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IF something is as important as risking your life over, such as
going to war, facing the real risk that you could get seriously
injured, maimed for life, or even DIE young... shouldn't you
first check out the facts about WHAT YOU ARE BEING TOLD

The problem is, the official 9/11 stories are ALL LIES. All just
cleverly fabricated deceptions designed to make you all hate
Muslims and support war for profit, so that Bush and his elite
friends can get super rich from all the debt spending (that US
taxpayers will have to pay off in the future, including your kids),
and all that oil that will be STOLEN by big anglo-american oil

So consider the 200,000+ tons of steel in each of the Twin
Towers. They stood strong for 56 minutes (South Tower) and
about 102 minutes (North Towers) after being hit by jet planes.
(distractions to get you to rush to
your TV sets). They showed no signs of swaying because they
were designed to survive such impacts.

2007-11-30 10:25:46 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

Do your own fire burning experiment.

Try to melt some aluminium foil in an
open air fire, where the only source of
oxygen is from normal atmospheric air
(101.3 kPa), or 1 bar air pressure.

If you can get liquid aluminium dripping
off like a liquid, then you have proven
that the fire temperature is hotter than
550 C (the melting temperatuer for

If you cannot, then you have proven to
yourself that air fires are not really very
hot, and no where near 1100 C, or the
melting point of steel, which is 1532 C.

Steel does not even START to lose
strength, until 300 C, and it drops to
about half of its maximum strength at
650 C. So if your kerosene/jet fuel air
fire cannot get hotter than 550C, enough
to liquify Aluminium, then why is it that
200,000+ tons of solid super-strong
WTC steel in each tower, all magically
collapsed at FREE-FALL accelerating
speeds, acting like they were all as
weak as air, in order to cause complete
collapse in ~10 secs?

2007-11-30 10:26:20 · update #1

Explain all the giant pools of molten
steel found in the basements of all 3
WTC buildings that collapsed on 9/11.

Look at all the evidence of super hot
pools of molten metal that stayed red
hot for up to 2 months, 8 weeks, after
9/11 ... even though fire-fighters were
pumping in thousands of gallons of
water into the basements, every day,
just to cool down the basements. The
temperatures in the basements stayed
at temperatures of between 600 - 1000
degrees Celcius for up to 6 weeks after
9/11, temperatures much hotter than
open air fires!

Look at all the evidence...

I have a PhD in engineering, and I teach
materials science and structural design
for a living, at University level. This is
not BS. Popular Mechanics has been
lying to you. I have worked with foundry
tools, melted steel and aluminium,
measured flame temperatures with pyrometers etc




Don't waste your life on big lies!

2007-11-30 10:29:57 · update #2

Sorry, I got that link wrong:


Architects and engineers all know that
fire has never before brought down any
steel-framed highrise buildings. It has
never happened, not in the past, never
in the future, and it never happened on
9/11, because what you all witnessed
on 9/11 was a very well planned
controlled demolition.

Even people and staff were told to
evacuate and leave Building 7 by police
and firefighters, because they were told
in advance that Building 7 was going to
collapse. But NEVER BEFORE HAS

Building 7 was not even hit by any jet
plane, and it collapsed at free-fall speed
about 7 hours after the Twin Towers fell.

Even NIST engineers stated
that the collapse of WTC 7 is a mystery
and they cannot understand how fire
could cause so many steel columns on
each collapsing level to all fail at the
same time to allow a vertical collapse.
The fires were only few and very small.

2007-11-30 10:36:42 · update #3

Watch this video:


Then explain to me how low temperature jet fuel air fires, which burn at under 300 C, can create molten yellow/orange steel (which needs 1532 C temperatures to turn to liquid).

Look at these videos first:

9/11 Mysteries:





Look at the physical evidence. Forget
all the lies and deceptions of Popular
Mechanics... these people work for
Bush and his neocon cabal of war
profiteers; they have vested interests
in promoting the fake war on terror, and
they are owned by war profiteering
corporations and people who profit from
this illegal war & endless occupation.

Invading and permanently occupying
another country, that did not attack you
first, is illegal, and is an act of terrorism
in itself. It is no different to Nazi
Germany invading Poland with unprovoked pre-emptive attacks &

2007-11-30 10:46:09 · update #4

Do not forget that those Twin Tower
buildings were made of very high tensile
strength steel, with a UTS of about
650-750 MPa. About 8 times stronger
than normal aircraft aluminium.

Those aluminium jet planes would have
done very little damage, since the steel
is over 8 times stronger than the

The engineers who designed the Twin
Towers ensured that it had a safety
factor of 6 x or about 600% redundancy
over its maximum rated load. So even
if a tower was fully loaded (which none
of them were), and even if they were on
fire, or hit by a jet plane, they still had
much more reserve strength to stand
strong and resist collapsing. Even if
the fire temeratures were 650 C, and
the steel lost half their strength, that
still leaves 3 x or 300% redundancy
for extra strength. So how do you
explain ALL the unburned, undamaged
steel on the lower levels losing all their
strength when they were not even on
fire? Why did they all behave as weak as air?

2007-11-30 10:58:47 · update #5

Some more excellent links and videos


Go and do your research.

9/11 was a complete LIE, and the joke
is on you, if you get injured or die just
to serve the evil agenda of elites and
war profiteers. You have been warned!

2007-11-30 11:02:49 · update #6

My final advice to all of you, is try to
melt some aluminium foil with a jet fuel
(kerosene) air fire.

If you can get liquid aluminium, you
have proven that you have exceeded
the melting temperature of aluminium,
which is about 550 C.

Go on, and see for yourself.

And tell me if your aluminium frying
pan melts, the next time you put in on
top of your gas stove flames.

Also, tell me if you notice your steel
cooking pots start melting or distoring
like weak flaccid rubber, the next time
you put them on top of a campfire or
your gas stove.

And who has noticed the steel pistons
in their car engines suddenly turning all
guey and failing, when they are exposed
to fuel / air combustions!

Do the pistons inside motorcycle
engines start deforming and melting
when exposed to fuel/air fires? No? I
wonder why?

Why is it that engineers design boilers
and steam engines out of steel, when
they are always exposed to fire?

Steel kerosene heaters don't melt!

2007-11-30 11:18:58 · update #7

So if indeed, the intense heat was
responsible for the collapses of all 3
WTC buildings, then what CUT all the
steel columns, as shown at Ground
Zero? Why are there so many diagonal
cuts in the vertical steel columns, which
look like they were sliced at 30- 45
degrees, exactly the same way that
controlled demolition crews would slice
steel columns using super thermite?

Look at the photos of the cut steel
columns at Ground Zero!

This could not have been cut after 9/11
during the clean-up operation, eg. by
oxy acetylene torches, because cleanup
crews would use straight cuts to save
time and energy to cut steel (not longer
angled cuts, like demolition crews do),
since the shortest distance between 2
points is a straight line, not a long
angled cut.

Take a look at the photos of the cut
steel beams:



Watch 9/11 Mysteries... and do your

This is why you should not trust your TV

2007-11-30 11:28:30 · update #8

Consider all the eyewitness evidence
of explosions going off all around the
Twin Towers:



Watch 9/11 Mysteries... must see movie

2007-11-30 11:54:48 · update #9

And check out the lack of aeroplane
debris at the crash site for Flight 93:


Nothing! no wreckage, no bodies,
nothing at all...

The same is true at the Pentagon...
no wreckage resembling a 757 jet plane
- no fuselage, no wings, no tail, nothing!

2007-11-30 12:09:25 · update #10

35 answers

"Never waste your time arguing with an idiot."

2007-11-30 10:30:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 15 2

a million) ny city has 11 letters 2) Afghanistan has 11 letters. 3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to break the twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters. 4) George W Bush has 11 letters. this may well be an insignificant coincidence, yet this gets greater thrilling: a million) ny is the eleventh state. 2) the 1st aircraft crashing against the twin Towers became into flight selection 11. 3) Flight 11 became into donning ninety two passengers. 9 + 2 = 11 4) Flight seventy seven which additionally hit twin Towers, became into donning sixty 5 passengers. 6+5 = 11 5) The tragedy became into on 9-11, or 9/11 because it rather is now customary. 9 + a million+ a million = 11 6) The date is comparable to the U. S. emergency amenities telephone selection 911. 9 + a million + a million = 11. Sheer coincidence..?! study on and make up your guy or woman recommendations: a million) the entire form of sufferers interior each and every of the hi-jacked planes became into 254. 2 + 5 + 4 = 11. 2) 9-11 is day selection 254 of the calendar 365 days. lower back 2 + 5 + 4 = 11. 3) The Madrid bombing occurred on 3/11/2004. 3 + a million + a million + 2 + 4 = 11. 4) The tragedy of Madrid occurred 911 days after the twin Towers incident. Now that's the place issues get completely eerie: the main acknowledged image for the U. S., after the celebrities & Stripes, is the Eagle. here verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic holy e book: "For it rather is written that a son of Arabia could awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle could be felt for the period of the lands of Allah and lo, jointly as most of the individuals trembled in melancholy nonetheless greater had fun: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there became into peace." That verse is selection 9.11 of the Quran. uncovinced approximately all of this nonetheless ..?! attempt this and notice the way you sense afterwards, it made my hair stand on end: Open Microsoft be conscious and do here: a million. type in capitals Q33 manhattan. that's the flight form of the 1st aircraft to hit between the twin Towers. 2. spotlight the Q33 manhattan. 3. exchange the font length to 40 8. 4. exchange the truly font to the WINGDINGS What do you think of now?

2016-10-09 23:25:37 · answer #2 · answered by clam 4 · 0 0

Did you forget that the average house fire can be as high, or higher than 600 degrees? So with that in mind, considering the materials present in those towers, couldn't the temperature reach a level to cause structual failure? I have seen I-beams fail in structual fires so there goes your theory.
No signs of sway? THEY WERE DESIGNED TO SWAY, as a physics major you'd know that if a skyscraper doesn't sway, it would collapse.
Yes, they were designed to take the impact of an airplane, and they did just that, if was the fire that took them down.

2007-12-01 20:19:29 · answer #3 · answered by joseph b 6 · 1 0

What evidence? I see"stories" not backed up by any sort of science! just "if you look, you'll see...."

Steel loses strength with heat. I believe most strcutres are built to ~60-75% max load strength. A 30% reduction in strength of intact structure will cause failure. Add damage, such as a 50 tone plane crashing into it, and destroying load bearing parts, less strucrural integrity to the steel can be lost. This is science FACT. Yes they where designed to survive a fire, or aircraft impact, not both! That is an unreal amount of damage.

On the acceleration, Gravity on Earth has the funny constant of 9.8m/sec/sec or 32ft/sec/sec. Meaning as things fall the acclerate until the drag reaches equalibrium with speed, and acceleration stops (In a vaccum their is no drag and the object will continue to accelrate until impact). The buildings DID sway on impact.

Try these experiments.
Take a bar of butter and freeze it to 0-25 F. Place the bar of butter on end, than place a brick on it. Let the butter warm up to room temp, and the butter will fail, well below melting point.

Build a house of card 10 sets high. Start a failure from the second to the top, and watch cards accelerate as the fall.

2007-11-30 10:32:22 · answer #4 · answered by Think for yourself 6 · 12 2

Were still waiting for you to tell us, what melted all that steel ?

Since you say you have a PhD in engineering,

Please explain to everyone, how that steel was melted ?

Did someone install a blast furnamce in the WTC ?

Demoilition charges wouldn't have melted all that steel.

Just look at every other demolition jobs that have been done, no pools of melted steel afterwards.

And since the melted metal, seems to be you entire proof.

How do you explain it ?

Why haven't you explained it ?

2007-11-30 14:13:19 · answer #5 · answered by jeeper_peeper321 7 · 2 0

If in fact the steel did melt, wouldn't the steel under the fire, which was not affected still be strong and not collapse? The fires were on the 71st floor and the 52nd floor. Only the top would have collapsed, and not fallen straight down, but tipped over and fallen down the side of the remaining solid structure. If you look at slow motion footage, the top starts to go sideways, then the whole building goes straight down. There are thousands of problems with the whole 911 scenario. People who point out these problems are called kool-aid drinkers. The real kool-aid drinkers are the ones who follow blindly and believe anything the government want's them to believe. If you don't look, you are blind. If you don't hear, you are deaf. If you don't speak up, you are dumb. I'm still looking for a piece of plane or a body in the pentagon or the field in Shanksville. The government shot down the plane miles back and lobbed a missle into the field. The pentagon was hit by a drone with a missle. Landing gears have 16 rims. Only one was found that didn't match a 757. How do 2 Rolls Royce engines made out of titanium disintegrate in two locations? Wings, doors, seats, bodys all evaporated. Look at the official pictures and try and find anything. Why did the coroner ask, what am I looking for? There are no bodys here.
Blue rose; You ask why bush would want to take down the towers. Ever heard of a false flag attack? Bush needed a reason to invade Iraq. Larry Silverstein need to remove all the asbestos inside the buildings at a cost of 2 billion dollars. If you watch this video it will explain everything. I bet you didn't know George Bushes youngest brother Marvin took over as head of security at the twin towers on 911. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8129564295534231536&q=911+mysteries

2007-11-30 10:56:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 7

If the planes had combusted spontaneously mid-air, then you might have a case. But the fires didn't start until the engines were pushed into a building, so doesn't that pretty much kill the open-air experiment? Besides, I'm fairly confident that jet fuel burns at a higher temperature than my butane lighter.

Still haven't seen anything irrefutable. Why do you cling to shakey evidence? It's a little like disinterring your mothers corpse to find out whether or not she had a drug problem before she died. Is it really worth it?

2007-11-30 10:33:39 · answer #7 · answered by Beardog 7 · 9 2

You're a troll. How else do you explain that you've asked this same "question" four times and are not even looking for information, only a reaction. Go find your tin foil hat!

2007-12-04 02:20:22 · answer #8 · answered by Bill 5 · 0 0

You again? And it must be you because there can't be more people who are still that taken by the falsehoods of these conspiracy nutcases.

Man there is no way those buildings could have been prewired without someone in the press finding out and publishing it.

This Administration couldn't even keep a phone bugging program secret. Nuff Said

2007-11-30 10:36:16 · answer #9 · answered by SFC_Ollie 7 · 9 1

So the police and fire departments were tipped off to the 'demolition' of the towers huh? So why did they rush into the twin towers and lose a significant number of good men?

2007-11-30 12:51:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

You've asked this same "question" four different times. Each time, you ask us if we "know" that Bush was part of the 9/11 "conspiracy" and then proceed to bombard us with random pablum. I've reported each of your "questions" as violations. Ranting and trolling are both prohibited.

2007-12-02 23:49:42 · answer #11 · answered by Bob 3 · 1 0

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