and purchased this program. The results were simply astonishing. I read this book over three times and put all words in action. Using this method, I've kept my depression at bay ever since. Up to date I'm still living happily with my girlfriend.

Depression Free Method?

2016-05-16 01:52:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe your self harm lead to bulimia. Moodiness is normal, and usually girls with bulimia are high strung, as from what I've been told. You shouldn't hate yourself, but sometimes you can't help it. As a personal opinion, I think you might be in denial, as for the borderline thing..You're probably just lost right now. Therapy is always a good way to go. It really helps with everything, and help you make the right decisions for your life. It sounds totally stupid, but it works, trust me. Also, in a study done at Yale, having one really good, trustworthy friend makes you a happier person, because he/she can guide you through everything and provide support. Hope this helps a little.

2016-03-13 08:02:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety year after year while the real problem was that I kept applying the wrong solution to lives challenges: overeating and purging or starving either because I experienced conflicting feelings or because I didn't want to deal with being hurt, disappointed, abandoned, cheated, angry, hating myself etc. Fact was I couldn't stop applying the wrong solutions to all my problems even when I was able to identify them with the help of therapy and treatment centers - that was when I had to accept that I had an addiction - defined as doing something although you don't want to do it. I have answered another Bulimia posting with the text below - you might find that helpful, too.

I found the solution: I come from 26 year of bulimia - I binged and purged almost every day and no treatment facility or therapy could change that over any considerable length of time. Every pound over my normal weight seemed to scream at me: You are ugly, You are fat, You are unacceptable, You don't deserve to live. I was so desperate that I tried to kill myself several times - thank God in vain. I had to realize that I have an addiction - addiction defined is continuing to do something you don't want to do - having lost control over a behavior. I have found a wonderful self help group (no dues, no fees, no weigh-ins) that keeps growing all over the world and am slim and haven't binged and purged for over 5 1/2 years. I have found a contentment in life and support of friends in every area of my life that I haven't thought possible. Finally I keep growing into the person that I am supposed to be instead of sabotaging myself. I do not feel alone anymore - even when no person is around me I feel the emotional connection to my friends and I feel loved. I don't need to put myself down when I make mistakes but I am able to assume responsibility for them. I can learn from my mistakes with the help of my support group members because one of them has been through the same things for sure. You are lucky when you live close to Washington DC, Boston, New Hampshire, San Francisco or Florida because there are a lot of FA groups but the program exists in many more states and countries and the telephone and the internet make the program transportable even to "loners" And you will usually find a person in the program who lets you stay with her in one of the ares where the program is strong - to give you an insight how it works. Check www.foodaddicts.org

2007-12-02 09:28:08 · answer #4 · answered by dance4860 2 · 0 0

I went through bulimia. Depression is a big part of bulimia.
When you binge you feel guilty so vomiting helps with the guilt of overeating. Sounds to me that your are starting to have
anorexic feelings with your body image. Bulimia can go
into anorexia. That's what happened to me. Finally I was hospitalized. I finally realized it took professional help to heal the underlying issues I was having. I went through many Psychiatrists until I finally found one who understood me. Leave this "Doc". If he doesn't understand the vomiting, you are only wasting your time. Find another right away. Their are people out their that care. Please email if you need to talk, I have been their and done it. I remember it all to well.

2007-11-30 23:52:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There is currently no definite known cause of bulimia. Researchers believe it begins with dissatisfaction of the person's body and extreme concern with body size and shape. Usually individuals suffering from bulimia have low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness and a fear of becoming fat .
Dont't let it happen to you fight this sickness ,your body is your temple take care of it.
Luv Lansfordg

2007-12-02 04:10:12 · answer #6 · answered by Lansford G 1 · 0 0

Medical research shows that many disorders like depression, ADHD, eating disorders and anxiety are "housed" in the same area of the brain. So if you have one disorder, you probably will have a fellow disorder. Many medications will reduce the effects of dual symptoms, however, you will need to talk to your doctor or counselor about the correct medication. If your doctor is not listening, you can seek out another doctor. Don't be afraid to "fire" that doctor and find one that will listen to you and your concerns. If you see a counselor, then they can help you locate a sympathic medical provider.

2007-12-01 06:59:42 · answer #7 · answered by Counselor T 1 · 0 1

bulimic is part control and part depression, it is a coping mechanism for trauma both physical and and emotional. GET help. my childhood friend died from complications brought on by it. the body need proper nutrition and you are not giving it, so the body cannibalizes itself.

2007-12-01 00:01:21 · answer #8 · answered by jgonzos6 4 · 1 1

It could work either way, try gaging without puking. Puking will corrode your teeth and mess up your esophagus. If you're starved for calories you could get depressed.

2007-11-30 23:39:42 · answer #9 · answered by ricnoodle 4 · 0 2

Homeopathy on Bulimia & Anorexia Nervosa :-

General information - Anorexia nervosa is a psychological eating disorder in which a person refuses to eat adequately, in spite of hunger and they lose enough weight to become emaciated. The illness usually begins with a normal weight - loss diet. The person eats very little, and refuses to stop dieting after a reasonable weight loss. People most affected are female adolescents and young adults.

• Causative factors - Unknown. However, all patients have family and internal conflicts, including sexual conflicts. Increased risk from peer pressure to be thin. History of slight overweight. Perfectionists, compulsive or overachieving personalities. Psychological stress.

• Signs and symptoms - Weight loss of at least 25% of body weight without physical illness. High energy level despite body wasting. Intense fear of obesity. Depression, Appetite loss, Constipation, Cold intolerance, Refusal to maintain a minimum standard weight for age and height. Distorted body image. The person continues to feel fat - even when emaciated. Cessation of menstrual periods.

• Hygiene notes - Confront personal problems realistically. Try to correct or cope with problems with the help of counselors, therapists, family and friends.

Anorexia Rubrics

• anorexia, nervosa - alf., arg-n., ARS., calc., carc., caust., CHIN., hyos., ign., kali-p., lach., levo., merc., nat-m., perh., ph-ac., phos., puls., rhus-t., sac-alb., sep., staph., SULPH., syc., tarent., tetox., thuj., vanad., verat.

• refuses, to eat - ars., bell., caust., cocc., croc., grat., HYOS., ign., KALI-CHL., kali-p., lach., op., PH-AC., phyt., plat., puls., sep., TARENT., VERAT., VIOL-O.
• obsessive, compulsive disorder - anac., arg-n., ARS., aur., calc., CARC., HYOS., ign., iod., MED., merc., nat-m., nat-s., NUX-V., plat., psor., PULS., sil., staph., stram., sulph., syph., thuj., verat.

Anorexia Remedies

• Arsenicum alb. - Extreme fastidiousness especially about germs and dirt. Anorexia coupled with fear of being poisoned. Fear of getting certain diseases so they starve.

• Carcinosin - Obsessive compulsive disorder. Perfectionism, fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection. Etiology: abuse, grief or fears, often related to weight. Chronic insomnia, workaholics.

• Hyosyamus - Anorexia plus mania, insanity, fear of being poisoned. Could have pathological jealousy, over concern about weight and getting fat.

• Ignatia - Perfectionism, fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection. Hysteria - loss of control of emotions, fainting. Etiology: grief or big disappointment, often related to weight.

• Natrum mur. - Most often indicated remedy in anorexia, a lot of guilt. Fear of being rejected, hurt easily, very self conscious. Dry lips, emaciate, dry skin, constipated, loose appetite. Behind this is perfectionism and fear of becoming fat. Nat mur have more confidence.

• Phosphoric acid - Etiology: grief with loss of appetite with emaciation, pining away from loss of love, second stage they get indifferent to all emotions and food. Deadness inside (Sepia, Aurum met). Grief - anorexia than some chronic disease.

• Platina met. - Obsessed with their appearance, fear of becoming fat. Very obsessive and impulsive personality, egocentric and arrogant, all tied up with their sexuality, religious mania.

• Pulsatilla - Feeling of worthlessness, unloved, loneliness, fixed ideas about. Food especially certain foods are bad, than amount of foods that are bad grows, fear of gaining weight, pulsatilla's gain weight easily, they can eat a pastry and swear they gained weight. Ignatia, Puls. and Nat. mur. are constantly weighing themselves. Scanty menses.

• Sepia - Anorexia plus hormonal problems, nausea, sensitivity to smell. Disgust for food, worse since childbirth, hormones causes lack of appetite.

• Stapysagria - Acute of Carcinosin, more visible, visibly upset. Carcinosin can control it more, Staph. may it more. Deep sense of worthlessness and depression, even suicidal. Humiliation, mortified, put down, criticized, zero confidence.

• Tarentula - Mania could be religious mania. Underneath you have a fear of being poisoned. Obsessiveness about weight, very restless and hyper energy people, they do everything fast - talk, move.

• Thuja occid. - Fear of being impure, dirty blood, anxiety about health, obsessed with idea of have to clean themselves out.

• Veratrum alb. - Religious mania, loquacious, end of world is coming. Punish themselves, fast to appease god. Behind this you see guilt.

• General information - Bulimina. Binge-Eating Syndrome, Binge-Purge Syndrome, Bulimarexia. A psychological eating disorder characterized by abnormal, constant craving for food and binge eating, followed by self - induced vomiting or laxative use. Body parts affected: Brain and central nervous system, kidneys, liver, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract People most affected - Adolescents or young adults, usually female.

• Causative factors - Unknown. The disorder often begins during or after stringent dieting and may be caused by stress related to insufficient food intake. Increased Risk from - Anorexia nervosa, Depression, Stress, including lifestyle changes, such as moving or starting a new school or job. Neurotic preoccupation with being physically attractive.

• Signs and symptoms - Recurrent episodes of binge eating (rapid consumption of a large amount of food in a short time, usually less than 2 hours), plus at least 3 of the following: Preference for high-calorie, convenience foods during a binge Secretive eating during a binge. Patients are aware that the eating pattern is abnormal, and they fear being unable to stop eating. Termination of an eating binge with purging measures, such as laxative use or self-induced vomiting. Depression and guilt following an eating binge. Repeated attempts to lose weight with severely restrictive diets, self-induced vomiting and use of laxatives or diuretics. Frequent weight fluctuations greater than 10 pounds from alternately fasting and gorging. No underlying physical disorder.

• Hygiene notes - Raise children in a wholesome family environment with emphasis on caring and good communication rather than on external appearances.

Bulimia Rubrics

• bulimia - abies-c., abies-n., adam., agar., alf., anac., ang., ant-c., aq-mar., arg-n., calc., calen., CARC., caust., CHIN., CINA, ferr., fl-ac., graph., hell., ign., iod., kali-c., LYC., med., MERC., mur-ac., naja, nat-c., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., op., petr., phos., pitu-a., plat., puls., raph., sabad., sac-alb., SEP., staph., sulph., thuj., VERAT., zinc.

• obsessive, compulsive disorder - anac., arg-n., ARS., aur., calc., CARC., HYOS., ign., iod., MED., merc., nat-m., nat-s., NUX-V., plat., psor., PULS., sil., staph., stram., sulph., syph., thuj., verat.

Bulimia Remedies

• Argentum nit. - binging especially with chocolate, fixed ideas, impulsive behavior, anticipation, overriding impulses for certain foods, chocolate, salty foods, they will eat a whole box of chocolates until they get sick.

• Carcinosin - Obsessive compulsive disorder. Perfectionism, fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection. Etiology: abuse, grief or fears, often related to weight.

• Ignatia - perfectionism, fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection. Hysteria - loss of control of emotions, fainting. Etiology: grief or big disappointment, often related to weight.

• Medorrhinum - ups and down in the persons energy, very outgoing for 2 or 3 days than wiped out for several days and with that their diets fluctuate from good to binging. Bulimia also with alcohol and drugs.

• Natrum mur. - Often indicated remedy in anorexia, a lot of guilt. Fear of being rejected, hurt easily. Very self conscious of their weight.

• Pulsatilla - Fear of being abandoned and unloved. Fixed ideas about food, their weight, they gain and loose weight easily, eat and binge to console themselves, binges out of loneliness, or depression, then they get quilt and fear about it and than suppress it.

• Staphysagria - Binging out of quilt, depression. Poor confidence and worthlessness. It is out of self denial, they don't deserve that lemon meringue pie so they suppress their desire for it, then binge on it.

As given on :-

I hope the provided information is of help to you.
Take Care and God Bless you.

2007-12-01 01:02:35 · answer #10 · answered by Soul Doctor 7 · 2 3

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