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impact 50 mph cut out of car..worried they will not cover chiropractic...I only had liability and state minimum of $5000 in insurance on me..xrays and cat scans over $6000 alone plus three days in hospital...I did not go to rehab as recommended to try to save money hoping they will cover some chiropractic..my medicaid will pay some but the hmo is cheap and rejects everything..what can I do to help help my muscles and ligament and such on my own..I am in a lot of pain..

2007-11-29 20:50:33 · 9 answers · asked by janie 7 in Health Alternative Medicine

I do have 5 days of pain meds...a class two narcotic..at hospital on morphine (and darvaset )? and it still hurt,,

2007-11-29 20:52:10 · update #1

9 answers

=In response to what other people have said;
I wrote this under the assumption she does not have access to 10k+ to pay for tests, so that my advice would actually help her instead of just saying "yar go see lots of doctors." I also forgot to mention arnica. From what my friends have told me, that stuff works pretty well for things like this, I'm just not familar with it, so I don't feel qualified to comment on it.=

If you had an impact like that, you really have no option to fix it besides some form of body work.

A lot of warm baths (ie you could go to a hotspring that would be ideal) or baths where you soak in epsom salts could help a lot for brusies strains pains.

If some of your stuff feels like its an inflammation (could well be, I could not tell without looking at you) applying DMSO (need to make sure it's a pure..not counting distilled water..form in a glass container and wherever you apply it to the skin is clean) can work miracles as well.

As far as body work goes, your best bet would be to first see a chiropractor/osteopath (who seemed competent) and find out specifically from them what parts of your body you messed up/knocked out of allingment. Even if you cannot afford long term treatment, this will be a very valuable source of inormation for what you need to do next. Contrary to popular belief if an osteopath (I cannot say if this is true about chiropractors) really knows their stuff, they can tell what's wrong with your body from their hands, you don't need thousands worth of tests. At the same time the Chiro I saw had an xray machine in his office (which was all he needed for diagnosis) and it was not very expensive to use.

Besides that, I'd recommend looking into tai chi/chi gung. It can help a lot with that stuff (and to an extent you can do some of it on your own). I've met quite a few students of the guy I work with who have had life long dehabitiations from car accidents and stuff repair their bodies with it. Sadly most of the real/true stuff is not really possible to learn on your own (and you need a good teacher), but there is one book that I think covers some introductory principles and focuses on the basic stuff you need to restore first (good alingments and taking the damage out of your energetic system).
For reference the books title is "Opening the energy gates of your body." New versions better.

Hope all of that helps. Sorry to hear all that happened. Unfortunately, given our medical system and your income level, you most likely are screwed and just going to have to get by on pain killers (I'm not a big advocate of medical marajuanna like the previous guy, but that would be better for your health than most of the conventional ones). We aren't very good at treating these types of injuries, and the available options cost a lot.

What area of the country are you in? I might know someone helpful there.

What I've told you are about the best ways I know to escape that system, but it isn't really gaurneteed.

Hope that helps. My family has had a long history with nasty car accidents, so I completely sympathize with where you are at :l

2007-11-29 21:32:18 · answer #1 · answered by Zen Cat 5 · 5 4

This Site Might Help You.

what natural and alternative methods can help pain, bruises, sprains and strains from a bad car wreck?
impact 50 mph cut out of car..worried they will not cover chiropractic...I only had liability and state minimum of $5000 in insurance on me..xrays and cat scans over $6000 alone plus three days in hospital...I did not go to rehab as recommended to try to save money hoping they will cover some...

2015-08-26 10:17:12 · answer #2 · answered by Shanon 1 · 0 0

Look for creams that have Arnica in them. That is an herb that is great for bruising! Also you could buy the herb from an herb store online and put the herb into a hot bath for you or make a cream out of it yourself. It also works if you make a strong tea and mix it with lotion. I would recommend alternating the hot baths with cold packs. That will help to flush the area and will speed the process of reducing the bruising. hope that helps

2007-11-30 04:26:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Im so sorry to hear that, you could find someone to give you some "420" it will help with the pain and its only like 70.
Try to take a bath and I hope you get better soon

2007-11-29 20:57:00 · answer #4 · answered by Omar C 3 · 0 5

Alternating hot and cold packs , 20 min. ice 2o min relax, 20 min. heat,repeat as much as you can. ice helps the pain and the heat helps the inflammation

2007-11-30 06:35:15 · answer #5 · answered by benthr 3 · 2 3

Arnica Montana..It's a homeopathic that works great for this!!!

2007-11-30 01:46:33 · answer #6 · answered by Momto8gr8 6 · 6 4

you know waaaay too much about that..., just ask you doctor or listen to any commercial that says "ask your doctor"

2007-11-30 00:59:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

poppy seed bagels for the opium

2007-11-29 20:53:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Injuries like fracture, dislocation, bruise, ecchymoses, laceration, cuts, sprains & post-operative complications

#Arnica. [Arn]
Arnica is our great vulnerary, and it is a well-established one in Homoeopathy. It suits particularly injuries to soft parts, such as accompany fractures, dislocations, bruises, ecchymoses, etc. Grauvogl recommended a few doses of Arnica 3 before and after every bloody operation,whether in the domain of surgery, ophthalmology or obstetrics. Indeed its value in obstetrical practice is hardly to be estimated; if given before and after delivery, it will almost infallibly prevent puerperal fever. It has a great power of delaying and preventing suppuration, and it is of special use after operations about the eyes, more particularly after cataract operation. It prevents extensions and mortification of carbuncle. It is of use in injuries of long standing. It prevents pyaemia. In concussion of the brain or spinal cord, in wrenches and haemorrhages from injuries it is our most useful remedy. It should also be given after fractures where the limbs start continually, as it corresponds to the sensitiveness. Its use in crushed finger applied according to the method of Bolle, which consists of wrapping up the finger in the pure tincture and practically sealing it, has been of great use. Von Grauvogl considered Arnica as a pyaemic prophylactic, and R.T. Cooper says that it exerts a specific effect upon septic poisoning. Aconite. Post-operative chills, surgical fever, chill after catheterization. Important to use after operation on the eye. Bellis perennis. Sprains and contusions. Railway spine. It has many symptoms similar to Arnica, but its field seems also to embrace somewhat that of Echinacea for it is an excellent remedy in boils, acne, etc.

#Calendula. [Calc]
This remedy corresponds to ragged wounds with or without loss of substance, accompanied with soreness and pain. It reduces the inflammation and promotes healthy granulations. It is of special use in such injuries as gun-shot wounds. It is an invaluable remedy in gynaecological practice. Dr. Ludlam praises it in laceration about the pelvic organs and in the presence,but to get its best effect it should be applied externally and given internally at the same time; for external use the aqueous solution diluted, one to four or six at least, is to be preferred and used hot. Cold applications of whatever nature should never be applied to wounds. There is no better remedy for lacerated wounds.

#Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus-t]
corresponds especially to injuries of the ligaments; it is probably our best remedy in sprains due to over-exertion. Sprains of single muscles or groups of muscles, from lifting weights, stretching arms up high to reach things call for Rhus. " A sprained joint will recover sooner if given a moderate degree of motion"--(Carleton). Here we have the relief from motion. Conium. Injuries and bruises of glands, especially of the mammary glands. Injuries of the eye. Sulphuric acid. Long-lasting black and blue spots with soreness, occurring in weakened cachectic individuals. Lachesis. Poisoned wounds. Also Apis. Aranea diadema. Haemorrhages after gunshot wounds. Even injuries and strains of the voice in singers and speakers will find an excellent help in Rhus.

#Hypericum. [Hyper]
This remedy holds the same relation to lacerations that Arnica does to contusions; it is called the Arnica of the nerves. In injuries to nerves and parts rich in nerves, as the ends of the fingers and toes, or in open wounds that are exceedingly painful, it is eminently suited. Great nervous depression and loss of blood from lacerated wounds. It may also be applied locally in a lotion one to twenty parts of water. Nails or splinters in feet, slivers under nails, mashing of fingers by hammer, or crushing of toes by letting things fall on them are conditions benefited by Hypericum. It may also be used locally. 1 part of the tincture to 10 drops of hot water. It modifies or arrests sloughing, and it is far more valuable as a soother of pain after surgical operations than morphia. A very useful remedy in injuries to the coccyx during labor. Ascending neuritis after a fracture or any form of traumatic neuritis.

#Ledum. [Led]
Punctured wounds, also wounds of parts where the cellular tissue is wanting. It has proved useful in mosquito bites, bites of insects and stings. It seems to supply the gap left by Arnica, Calendula, Staphisagria and Hypericum. Thus Arnica for contused wounds, Hypericum and Calendula for lacerated wounds, and Staphisagria for incised wounds, while Ledum is most useful for the punctured variety, as from nails,awl, etc. Thus a wound in the head produced by a stab from scissors, and causing convulsions, was cured by Ledum. Coldness during the fever may be a characterizing indication. It has proved useful in severe felons caused by a prick of a needle, and in bites of small animals as rats. Nash remarks that for a "black eye from a blow of the fist no remedy equals Ledum in the 200th potency".

#Ruta. [Ruta]
Old sprains, bruised pains in bones, joints and cartilages, bruised feeling. One of the best remedies both locally and internally in sprains of the ankles and wrists. It is to tendons, bursae and joints what Arnica is to muscles and soft parts. Inflamed ganglia on wrists, strains of tendons with weakness loss of motion and aggravation by change of weather, and by damp weather rare additional indications.

#Symphytum. [Symph]
Injuries to bone, such as a bruises of bones or fractures indicate this remedy. It greatly favors the formation of callus, and always allays the irritability often found at the points of fracture preventing the knitting of the bones. It is also useful in irritable stump after amputation. Periosteal pains. Injuries of globe of eye from snowballs. Injuries from blunt articles thrust into eye. Traumatic injuries to bone and periosteum about orbit call for Symphytum.

#Staphisagria. [Staph]
This remedy suits clean cut wounds and symptoms traceable to surgical operations, especially about the abdomen when colic is a troublesome condition following. Also after lithotomy, wounds from glass, etc., where the pains are excruciating, rending and tearing causing great agony. It is an excellent remedy to use following operations for lacerated cervix.

Taken from :- http://www.hpathy.com/diseases/injuries-symptoms-treatment-cure.asp

Homeopathy in BACK INJURIES By Elaine Lewis
As given on :- http://www.hpathy.com/diseases/back-injury-lewis.asp

Who hasn't injured their back? OK, you lucky people go sit in the corner. I remember one time, for absolutely no reason, I fell over backwards and landed on a mike stand, as improbable as that sounds, on my tail bone, with nothing to break my fall, and let me tell you, I was out of commission for at least a week; unable to lift anything or bend forward...if only I had known about homeopathy then, I could have taken Hypericum and moved on! Yes, homeopathy really is that amazing! So, what are the remedies for back injuries? Let's start with...

HYPERICUM (Hyp.)--Spinal injury, even for injections into the spine that result in headaches, etc.; injury to areas rich in nerves, like the tail bone. Trauma with nerve pain, sharp shooting pain, numbness, tingling; pains shoot upwards; spinal concussion, temporary paralysis; always give Arnica first to prevent swelling and bruising--ARNICA is our main trauma remedy. Severe pain, worse touch and pressure; you may have to repeat Hypericum every few minutes depending on the severity of the pain.

NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Nat-s.)--Deep spinal aches, stiffness, sore and bruised feeling; worse damp, cold-damp, hot-humid; spinal concussion when Arnica only palliates, the closer the injury is to the head, the more it's likely to be Nat-s. Mental and emotional changes after spinal injury, for instance--depression, even suicidal depression; when pain remains after Arnica has been given for swelling.

RUTA--Back injury from twisting (also Rhus tox.) Lame feeling, weakness in the back since injury. The person needing Ruta is afraid to do anything, afraid their back will give out. Stiffness.

CALCAREA FLUORICA (Calc-f.)--This is the "chronic" of Ruta. The lameness and laxness has become a permanent feature of the case; degeneration of the vertebrae since spinal trauma and Ruta only palliates.

MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA (Mag-p.)--Acute back spasms, sharp shooting pains, muscle spasms. We call this remedy "homeopathic asprin", but the general symptoms must be present, namely: pains that are relieved by heat and aggravated by cold, pains that are better from hard pressure.

BRYONIA (Bry.)--Sharp pain, slightest motion aggravates, even coughing aggravates. Irritable. Acute slipped disc. Better for lying still and from hard pressure.

BELLIS PERENNIS (Bell-p.)--Deep aches in the spine and injuries to the periosteum (Ruta). Back injuries from lifting and over-straining. The gardener's remedy--achy and stiff. Deep bruising. When Arnica has cleared the bruising but a lump remains. Joint pain caused by being over-heated and then suddenly drinking something ice cold or jumping into cold water. Injuries to the nerves, intense soreness, injuries to the tail bone. Remote effects of injuries--in other words, you're injured here, but the effect is there. Nerve pains during pregnancy because of pressure exerted by the baby.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON (Rhus t.)--Achy, sore and bruised pain with stiffness from falls, accidents, over-lifting, twisting, over-doing in general, sitting in a draft and getting chilled. This is a major arthritis remedy and sciatica remedy when the general symptoms of Rhus t. are present, namely: a great restlessness, can't get comfortable in any position, so there is constant movement. Think of this as the exact opposite of Bryonia which doesn't want to move at all. Rhus tox can't stop moving, though first-motion may be painful, continued motion seems to ease the pain and loosen them up. Eventually, though, they will tire and will have to rest, which will begin the restlessness anew. Next, better from heat, massage and stretching. Mag-p. and Rhus tox are both better from heat and want it as hot as they can stand it--hot water bottles, showers, hot tubs, hot compresses, etc. Dampness and coldness will definitely aggravate. They will tell you they know when a storm is coming because their pains get worse or their arthritis acts up. Worse in rainy weather, cold wet weather, cloudy weather, foggy weather; they're so sensitive to cold that even touching something cold or drinking or eating something cold can aggravate.

CICUTA (Cic.)--The worst of all back injuries. Severe trauma where all the muscles go into convulsions or bizarre contortions. Convulsions after injury to the spine (Arnica, Hyp., Natrum sulph.), shrieking, jerks, spasms, twitching, arching of the back, head drawn backward.

AESCULUS (Aesc.)--# 1 remedy for all sacro-iliac problems since an injury or a fall. Achy in lumbar/sacral area. Pains are worse stooping, rising from stooping or rising from a seat; has to make repeated efforts at getting up. Ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, sciatica. Spine rigid, frozen. Degenerative hip disease. Walking aggravates. Spine feels weak and stiff. Back and legs give out.

LYCOPODIUM (Lyc.)--Chronic low back pain with the concomitant symptom of gas and bloating. Back injury with gas and bloating.

AGARICUS (Agar.)--Back injury with extreme sensitivity of the spine to touch. Twitching.

TELLURIUM (Tell.)--Pain and weak feeling in back. Very sensitive to pressure and touch; afraid of movement or anyone approaching. Right-sided sciatica. Pain worse coughing, sneezing, straining at stool.

TARENTULA HISPANICA (Taren.)--Over-excitability of the nervous system. Spine is painfully sensitive, touch causes spasms and twitching. A Taren. person in general is restless, fidgety, and in constant motion eventhough he's worse for walking. Pains are violent, painful neuralgias as if a thousand needles were pricking.


Dosage: If you've got a 30C emergency kit (and you should!) give a dose of 30C--which means 1 to 3 pellets dissolved on the tongue. As soon as you can get a small bottle of spring water, put 1-3 pellets in the water bottle for your next and subsequent doses, shaking the bottle before each dose. This raises the potency and prevents antidoting of the previous dose. If this is a severe injury, you may want to repeat the remedy frequently until there's a sign that the discomfort has been addressed. If the discomfort isn't severe, give three times a day. As soon as there's a striking improvement, stop the remedy and don't repeat until there has been a relapse. If two days have gone by with no improvement, try a different remedy. If there's an aggravation, stop taking the remedy and an improvement may follow after the aggravation has subsided.

NOTE :- Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

Take Care and God Bless You !

2007-11-30 07:33:17 · answer #9 · answered by Soul Doctor 7 · 5 5

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