yes, 8 charges arson, mischief, assault police officer, mischief again, uttering threats......I think that's it.
2007-12-02 16:56:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have been arrested on a few occasions, one was as a juvenile and I was taken to a detention center. Another was when I was 20, and it was pretty dumb I had a warrant out for my arrest because of an altercation I had with the principal and vice principal's of my old high school, me and two friends went to pick up one of their younger brothers and we were told we had to wait outside. I lost it and was yelling all kinds of obscenities at the vice principal after he said f%#k you to me, then the principal came outside after we vacated the building and I went off on him. Two or three days later a couple of sheriffs showed up at my place and placed me under arrest for some sort of misconduct and I spent ten days in jail because of it. I was also jailed for not being able to pay a ticket for a minor consumption ticket I got once too. DWI means Driving While Intoxicated.
2007-11-30 16:00:40
answer #2
answered by tre_loc_dogg2000 4
DUI- Driving Under Influence
DWI-Driving While Intoxicated
I was thisclose to getting a DWI but i passed all the field test minus the breath test. the cop just called my parents to pick me up.he said i was borderline
2007-11-30 15:57:06
answer #3
answered by me 3
I've never beer arrested myself. But witnessed abuse of power and civil rights violations. I followed to complaint process to learn the importance of carrying a cell phone with a video camera, or else.
2007-11-30 17:00:20
answer #4
answered by TURANDOT 6
No. Harrassed a few times when I was younger, but never arrested.
2007-11-30 15:57:18
answer #5
answered by B.Kevorkian 7
yes, for failure to vacate and disorderly conduct. I got in a bar fight. the charges got dropped.
2007-11-30 16:20:20
answer #6
answered by Spoken Majority 4
2007-11-30 15:50:04
answer #7
answered by nicolerichieslovechild 3
apparently it is illegal to make love to a turtle??
2007-11-30 15:59:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No.... I obey the law.
2007-11-30 16:07:58
answer #9
answered by jennyღ 5