It is illegal. you need to go through the US Postal Inspectors to file a claim. Here's the link, it's pretty helpful!
2007-11-30 06:49:43
answer #1
answered by vinsa1981 3
if someone opened mail that was in your mailbox, thats tampering with federal property and is most definitely a punishable offense by law. I've never had the problem before so I would have no idea where to start, id assume your local police department and after talking to an officer, carry it on from there
2007-11-30 06:42:58
answer #2
answered by Gnomie J 3
depends on if it was on accident. I have gotten mail in my box and I just start opening everything. then I notice the bill inside etc. isn't addressed to me. so I give it to the rightful owner or seal it up and put it back in the box. I should check first, but when I get 20-30 envelopes in the mail from my parrt time business, I don't always take the time to check. if it is someone going in YOUR mailbox to get them, call the postal inspector.
2007-11-30 07:26:02
answer #3
answered by Spoken Majority 4
Even if you are a minor, it is YOUR mail and your parents have no right to open it. Nobody can open it except you. Even if they live at that address too. My advice to you would be to file a police report BY GOING TO THE STATION. Do not call police out to your house just to file this. If by opening your mail, you suffer consequences in any way by them knowing what was in the envelope, you can sue them.
2007-11-30 06:54:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You would have to report it to the post office since it's a federal crime. The local police can't enforce federal law.
2007-11-30 06:44:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It is a federal offense. Call the post master general.
2007-11-30 06:50:02
answer #6
answered by jennyღ 5
jpolster.. It is NOT a crime for a parent or legal guardian to open up their MINOR childs mail.. sorry just had to correct that...
2007-11-30 07:08:43
answer #7
answered by Ditka 7
It is against federal law, get a lawyer.
2007-11-30 06:43:29
answer #8
answered by Scrappy52 6
report it to the post office...file a complaint...they have to investigate
2007-11-30 07:21:47
answer #9
answered by Robert P 6