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Temperature rise = False.
According to ice core data from Nasa the temp has gone down since the end of the last major ice age.

Temp has never changed faster in history= False.
The "Younger Dryas" even saw a change of 15 to 20 degrees in a 10 year time frame.

Polar bears are dying off = False.
Polar Bear population has increased 10 times since the 1970s.

Ice caps are shrinkng = False.
According to Nasa's satelite data, both polar caps are exanding.

CO2 causes heat build up = False.
CO2 levels rse after the temp, not before.

just to name a few.

2007-11-30 23:07:51 · 10 answers · asked by Jack_Scar_Action_Hero 5 in Environment Global Warming

10 answers

Nobody is going to challenge your facts. It's easier just to scream about the earth getting hotter and consensus among all the world's scientists and how we here in America are going to have to pay a lot to fix this "problem." Oh yes, and anybody who disagrees is either not qualified to have an opinion or a scientist in the pocket of big oil. When you can't dispute fact, the next best thing is to attack the source.

Of all your assertions, the only weak one is the last- CO2 as well as methane and other so called greenhouse gasses can cause heat build up. This is has been known for over a century. And levels of these gasses has been rising over the last century. The tricky part is pinning down the actual cause and effect relationship. You are right, ice core data suggests greenhouse gasses have risen after the big temperature rise in the past.

Then there is the political side of the issue. Why should we in the West cut back CO2 emissions? While I think its important to use all of our natural resources wisely and efficiently, let's not forget that China build 132 coal fired power plants last year and they plan on building 132 more this year. Apparently they are not too concerned about greenhouse gasses.

2007-12-01 00:20:19 · answer #1 · answered by wilds_of_virginia 7 · 4 5

There is a lot questionable conclusions in the book. That is the problem one has when taking a theory and trying to make it a fact before it has time to become fact naturally.

I don't believe we know enough just yet to prove or disprove the theories put forth by either side of the debate. Time and more facts will take care of that. Both are valid theories, and many questions still need to be addressed.

In the meantime, I think we should reduce our pollution and get off foreign oil as much as we can without going crazy and ruining our economy. Lower pollution is good, and foreign oil reduces our countries security. We should at least be replacing fossil plants with Nuclear, going to smaller more efficient vehicles, and using more solar, wind, etc. where it is practical to do so.

2007-12-01 01:17:25 · answer #2 · answered by GABY 7 · 2 1

Temperature rise: True. Ice core data is local, not global. Global average temps are rising sharply.

Temp has never changed faster in history: True. The Younger Dryas event was pre-historic.

Polar bears are dying off: Not claimed by the movie. Polar bears might die off if global warming continues: True.

Ice caps are shrinking: True at both poles.

CO2 causes heat build up: True. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, responsible for about 25% of the total greenhouse effect. If CO2 increase ALWAYS lags temp increase, why didn't it this time? CO2 has been increasing since 1750, but temps have been increasing only since 1907. More brilliant thinking from the anti-science crowd?

2007-12-01 03:21:29 · answer #3 · answered by Keith P 7 · 5 3

souses please.

i would like to know where you got the first one from, is the Northwest passage opening up an illusion? NASA has been watching the shrinking icecap for some time maybe you should try and look at there website.

the Younger Dryas was actually mentioned in the movie.

Polar bears are dying off, but where the hell did you get that figure from? the only remotely close figure that i found was by H. Sterling Burnett and Mitchell K. Taylor. Burnett they claim that the pop went from 5000 to 25000 that's 5 times non 10 times. they only got there figures by using older estimates and comparing that with newer estimates.

"CO2 causes heat build up = False."
what are you on CO2 is a greenhouse gas even sceptics accept this, it can absorb and then re radiate infra red radiation just as water methane and CFCs can. (source: any good physics book)

2007-12-01 00:30:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

A person who does things the way it is supposed to be done in their marriage life. Etc. Full fill the family need to, be the leader of the house. Etc.

2016-04-07 01:25:54 · answer #5 · answered by April 4 · 0 0

Sure. The Big Four. Facts here, not opinions.

Global warming is real (ie the temperature is generally increasing). That is undisputed, because of many different sources of data that all agree with each other; satellites, ground stations, tree rings, etc. Here's one of the best sets of data:


Global warming is mostly caused by us:

Huge amount of data proving that, here's a nice graph, from the Source below:


It's a serious problem. Nice summary of that here:


And it can be largely solved by us. Here's the plan:


All the Big Four were found to be scientifically proven in a famous lawsuit in England.

There are some quibbles about details (just like evolution). And there are some skeptics (just like evolution).

But, just like evolution, the Big Four are accepted by the vast majority of the scientific community, EVERY major scientific organization, world leaders, and most of the people in the world.

2007-12-01 01:23:31 · answer #6 · answered by Bob 7 · 6 4

Nope, I think you are on to something........

I like my Ford Explorer. It is big and comfortable, and if I get in a wreck, all the Hybrids, volvos, and VWs don't stand a chance against it.

Seriously, the earth warms and cools in cycles. Global warming is just a religion that people believe in because they can't come up with anything logical, and so they just blame this big general "global warming" issue. I think that mostly it is a joke. Sorry for all of the left wing extremists out there.

Tell Forrest GORE to be quiet for a spell!

2007-12-01 03:02:33 · answer #7 · answered by Riley 2 · 3 7

Yes, CO2 levels are at a current all-time high.

2007-12-01 02:15:53 · answer #8 · answered by pazdon 1 · 4 3

Yes! Al Gore's name is in fact Al Gore!

2007-12-01 03:24:26 · answer #9 · answered by paul 7 · 2 5

Well there was a hurricane called Katrina that hit the US.

Algore did photoshop the picture to make the storm look larger than it actually was however.

2007-12-01 01:47:35 · answer #10 · answered by Dr Jello 7 · 3 7