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the worlds greatest stunt rider dies aged 69.what do you remember of him.?

2007-11-30 09:12:35 · 23 answers · asked by country bumpkin [sheep nurse] 7 in Sports Auto Racing Other - Auto Racing

23 answers

Awh Man !!! I used to do crazy sht like him when I was a kid !!
Had a homemaid outfit like his too !!
What I remember most was the Ceasars Palace Jump & The snake river Canyon back-out !! Said his hand hit the parachute handle by accident,but everyone knows he Chickened out !! Almost killed his self by drowning...Close...
R.I.P EVIL !!!!
Thank's for the Drama & The Memories !!!!!

2007-11-30 14:20:13 · answer #1 · answered by Bow-legged Snake 6 · 1 0

Man, that's sad, he was the best. RIP Evel 1938 - 2007

I guess I thought I was Elvis Presley but I'll tell ya something. All Elvis did was stand on a stage and play a guitar. He never fell off on that pavement at no 80 mph.
Evel Knievel

2007-11-30 09:29:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is soooo sad. When I was a kid I had an Evel Knievel toy motorcycle. You would pop it in place, wind it up and off that little bastard would just take off. God must have needed a badass stuntman.

2016-05-27 00:46:27 · answer #3 · answered by alida 3 · 0 0

he was always falling of his fukn bike! lol!!!!!!!

American motorcycle daredevil Evel Knievel has died aged 69.

The international icon of the 1970s gained fame for his jumps over buses, live sharks and Snake River Canyon in Idaho.

Knievel had been in failing health for years, suffering from diabetes and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, an incurable condition that scarred his lungs.

In 1999 the stuntman had a liver transplant after nearly dying of hepatitis C, likely contracted through a blood transfusion following one of his bone-shattering crashes.

In his heyday, the flamboyant showman toured the US in his red, white and blue leather jumpsuit, performing ever more daring stunts.

Knievel rode through fire walls, jumped over rattlesnakes and was towed at 200 mph behind race cars.

He steadily increased the length of his jumps until, on New Year's Day 1968, he was nearly killed when he jumped 46 metres (151 feet) across the fountains in front of Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.

He cleared the fountains, but the crash landing put him in the hospital in a coma for a month

2007-11-30 09:15:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I remember him not being the greatest stunt rider of all time!
Even Eddie Kidd jumped further.

2007-12-01 01:03:08 · answer #5 · answered by Robb the B.D.C. 5 · 1 0

The 2 jumps I recall best were Ceasar's Palace & the Canyon Jump....What a sad loss. He was not afraid to try anything...now his son is doin the same thing, but I don't think it's on as grand a scale as his Dad. He will be missed.

2007-11-30 12:48:51 · answer #6 · answered by PJ ~88~ FAN 6 · 1 0

R.I.P Evil, you were one of a kind, I thought he was older saw his picture in the paper shaking hands with Kayne West, Kayne protrayed him in one of his music videos, Evil was pissed off at the video looks like they made peace. Evil has to go down in history as being the best stunt person in the world I saw alot of his jumps on TV, how he lived to be as old as he is thats a miracle, he broke every bone in his body several times...Now he can rest forever.

2007-11-30 13:42:38 · answer #7 · answered by Go Team Penske 7 · 1 0

R.I.P. Evel!!!!! One thing you gotta say, is the man had some stones!!! He will be known as one of the best stunt men ever known. VIVA KNIEVEL!!!!

2007-12-01 07:00:47 · answer #8 · answered by jim h 3 · 1 0

Did not know that he had passed away. A great loss of an American icon. What I remember most about his is the Snake River Canyon jump.

2007-11-30 09:17:46 · answer #9 · answered by KyLoveChick 7 · 2 0

He'll be missed -he was well liked by all 4 of the generations in our family

2007-11-30 10:02:38 · answer #10 · answered by nanny chris w 7 · 1 0