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A friend of mine suspects her ex is smoking marijuana. He does have a history of substance abuse, and not too long ago she caught him in possession of a bong.

The real concern here is that their kid lives with him. Should she call the cops? CAN she send the police to his home on suspicions, or does she need evidence?

2007-11-30 14:07:20 · 12 answers · asked by Waffles 3 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

They are divorced. The reason why my friend has minority custody is because, when the decision was made years ago, she was told that her poor health (NOT drug-related) would prevent her from being able to properly provide for their child.

2007-11-30 14:39:43 · update #1

12 answers

Yes, she can call the police, does she need the evidence, not necessarily. She has two options. She can call the police and report that she thinks he is using drugs and they can check it out.

Or she can do what is called a welfare check. She can call the police and say that her son is with him and she is concerned that he is using drugs while her son is present.

They will go cehck it out and whatever happens next depends on whether or not they can make contact with him.

2007-11-30 14:14:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you think it's safe for a kid to be with a drug abuser...which also makes him a law breaker...not to mention the fact he's getting this stuff from someone? A messed up head like that could be capable of the type of things that 1. Keep hospitals busy 2. Makes morgues a lot of money 3. Gives a whole new meaning to the words "Sorrow" and "Regret" 4. Keeps mothers up at night... Make the call, the evidence will likely show it's self.

2007-11-30 14:31:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whether or not she should call the cops depends in large part on what she is basing her belief. In other words has she seen it going on or is she going on what she's been told by someone else.

She's not going to be able to "send" the cops anywhere. She can relay her concerns to them and it will be up to them whether or not they go. If she is basing her allegation on second hand knowledge, they probably won't go.

Even if they go, there is no guarantee they will be able to get in the house unless her ex voluntarily lets them in to search.

The fact that he has custody as opposed to her raises concerns to me. Why does she not have custody? Did she not want it or did it get awarded to him as opposed to her? Anything she does without really good concrete first hand knowledge is going to looik like a sour grapes attempt at using the system to get an upper hand in a custody battle.

She needs to take stock of what she knows as opposed to what she merely "thinks" is going on. Then decide on her course of action. She may be better off filing for custody through the courts as opposed to "calling the cops."

2007-11-30 14:19:25 · answer #3 · answered by justme 2 · 0 0

Oooohhhh, not the dreaded possession of a bong.. oh no! whatever in the world can we ever do?

A bong is not evidence.

Just because many states of narrow-minded lawmakers have made them illegal to possess, does not mean that there is anything else involved.

Get her to file the appropriate change-of-custody request court papers and tell her to be prepared to pay for his testing for the next however long she wants him to be tested for THC consumption.

Something tells me that this is all because she lacks the emotional maturity to realize that her child needs BOTH parents, that she lost custody somehow, and is desperately trying to fill the maternal void by doing things to ruin her child's life and the life of her child's father.

Be the best friend you can be, and encourage her to mature emotionally (and intellectually) for the sake of her child.

2007-11-30 23:07:53 · answer #4 · answered by Robert G 5 · 0 0

does she want to be with him? she can be charged with child endangerment for having her kid inthat situation. if she wanted to leave him, and get custody of the kid, she could petition the court for a drug test. It depends what she wants to achieve by calling the police. If she wants to stay with him, she needs to get him in drug counciling. don't get the cops involved then.

2007-11-30 14:13:00 · answer #5 · answered by Tonya 2 · 0 0

She needs to contact her local department of family services, or child welfare's agency/department. They will send a case worker to the home to make sure there is no inappropriate behavior, or neglect.

2007-11-30 14:29:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Could he be using the marijuana medicinally? She should just come out and ask him what is up. If she is genuinely concerned for her childs welfare she should be saying something to him.

2007-11-30 16:36:22 · answer #7 · answered by Caretaker419 2 · 0 0

attempt to no longer get entangled in any way with those human beings and dont complication calling the law enforcement officials. call the supervisor of police or greater helpful yet-pass to the station and insist a pass to with him in man or woman. tell him your concerns. in case you nonetheless dont see any effects, pass to the subsequent greater in charge. all and sundry has to rfile to somebody else. Dont enable them to bully you or placed you off. you comprehend the data and you reside there. it is your suitable to have a secure area.

2016-09-30 08:47:53 · answer #8 · answered by starkes 4 · 0 0

She or he has to be sure before any action can be taken but if in a dangerous situation inform cops immediately

2007-11-30 14:15:45 · answer #9 · answered by yoshi 1 · 0 0

call the cops

2007-12-01 02:24:59 · answer #10 · answered by irish_matt 7 · 0 0

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